I'm collecting golden fingers from all over the world

Chapter 21 Water Treatment Technology

The IPCC’s sixth assessment report repeatedly reiterates that [climate change] is caused by human activities.

Humans are burning a large amount of fossil energy and changing the current state of land use, which has led to an increase in carbon dioxide emissions. The concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is getting higher and higher, which is equivalent to covering the atmosphere with a big quilt.

Therefore, the temperature will get higher and higher in the future, and there will be more and more extreme weather.

Studies have shown that global warming is likely to reach 1.5 degrees Celsius in about twenty years.

Even if the [carbon neutrality] goals announced by various countries are achieved as scheduled, there may still be a temperature rise of 2 to 3 degrees in the future.

But to be honest, it is very difficult to achieve the [carbon neutrality] goals announced by various countries. Putting aside international interests, in the future that Wu Siyuan sees, the European region, which originally led the push for [carbon neutrality] , because of the energy shortage caused by the sanctions on Damao and the rising prices, I had to throw away the archway I erected and restart [thermal power]!

[Environmental Girl], who had been making noise around the world and making headlines around the world from time to time, has long since disappeared, and there has been no news for a long time.

This means that carbon dioxide emissions will continue to be uncontrolled, the greenhouse effect will continue, and global temperatures will still rise.

The impact of rising temperatures is immediate.

Scholars' predictions show that China's once-in-a-century flood may occur once every 70 years, and the flood return period will be significantly shortened.

When the temperature rises by 1.5 degrees, 2 degrees, or even higher in the future, the intensity of heavy rains that occur once a year may become once every few months, and extreme weather will become more frequent and intense, which means more Cities face the risk of urban flooding.

The number and frequency of extreme weather events will increase.

For example, in the province-wide area where [Chaoqun Group] is headquartered, the risk of high-temperature heat waves is rising rapidly.

Before 2000, the number of heat wave days in Yue Province was about 5 to 6 days. By 2020, the number of high temperature and heat wave days has increased to about 25 days.

If it continues to develop, when the temperature rise reaches 1.5 to 2 degrees, the number of high temperature and heat wave days in the province may last for two to three months or even longer.

Wu Siyuan has already seen this kind of high temperature change in 2022.

How serious will the extreme heat phenomenon be in 2022?

From South Asia and East Asia to continental Europe, the United Kingdom and North America, most of the northern hemisphere has entered the stove mode.

The heat death phenomenon in Spain continues, and more than 2,000 people have died from high temperature weather in July 2022 alone; many European countries, including Germany, France and Spain, have successively encountered severe droughts, and parts of the Rhine River will be closed from Friday. With the suspension of shipping, and as the disaster continues to intensify, the energy utilization based on water resources in various countries has also encountered difficulties.

In addition, in July this year, the temperature in the Arctic Circle soared to 32.5 degrees Celsius, making it possible to wear short sleeves.

It’s not much better inside China!

In the summer of 2022, compared with the same period in previous years, the temperature is 3 to 5 degrees higher. In the north, it is about the same as usual, while in the south, there are many extreme hot weather.

The temperature in many southern provinces and cities is very high, some even reaching 42 degrees.

Under such circumstances, water shortages have occurred in many parts of the country, with rivers drying up and reservoirs drying up. This has had a huge impact on the economy, and the impact on agriculture is even more serious.

[Chaoqun Group] has been developing better and better over the years, but its foundation is still in agriculture.

What can we do if agriculture is short of water?

Since Wu Siyuan has foreseen the future situation, it is necessary to prepare for a rainy day!

With a thought in his mind, he got up from the bed and went to the study.

Lin Meiyi noticed the movement and came out of the kitchen to ask him. He smiled and just said he was busy with work.

Lin Meiyi nodded and went back to the kitchen to continue working.

Speaking of which, Lin Meiyi is about forty years old, but because she receives special care from Wu Siyuan and often takes high-strength spiritual energy foods, she is getting younger and younger now.

He used to look like he was in his mid-thirties, but now he looks like he is in his early thirties, which makes him more charming.

In addition, she has no worries about food and clothing, and no worries in life. At work, she is the financial director of [Chaoqun Group]. Although her abilities are somewhat lacking, under the secret guidance of Wu Siyuan, [Four-Armed King Kong], the problem is not big. , so I am always in a happy mood.

……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………

Wu Siyuan entered his study room and turned on the computer.

The avatar of [Four-Armed King Kong] appears.

Because [Chaoqun Group] now has too many business lines, Wu Siyuan thought for a while, remembered a certain technology he brought from the [Mars Rescue] world, and asked aloud.

That was at the end of 2020.

Wu Siyuan traveled to the world of [The Martian] around December 2020. After staying in that world for a few years, he gained a lot of space-related technology, and then returned to the real world.

No matter how long he stayed in the time-travel world, the timeline for his return was the next morning.

Because Wu Siyuan discovered that some of the technologies brought back from [Mars Rescue] had a better optimization effect on certain businesses of [Chaoqun Group], so he sent them to the relevant laboratories of [Chaoqun Group] for research at that time. .

All in all, it took six or seven months.

These days, Wu Siyuan has been busy dealing with the floods in Yu Province and has not paid much attention to it.

It happened that Wu Siyuan saw extreme high temperatures from the future, and he remembered it.

This technology actually comes from the water recovery device in the Mars habitation module.

This set of water recovery equipment can recycle more than 99% of used water. The core is a binary structure graphene film, which has strong selective separation efficiency and satisfactory mechanical strength. It controls the pore size of porous graphene. And adding other materials to it can change the properties of the edges of graphene's pores, making them able to repel or attract water molecules.

It is used for water recovery in the Martian habitation module, but on Earth in the world of [The Martian], it is used for seawater dewatering.

No matter what kind of seawater it is, when it passes through this graphene membrane, the water flow speed is very fast, and it can accurately penetrate water molecules and filter out the remaining components. Its filtration efficiency can reach 99.7%!

This is a very satisfying result.

It can even be said that the filtered water can be drunk directly after simple treatment.

The world of [The Martian] combines this technology with photovoltaic power generation technology, and the result is a greatly reduced cost of seawater dewatering, which can reach as low as 3 cents per ton.

In the real world, even the most advanced seawater dehydration technology costs 3-5 yuan/ton!

The difference is ten times!

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