In fact, Wu Siyuan never thought of using it to dewater seawater.

At that time, Wu Siyuan wanted to use this technology in the environmental protection business of the group company.

[Chaoqun Group]'s environmental protection business was initially used to deal with the excrement of farmed pigs, chickens and ducks.

Especially when dealing with pig waste.

Because pigs are famous as [manure-making machines].

At that time, Wu Siyuan did not have much technical accumulation in this area, so he paid someone to design and build an organic fertilizer factory. After the process, it was fermented in the form of compost and mixed with the spiritual spring in [Shisuo Space] to make [Lingquan Brand Organic Fertilizer].

These [Lingquan Brand Organic Fertilizers] have outstanding effects and are very effective when used in [Chaoqun Group]'s own fruit planting bases.

Ever since, the importance of the [Lingquan Brand Organic Fertilizer] project has increased.

The manure produced by our own breeding was not enough to make [organic fertilizer], so we took the initiative to contract environmental protection business and build a garbage treatment plant.

Because there are serious heavy metal residues in domestic waste, in order to solve this problem, Wu Siyuan specially cultivated earthworms that can effectively swallow and gather heavy metals - [Shen Nong 1]. In addition, Wu Siyuan came from another world he traveled through. Inside, [hydrocarbon-degrading bacteria] that can degrade petroleum and its derivatives—including plastic products—were obtained.

The combination of these product technologies has brought [Chaoqun Group]'s waste treatment technology to the world's leading level. It can not only process solid waste, but also sewage.

Without relying on financial subsidies, Chaoqun Group's environmental protection business can still remain profitable.

With financial subsidies, [Chaoqun Group]'s environmental protection business can generate a lot of revenue for the group, and it is [Chaoqun Group]'s hen that can lay golden eggs.

[Chaoqun Group] Therefore, it has established supporting waste treatment plants in many places.

Later, Wu Siyuan got the [Panax Mulberry] from the world of [Beast Blood Boiling] that can absorb metals from the soil!

After being cultivated many times by He Youman, this kind of [Dianjin Mulberry] has become a kind that can grow in seriously polluted sewage, plunder various heavy metal components from the sewage, and bear fruit - [King Kong Solid] .

King Kong has the characteristics of high strength, light weight, corrosion resistance, and resistance to both low and high temperatures. It is even better than so-called aerospace metals. It can be used in the production of engines, nuclear submarines and other equipment. The metal structure is quite Perfect.

However, it takes ten years for [Dianjin Mulberry] to bear fruit, so the [Dianjin Mulberry] planted by Wu Siyuan in reality has not yet produced [Diamond Solid]!

After the introduction of [Dianjin Mulberry], the efficiency of [Shen Nong No. 1 Earthworm] in processing heavy metals seemed to lag behind, so it was eliminated. The new process has taken [Chaoqun Group]'s waste treatment technology to a higher level, and combined with modern technology, It can efficiently handle all kinds of garbage and sewage, including domestic garbage sewage and production garbage sewage.

[Chaoqun Group] Therefore, the cost of improvement is not high, but the benefits are significantly increased.

You must know that the treatment costs of domestic waste and industrial waste, domestic sewage and industrial sewage are very different, but for [Chaoqun Group], the costs are actually similar.

As a result, [Chaoqun Group]'s waste treatment business has entered a fast lane, its importance has increased, and it has become an independent subsidiary.

The pilot counties for the new technology also received praise from senior officials for doing well in environmental protection.

Of course, the technology used by [Chaoqun Group] is not without its shortcomings.

Because the focus is on the biological treatment method, and the core of the biological treatment method is [Measura]!

【Dianjin Mulberry】absorbs heavy metals from sewage.

However, this kind of [absorption] cannot guarantee 100% absorption of heavy metals in sewage, so it must be treated repeatedly to make the sewage meet the discharge standards, but it is not the most perfect standard.

Now, Wu Siyuan has obtained [Multiple Structure Graphene Film Technology] from the world of [Mars Rescue], which can solve this problem more efficiently.

It can be used not only for seawater dewatering, but also for sewage treatment.

By pressurizing the sewage water flow and allowing the sewage to flow through a special [multi-structure graphene film], water molecules can flow through and other components such as heavy metal molecules can be intercepted.

This passing efficiency has reached over 99%, almost 100%.

Not only is it efficient, but it is also very cost-effective.

At that time, Wu Siyuan fell in love with it at a glance. After returning to the real world, he passed the relevant technology to the research department of the group company for research.

He originally thought of using it in the group's environmental treatment business, but now, through his ability to foresee the future, he saw the extreme high temperature weather in the future, and he suddenly discovered that this technology has a greater use.

Wu Siyuan cannot or does not want to change the greenhouse effect, nor can he change the high temperature, but with this technology [Chaoqun Group] can greatly improve the water shortage situation caused by high temperature.

Nature's water circulates.

High temperatures cause water to evaporate, rivers to dry up, and reservoirs to dry up. Then he can use this technology to get [water] from the ocean, and then use [water transportation] to send the water to dry areas.

But this is no small project!

There is very little time window left for Wu Siyuan.

With a thought in mind, Wu Siyuan hurriedly washed up, had breakfast, and went to the group company.

Lin Meiyi had rarely seen him in such a hurry, so she had to shout from behind to slow down.

Wu Siyuan nodded, indicating that he knew, and got into the domestic car driven by the driver, heading to the group's key research institute.

Although there was a report from the [Four-Armed King Kong], he still wanted to see how far the group's scientists had gone!

……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………


High-tech Development Zone.

[Chaoqun Group] Headquarters Industrial Park.

Guiyi Research Institute.

Wu Siyuan was accompanied by several scientists hired by the group's high-tech companies to watch the effects of the [binary structure graphene film] developed by the institute.

[Chaoqun Group] has become a big business, involved in various businesses, and the number of related scientific researchers is also increasing.

I saw this piece of [Binary Structure Graphene Film] installed in a modified device. Press the switch and current passes through the graphene film.

The pressure of the diverted sewage was slightly more than doubled, and the pressure pressed on the water molecules in the sewage. They rushed through this [binary structure graphene film] at an extremely fast speed!

On one side of the device is crystal clear pure water.

On the other side of the equipment is dry sludge with a foul smell.

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