Although 2021 is not over yet, Wu Siyuan, who has the ability to foresee the future, knows how abnormal the climate will be this year.

The first one to visit was [Extreme Low Temperature].

Starting from the end of 2020 to the beginning of 2021, a cold wave of overlord level will invade China.

Temperatures dropped by 16 degrees in many areas, and even provinces such as Yue Province, which has Changchun all year round, issued orange or even red low temperature warnings in many areas.

This extreme cold lasted for more than a month, allowing the entire northern hemisphere to witness the power of the Arctic cold current and causing huge economic losses to China.

Not long after the severe cold passed, [extreme drought] weather came to visit again.

At the end of February 2021, just after the extreme low temperature phenomenon ended, many areas in the northern hemisphere encountered extreme drought.

First, TW Province encountered an extreme drought phenomenon in March. The water in Sun Moon Lake almost dried up, and the water content in the entire TW Province reservoirs was less than 10%.

In addition, Eastern European countries, the Russian capital region, the Middle East, North America and Mexico have all suffered from severe drought. Lake Quetseo in Mexico has almost completely dried up, which has had a serious impact on the lives of local residents and caused economic damage. The damage was only on top of the cold snap.

The [extreme drought] weather barely subsided, but what followed was the [extreme high temperature] weather!

Starting in June, the Moscow region encountered the highest temperature in the past century. Then the high temperature swept across the Middle East. The surface temperature in Kuwait even reached a terrifying 70 degrees. It only takes 100 degrees to boil water. A high temperature of 70 degrees , place a raw egg on the ground and it will be cooked in no time.

In addition, the [heat dome phenomenon] occurred in North America, which triggered heated international discussions at the time.

[Thermal dome phenomenon] means that the thermal high pressure in the upper atmosphere stagnates for a period of time, and the atmospheric circulation between the high pressure and nearby low pressure forms a stable Ω shape. High pressure acts like a cover, not only covering the hot air in the area where the heat wave occurs, but also preventing the cold air from entering, making the temperature in the thermal dome higher and higher, thus triggering heat waves and even super heat wave events.

In the past, the summer temperature in Maple Leaf Country, which is located at high latitudes, was only around 30 degrees. However, in the summer of 2021, the average temperature in Maple Leaf Country reached over 40 degrees.

According to news reports, during the hottest week in Maple Leaf Country, more than 600 people were killed by heat.

Along with the [extreme high temperature] weather comes the [extreme heavy rain] weather.

While the Maple Leaf Country, Beautiful Country, Mexico and other countries in North America are experiencing the heat dome phenomenon, China is experiencing extreme heavy rains.

, during the peak hour of rainfall in Shangdu City, the total rainfall was equivalent to the water storage capacity of 130 West Lakes. The heavy rains in Huaguo Yu Province at the end of July 2021 submerged most of the entire Yu Province in torrents, causing The economic losses amounted to hundreds of billions of yuan.

These four extreme climates are just a microcosm of the many natural disasters in 2021. In addition, there are many natural disasters, such as high temperatures in the Arctic and floods in the desert.

On July 19, floods occurred in the Taklimakan Desert in China.

There is a flood in the desert!

Yes, you are not mistaken!

The Taklimakan Desert in the hinterland of Nova Scotia is the driest region in the country, with only tens of millimeters of rainfall per year. Under extreme water shortages, tens of thousands of square kilometers of land, not to mention people and even animals, can only survive. See the endless yellow sand.

In July 2021, the Taklimakan Desert ushered in an unprecedented record flood. This 300 square kilometers of land was filled with water, and the desert turned into a lake. Fortunately, the desert was desolate. Unlike Yu Province, there was nothing There were no casualties and no economic losses.

Coincidentally, there are floods in deserts in China, snowfall in Brazil in July, and high temperatures in the Arctic.

The impression given to humans by the Arctic has always been that of a cold world of ice and snow. However, in recent years, the Arctic has been experiencing a high fever, with glaciers and permafrost melting rapidly.

Wu Siyuan saw in the future that in December, the temperature in the Arctic town will rise to 38 degrees Celsius, which is indeed the highest temperature in the history of the Arctic. In previous years, the temperatures measured in the Arctic town were only 20c.

This is not good news.

Rising temperatures will cause glaciers to melt.

When melted snowwater flows into rivers, lakes, and oceans, it directly changes local precipitation and ocean currents, causing huge changes in climate around the world.

Underneath the ice and snow there is permafrost, which will begin to melt over large areas under high temperatures. Two-thirds of Russia's land is in the permafrost zone, and many houses, oil and gas pipelines, roads and railways are built in these areas.

When the frozen soil melts, it will make the soil soft and even form swamps. As the temperature rises year by year, the frozen soil thaws deeper and deeper, and the original infrastructure will suffer huge damage.

But this is not the biggest threat posed by melting glaciers and permafrost. The biggest threats are the remains of ancient creatures and unknown germs that have been frozen for tens of thousands of years.

Extreme heat in 2016 almost caused a bacterial pandemic.

That year, the temperature in the Arctic was 6-7C higher than usual, and the permafrost melted rapidly. A reindeer carcass was unsealed in this way, and the anthrax bacteria hidden in its body also took the opportunity to regain freedom, quickly contaminating the surrounding water flows and soil. It also caused the death of thousands of reindeer, infected hundreds of people and the death of a 12-year-old child.

Russia is even preparing to kill 250,000 local reindeer to cut off the anthrax pandemic.

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Today, extreme weather occurs frequently.

The main reason is climate change.

There are two main characteristics of climate change. The first is that the global average temperature is getting higher and higher, and the second is that the rate of climate change is increasing.

This means there is the potential for extremely hot and cold weather.

In terms of rainfall, although the total annual rainfall may not change much, there will be weather conditions where heavy rains are heavier and light rains are smaller, that is, weather extremes.

As climate change intensifies in the future, there will be a variety of extreme weather superposition phenomena, such as [high temperature] + [dengue fever], [high temperature] + [drought], etc., [heavy rain], [floods] and [infectious diseases]. 】It is also easy to happen at the same time.

The main cause of climate change is closely related to humans.

With the advancement of science and technology, human beings are becoming more and more capable of transforming nature. The so-called miraculous craftsmanship of nature is nothing more than this.

But the effects of forces are reciprocal.

Human beings have an increasing impact on nature, and in turn, nature will have corresponding changes in human activities.

(Thanks to book friend gq1996 for the reward. I have seen gq1996’s reward many times. Thank you very much.)

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