I am collecting golden fingers from all over the world Chapter 7 Announcement

Countless yellow leaves rolled together to form the image of Annock.

It looked at Wu Siyuan with appreciative eyes and said, Well done, Jedi Padawan!

You are the first one to clear the level!

In this [Oasis] game, many NPCs are intelligent. They may not be as strong as [Jarvis], but there is definitely no problem in breaking through the [Turing Experiment].

Therefore, Wu Siyuan is not sure whether the [Annock] in front of him is Halliday's own consciousness or a simple intelligent program.

Gene Era

Wu Siyuan showed [excited expression], but he was not as exaggerated as the male protagonist Wade in the original movie. He knelt down to [Annock] and just said, I honor you! I feel honored!

[Annock] smiled meaningfully and said, I feel even more honored.

With that said, [Annock] revealed a brass key in his hand, which was caught by Wu Siyuan.

In addition, under the guidance of [Anoku], Wu Siyuan also got the clue to the next key he gave!

at the same time.

For the first time, a name appeared on the Halliday Egg Scavenger Hunt list that has been floating in the [Oasis] game.


The entire [Oasis] game suddenly became excited!

However, the expressions of Solan, the president of 101 Company, and his secretary were extremely gloomy.

If anyone else had access to Halliday's wealth, it would seriously affect their plans.

One of Solan's plans to convince the board of directors is to have 80% of the advertisements on [Oasis]'s personal page.

This will bring exaggerated wealth growth to 101 Company!

But the premise is that 101 Company can obtain the ownership of Halliday’s wealth and control of the [Oasis] game.

So Solan is determined to get this [Easter Egg].

Any enemy standing in front of him will be destroyed by Solan.

Everyone was asking about [Parsifal]'s identity everywhere, some were simply curious and admired, and some had evil intentions.

Thank God.

The male protagonist Wade does not have many friends in [Oasis], only Edge.

The quality of Aiqi can still be trusted.

In reality, even his aunt didn't know his name in the [Oasis].

The name can be changed along with the skin (appearance).

So it doesn't make much sense.

As long as Wu Siyuan doesn't show off like the male protagonist in the movie and knows how to protect himself, then he can rest easy for a long time.

After Wu Siyuan was the first to get the brass key, there were one hundred thousand more gold coins in his account.

This should be awarded to the first person to clear the level.

Wu Siyuan took the 100,000 gold coins and immediately arranged to purchase a series of skins and suits for himself.

Just to hide myself!

Sure enough, Wu Siyuan, who had changed into a new suit, was not recognized by anyone again.

Not even Aiqi, a guy disguised as a man.

Ai Qi still couldn't contain his inner curiosity and asked Wu Siyuan for the secret to clearing the level.

Wu Siyuan smiled and didn't tell him.

Instead... blast the loudspeakers throughout the city and announce the secret to clearing the competition game.

The entire [Oasis] was stunned for a moment.

Immediately he fell into complete cheers.

Large numbers of people praised Wu Siyuan's greatness while crazily flocking to the portal of the competition game.

Halliday’s scavenger hunt, which had been quiet, became popular again.

Ai Qi didn't understand and asked Wu Siyuan why.

Wu Siyuan just smiled meaningfully.

The face of the person in charge of Company 101 was already ashen.

Dealing with Parsifal and dealing with the entire [Oasis] are two different concepts.

The difference in difficulty is really the difference between heaven and earth.

In the dimension of the [Oasis] game, Anok, the incarnation of Halliday, and the curator, the incarnation of his best friend Moreau, met here.

Anok has been paying close attention to the progress of this game. After seeing Wu Siyuan's actions, he smiled slightly and said, Interesting kid.

Yes, he only read Halliday's memory files 1,000 times. The curator said meaningfully.

Morrow, are you paying attention to him? Halliday turned around and asked Morrow.

I pay attention to any kid who has the potential to succeed, Morrow replied.

You can feel that your words are full of the power of confidence. Halliday said with a movement in his eyes.

In the face of life, we all need confidence! Morrow replied.

Yes, Moreau. Halliday nodded and said nothing more.

Only Morrow's eyes remained on Wu Siyuan.

His performance was even better than he imagined. Originally, Moreau wanted to find an opportunity to give him a hint, just like what he did in the Halliday Memory Exhibition Hall in the movie.

But passing the competition game is just the beginning. Parsifal, can you see Halliday's little thoughts from the clues he gave? Moreau thought to himself.

……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………

“The Creator who hates what He has made,

Hidden key.

A step not taken!

Chase the past, escape from the past.

The Jade Key will be yours!

This is the clue found in the scroll obtained by clearing the competition game.

This guy Halliday wrote the clues in a fog. uuread a book

In fact...it's just a coward expressing that he once encountered true love but didn't dare to take action. In the end, he watched his beloved fall into the arms of his best friend, and he had to fall into regret and guilt forever.

Wu Siyuan didn't even know whether it was Zhizunbao and Fairy Zixia, or Xiao Li Feidao and Lin Shiyin.

Wu Siyuan has seen the movie, so he knows the answer.

When everyone ran to participate in the competition game, he disguised himself and took only Aiqi with him, and the two of them came to Halliday's Memory Exhibition Hall again.

Hey, brother, why did you bring me here? Aiqi looked confused.

Then the second key. Wu Siyuan said without answering.

Do you know where the key is? Aiqi looked excited. Do you know the meaning of the clue?

Although Ai Qi hasn't gotten the key yet, he has seen the scroll that Wu Siyuan got.

Of course. Wu Siyuan pushed open the door of the exhibition hall. The exhibition hall was empty. He said as he walked, To trace the past, we can only rely on memories, that is, memories, so this jade key is hidden In Halliday’s memory, in Halliday’s past, through his memory exhibition hall, we can go back to his past.”

But he has so many pasts, all we have to do is determine which past it is! The Creator who hates his own creation is the past that hides his key.

What do you mean? Aiqi felt that his brain was a little insufficient. Is the Parsifal he knew so smart?

Little did they know that Wu Siyuan really stood on the shoulders of giants and saw things.

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