I am collecting golden fingers from all over the world Chapter 6 Crossing the finish line

Before Halliday was alive, he had a quarrel with his best friend Moreau.

At that time, the game Oasis developed by Halliday had a strong impact on the entire world and became the second world of human existence and the spiritual home.

Human beings hold almost all activities in [oasis], because its open ecology makes everything possible.

Moreau notices this situation and wishes to put limits on the world, that is, to set rules for him.

He told Halliday, Any invention brings you responsibilities, whether you want it or not, but if you build something that people want, you have to set limits, you have to make some rules.

I don't want to make any more rules, I don't want to make any more rules, Halliday said.

I'm a dreamer, he said.

I created the world.

Morrow was still persuading, We created something wonderful, James, but it has changed. It is not just a game anymore.

Morrow actually discovered the chaos in the [Oasis], and he wanted to replace it with order.

But Halliday believes that this is just a place for humans to hide from the harm of the world and lick their wounds.

He didn't want to destroy this last piece of pure land.

He said, I still like the way things were originally. When it was still a game.

Then we're back to square one, Morrow said. But the fact is, whether you like it or not, we have to move forward.

Halliday said, Why can't we retreat?

Even if it's just once!

Back up! Faster!

As fast as you can! Press the gas pedal as hard as you can! Speed ​​backwards! Just like Bill and Ted.

Bill and Ted are the protagonists of the 1989 time-travel movie of the same name.

Many people have seen the quarrel between Halliday and Moreau in Halliday's memory exhibition hall.

But everyone thought it was a dispute between the two over the route of the [Oasis] game.

No one knows that Halliday has hidden tips for clearing the level here!

In fact, Halliday is definitely a boring otaku. As the world's richest man, he also has many regrets in his life.

He asked the game breaker to clear the game, but actually he just wanted to redeem himself!

In other words, give yourself some self-comfort?

Just like when the Western colonists landed in the American continent, they survived with the help of the Indians. They later massacred the Indians in return. When they felt guilty, they shed a few crocodile tears and went to church to pray. You can declare your salvation and spend Thanksgiving happily.


Wu Siyuan stayed silently in the last row at the starting line of the Death Highway.

A strange-looking robot came over and said, Hi, Parsifal, you are so early today.

This robot-like game character is the hero Wade’s good friend, Edge.

Wu Siyuan said perfunctorily, Yes!

I've got a seat for you in front. Ai Qi didn't notice anything was wrong with Wu Siyuan, but still said enthusiastically.

No, I want to take a look from behind, maybe I can see it more clearly. Wu Siyuan casually made up a reason.

Okay, I feel like you're acting weird today. Aiqi didn't force it, returned to his seat in the front row, and got into a powerful off-road vehicle.

One by one, employees of 101 Company - 101's full name is Innovation Network Company, the second largest company in the world, are trying to climb to the first place.

The way they climbed to number one was to take Halliday's fortune.

These employees of 101 are also called the [Sixth Person]!

The reason for this title is that the 101 company stipulates that there is no name, only a number.

Objectify everyone!

……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………

[The sixth person] filed in,

They all opened the door, got in the car, and fastened their seat belts, just like a cold machine.

Wu Siyuan also called out his car and got in.

A woman riding a red motorcycle stopped next to Wu Siyuan.

Wu Siyuan looked at her.

She looked at Wu Siyuan and then turned her head away.

She didn't know the identity of Wu Siyuan or the unknown hero Wade, but Wu Siyuan, who had watched the movie, knew the identity and name of this cold and arrogant woman.


Artemis is also known as the Sixth Man Killer because she often snipers at the Sixth Man Team of Company 101. She is very famous in Oasis and was also the object of admiration and love for the former male protagonist Wade.

The male protagonist Wade has watched all her game play videos and live broadcasts.

Undoubtedly a true fan!

Wu Siyuan remembered that in this competition game, the male protagonist Wade risked his life to save Artemis from dying, and asked Aiqi to repair her damaged motorcycle. In front of this woman, the male protagonist Lord Wade is still shy and incoherent.

Of course, that is how the male protagonist Wade will behave.

Wu Siyuan had no worries about her at all.

I saw the Statue of Liberty turning on its signal lights and bursting out with gorgeous fireworks. Almost all the vehicles stepped on the accelerator and rushed out immediately.

I used [almost] because Wu Siyuan did not rush.

Artemis, who was vaguely aware of the strangeness, actually looked back at Wu Siyuan while charging forward.

Then she saw Wu Siyuan, who was in reverse gear, stepped on the accelerator, and rushed towards the rear as fast as he could.

That's a solid wall.

What does he want to do? A strange look flashed in Artemis' mind, uu read a book

Soon he had to focus on the danger ahead.

In fact, the wall behind has also been studied by countless Easter egg hunters.

Believe me, with the temptation of 500 billion US dollars, not even a fly will be let go in this game.

But it has never been discovered.

So the Easter egg hunter thinks that only by actually clearing this competition game can he get the reward.

But among so many easter egg hunters, none of them was like Wu Siyuan, who drove the speed to over 120 yards, stepped on the accelerator to the bottom, and rushed directly towards the wall.

If you really hit the wall, you will definitely die.

[Oasis] can be resurrected, but all equipment and wealth will be dropped after death, and [Oasis] has become the second world of mankind. Going bankrupt in [Oasis] will really lead to bankruptcy.

So no one has tried this so far, and no one has triggered the hidden settings of the game like Wu Siyuan.

Just when the car driven by Wu Siyuan was about to hit the wall, a passage entrance appeared on the ground and Wu Siyuan was swallowed inside.

There is a green transparent data box above his head, and Wu Siyuan can clearly see how the game players on the ground are being ravaged by various traps, Tyrannosaurus Rex, and King Kong.

First Evolution

All the cars were killed, including the arrogant Artemis. There was no hero Wade to save her this time, and she was also beaten to a pulp by King Kong.

Wu Siyuan, on the other hand, had an unobstructed journey. He easily reached the last section of the road, rushed out from the ground, and drove directly into the final end of the manor. Only King Kong was behind and unable to show his filial piety!

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