I'm collecting golden fingers from all over the world

Chapter 8 The First Person in the Easter Egg Game

I am collecting cheats from all over the world Chapter 8 The first person in the Easter egg game

The creator who hates the plants he created? In other words, there is something that is hated by the person who created it. This defines a range for us, which is the thing that is hated by his creator. It may be an object or a book. , or songs or something like that. Wu Siyuan said, But the scope is still very broad.

Look at this sentence - a step that has not been taken! Generally speaking, according to Halliday's sultry personality, saying this usually means that for a person of the opposite sex, it may mean that they have taken off their clothes. Halliday I’m scared again! But it doesn’t matter, we just need to know that this is related to a girl! This will narrow down the search scope for us!

Gene Era

The direction is obvious! Aiqi! Wu Siyuan said.

On the other side, the curator's face couldn't help but change slightly when he heard this.

Originally, he wanted to give Wu Siyuan a hint, but he found that Wu Siyuan seemed to be able to find the answer without his own hint.

At this time, his ears heard Aiqi's voice again, Parsifal, do you have an answer in your heart?

Yes, Karen Underwood. Wu Siyuan said a woman's name.

The curator's heart suddenly skipped a beat.

Karen Underwood, Moreau’s wife, was born in 1975 and died in 2034.

Also his wife!

Director, please help me pull up the movie that Halliday and Karen Underwood watched the week they were dating.

The curator raised his head and realized that Wu Siyuan had walked in front of him and looked at him with keen eyesight.

Of course. The curator's expression was calm. With a wave of his hand, a large number of video tapes fell from the sky and floated around them.

Wu Siyuan glanced at all the video tapes and quickly selected one of them - [The Shining]!

Oh, why didn't you choose this one? To the Heart of Love, this is a movie suitable for people who are dating. The curator asked with a smile.

Because the person watching the movie is Halliday! A unique Halliday! The behavior of a man with extraordinary talent after he is attracted to a woman is always surprising! Wu Siyuan said, Of course, there are also There’s a reason why the creator of ‘The Shining’ didn’t hate his creation, but the author of ‘The Shining’ didn’t like the book.”

Oh. The curator looked like he suddenly understood, and waved his hand, and an entrance to the movie world appeared in front of them.

That’s the world of the movie [The Shining].

I hope you can find what you are looking for! the curator said, sending Wu Siyuan and Aiqi into this world.

Aiqi still looked lost in the lake and asked Wu Siyuan, Parsifal, what should we do next?

Look for the dance hall! Wu Siyuan said without thinking.

What do you mean? Aiqi was stunned.

Halliday said that Karen was waiting for Halliday to ask her to dance, but Halliday, a coward, hesitated. This is the so-called [step not taken]. Judging from his personality, it should be that he wanted to The people behind helped him take this step!

So we have to find the dance hall! Wu Siyuan said. He looked back and forth and saw two twin girls appeared in front of him. He added, Of course, the premise is that we must survive first and don't die. Got it!

Let's go! After saying that, Wu Siyuan yelled and started running with Aiqi.

On high latitudes.

Moreau's game character The Curator and Halliday's game character Anok stand side by side.

Morrow chuckled and said, Coward? Halliday, someone is saying you are a coward!

He's right! I was always a coward! Annock returned to Halliday's otaku look, and said without being angry at all, but looking at Wu Siyuan and Wu Siyuan without blinking. Edge's every move in the movie The Shining.

……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …

Wu Siyuan arranged the photos on the wall.

The ghosts that were chasing them disappeared.

Ai Qi was still worried, patting his chest and his face turned pale.

Essentially, Aiqi is a woman who is quite afraid of things like ghosts and monsters.

Wu Siyuan smiled, looked at the dance sign in front of him on the left, and said, Let's go, Aiqi, the dance has started.

With that said, Wu Siyuan walked forward and pushed open the door of the dance hall.

Wow! A surprised voice came from Aiqi's mouth.

Because inside the hall, it was not the luxurious ballroom he imagined, with well-dressed gentlemen and glamorous ladies dancing, but...a group of living dead suspended in the strange and solemn mid-air dancing randomly, with a woman in a royal blue dress among them. Particularly eye-catching.

She is Karen, or Kira!

Should I say, is this Halliday's taste? Aiqi was stunned for a moment and said.

It's hard for ordinary people to get the master's point. Wu Siyuan smiled, There are no zombies in the world of [The Shining]. These are the zombie circles in [Chaos Mansion], the earliest game developed by Halliday. [The Shining] 】It’s just a cover.”

Then what should we do now? Aiqi found that he said this sentence a lot tonight.

Of course - take that step! With that said, Wu Siyuan took off and jumped towards the zombie circle.

Almost as soon as he jumped into the zombie circle, Edge was sucked away by a gust of wind and popped out of the world of [The Shining].

Don’t worry about these zombies having corpse poison!

Wu Siyuan casually tore off some zombie limbs and read a book

After wandering around, he came to Karen.

He politely asked Karen, Can I ask you to dance?

Of course! Karen was very happy, and in a blink of an eye, she became the omniscient and omnipotent Anok in [Oasis].

Jedi apprentice, your performance surprised me! Can you tell me how you guessed this secret? Anok asked.

I guessed it with my wisdom. Wu Siyuan said confidently.

Then cherish it! Use it for good! With that said, Anok handed a jade key to Wu Siyuan, and at the same time directed him to get the scroll of clues for the next level.

If you knew the ultimate answer, divided by that magic number, everything you need, think, and ask for would be found in the Fortress of Tragedy!

outside world.

The Halliday Egg Hunt list is already filled with people.

These people are all people who got the brass key through the competition game under Wu Siyuan's reminder!

Their ratings were unanimous.

but now.

After [Parsifal]'s name, the number showing points changed again and became higher!

The entire [Oasis] game world was in an uproar.

Because this means that Parsifal, the Easter egg hunter, has passed two levels in a row, and only the last level is left to get Halliday's $500 billion fortune!

Everyone is looking for Parsifal like crazy, not just the people from 101 Company!

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