I'm a villain, not a devil

Chapter 197 Dead Kill You're right.

I also think, why bother.

Sean stood there without moving, and explosions, metal clashes, and gunshots were heard all around him.

A wave of fire came along with smoke and dust, causing Sean's long hair to move wildly.

He waved lightly and frowned slightly.

The smoke dispersed, and suddenly there was a person in front of Sean's eyes.

It's Rod.

The crimson was standing nearby.

There was no sudden attack, Rhode just smiled.

I know you, you are very smart, but you may be curious, why am I guarding here in the first place?

Do you have such a strong desire to perform? Sean coughed and stretched out his hand to indicate, please start your performance.

Rhodes smiled nonchalantly: The big explosion that happened in [Golden Ghost] has proved that you have an extra channel to go to the big crack underground.

Ai Youqian's development in the Great Rift has never stopped during this period. Maybe the Great Rift has become your underground kingdom?

Noticing Sean's deadpan expression, he smiled a little more cheerfully.

However, you may be wondering, how did I calculate such a precise time point?

Seeing that Sean didn't answer, Rhodes' smile became even brighter: Are you really not going to take a guess, brother Sean?

Sean stretched out his hand and slapped his nose: Master Viscount, your smell is too strong.

Rhodes' smile remained unchanged: Brother Sean, I have obviously given you a chance.

Have we not started negotiating the price yet? Sean spread his hands.

Rhodes glanced at him and noticed Sean's open collar.

Under the gaze of the strong crimson man, he slowly came closer and fastened the buttons for Sean.

Sean, my price is very fair, but you are very unreasonable.

His hands gradually began to tighten.

Compared with the Imperial Capital, Paradise City is nothing, but I came here to call you brother and sister in person... You didn't even tell me that Bai Ye was here? A princess with no powers, besides her identity, what else is worth caring about? place?

Sean glanced to the side. Bai Ye had walked under the moonlight and was holding the moon-white crystal.

Rhodes smiled and smoothed Sean's collar: Or are you so horny?

Sean narrowed his eyes: Lord Viscount, don't you think this is another kind of pleasure of conquest?

Rhodes laughed: You are really interesting.

After wiping away a stain on the button, Rhodes stood back, took out a handkerchief and wiped his hands carefully.

I'll give you one last chance, Sean, to interrupt Bai Ye. From now on, you will still be my brother.

Sean clicked his tongue, and then unbuttoned his collar, showing an apologetic look: Sir Viscount, I can only say that His Highness is too smooth, my bastard has his own ideas, blame me, and has too little self-control.

Rhodes' eyes narrowed slightly: It really looks like...Jin Kui defeated my eldest brother back then, and was then suppressed by my father. It's a pity that Jin Kui doesn't have the courage to take action for you, and you are just you. .”

The unknown dark red man stretched out his hand.

He was the type of energy powerhouse Luo Xi said. From the very beginning, Sean could feel a terrifying magnetic field surrounding him.

The hand looked very slow, but seemed to suddenly cross the space and come directly to Sean's head.

It seemed as if his brain was about to pop out at any moment.

Then, a blue light that almost cut through the entire sky flashed past.

Sean tilted his head, and several long hairs on his head fell off.

What fell together with the long hair was the arm of the strong crimson man.

Too much bullshit, Lord Viscount. Sean smiled slightly.

The crimson strongman's eyes widened in an instant. How could it be, how could he not notice this sudden attack!

No, your senses have been deceived? !

He used his remaining hand to hold Rhodes, and a burst of dazzling light blue light erupted from his body, rising instantly in a floating form.

A sharper blue line flashed past, leaving only half of the opponent's foot.

The war blade in Luo Xi's hand was buzzing, and her eyebrows were full of sharpness.

Sean spread his hands and said, Didn't you kill the opponent with one blow?

Rhodes's desire to show off is understandable, but Sean and Luo Xi spend time together day and night, and have long been familiar with energy-type abilities. He directly deceived the senses of the other party's crimson powerhouse.

The price is delayed and Sean will lose all senses for a day.

The price is not small... but the performance is not satisfactory.

One hand and half a foot, it seems, are not enough to make the opponent lose the ability to fight.

But Luo Xi just snorted coldly, and her double-sided blade buzzed again, and the originally broad back of the blade shrank into a thin line of energy.

She stood up, and then felt that her body was much lighter again.

Looking down, she saw Sean's smile.

What is this guy's superpower? It can actually enhance my abilities...

This thought flashed through her mind, and then the thin line of energy pierced the opponent's crimson strongman.

There was a difference of one level, and her explosion could only last for two minutes.

Two minutes to kill him!

Rhodes was pushed out, and the crimson powerhouse, who was also an energy type, snorted coldly, and a wave of energy burst out.

The Viscount fell from the air, a glimmer of light flashed in his eyes.

That girl is not crimson...but she has such power...

There was a sense of danger behind me.

His body stagnated, narrowly avoiding the attack of the gray mist.

At the same time, a team of people also arrived on the battlefield.

It was the convoy led by Lewis.

Lewis looked around, saw Bai Ye and roared angrily: Who dares to do harm to Her Highness the Princess!

Bai Ye hugged Crystal: Lewis!

your Highness!

Rhodes once again avoided the attack of a gray mist cone. He was about to turn, but found that his body suddenly stiffened.

It's not good to touch other people's buttons. Sean chuckled.

On the other side, Lewis went to Bai Ye's side, and he knelt down on one knee: Your Highness!

Bai Ye closed his eyes and threw an injection to Lewis.

Lewis, this is my only royal secret medicine. It will protect me from awakening!

I will not give up even if I die. Lewis took the secret medicine and injected it into his body without any hesitation.

Originally, he who had just been promoted to Crimson should have been the weakest among the top experts in this place, but after the secret medicine entered his body, a majestic power surged forward!

Rhodes' advantageous situation suddenly became tricky.

If Bai Ye can't stop the awakening of his powers, he will be completely defeated. Now, he may not even be able to defeat him.

However, a smile appeared on the Viscount's face.

Lewis straightened up, a gloomy look flashed in his eyes.

One hand was raised high, and the target was Bai Ye.

Rhodes held it with one hand, and he suppressed the toxins in his body.

You don't even know my powers, how dare you deal with me like this? He smiled at Sean.

Sean's attempt to run towards Bai Ye was stopped by a huge force. A blue outline appeared on his body, and he immediately stopped in place.

No matter how hard he struggled, he couldn't move at all.

Rhodes chuckled softly: Sean, you don't think that I'm the same as you, only at the king level, do you?

The toxin was instantly disintegrated, and a huge momentum burst out.

Tsk, a sure kill——

Lewis's hand had already waved to Bai Ye's neck.

Shawn suddenly stopped struggling.

Lord Viscount, you are right.

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