I'm a villain, not a devil

Chapter 196 This kind of in-depth communication can continue

Holding the moon-white crystal in his hand, Bai Ye's expression was extremely complicated.

I finally got this thing.

However, the price I paid was much greater than I imagined.

She may even feel a little confused. Is it really worth doing this?

Moreover, what if...what if the power cannot be awakened?

There was the rustle of a man getting dressed beside her, and her expression stiffened again.

Immediately, she heard Sean's lazy voice: Happy transaction, but you are a little more enthusiastic than I thought, hahaha.

Bai Ye's eyes were a little gloomy, and she frowned: Shut your mouth!

Sean spread his hands and said cheerfully: Are you going to wake up here directly? You don't need to tell me that you know that the Viscount's people are watching outside. If anything goes wrong, they will probably come directly to kill you.

Bai Ye's brows were stained with a trace of depression: I can't wake up on the spot.

Although many things happened that made her resentful, she subconsciously answered Sean's question.

Even she herself was not aware of this strange mentality.

Hearing her answer, Sean fastened his belt and said thoughtfully: Can't we do it in secret? Normal people may make some noise when their powers are awakened, but my darkroom here can block it... Your powers Does it need to be done in an open area?”

Bai Ye didn't nod, but said in a stiff tone: Anyway, the deal between us is over, you don't need to worry about it anymore, Mr. Sean.

She emphasized the last word.

Sean smiled nonchalantly, and even glanced at the marks on the bed in front of her.

You have to pay back what you borrow, and it is not difficult to borrow again. When we do business, we pay attention to sincerity. Now that the guests and hosts are enjoying themselves, isn't it natural to start the next round of transactions?

Bai Ye was so angry that he laughed, and the host and guest were enjoying themselves?

This bastard can actually say such words.

She sneered: I didn't see sincerity, but I was bitten by a dog.

Sean licked his lips: Didn't you bite me? It's quite moist...

Shut up! Bai Ye yelled angrily.

Sean laughed: Isn't it just a bite from a dog for you? The price is not high. Although we have had an in-depth communication once, I feel that this wonderful cooperative relationship can be repeated - this How about I let you sit on top this time? Are you sincere enough?

Bai Ye stood up angrily, but the sudden big movement involved some hidden injuries. She frowned slightly and even stumbled and fell to the ground.

Sean didn't help her, he just sat on the edge of the bed and looked at the other party with a smile: Is my proposal not sincere enough? As a royal daughter, you should be more mature.

This bastard still had something to say, and Bai Ye almost dropped his little pearls.

She forced herself to stand up: It has nothing to do with you - Mr. Sean, you should think about how to deal with Rhodes. He regards you as my close comrade-in-arms.

Intimacy is close enough. Comrade-in-arms may not be - Sean supported himself with his hands behind his back, So you should be more mature. You have to find a place to awaken. I have to deal with him - by the way, Rhodes should not dare to kill. You.

Bai Ye said with a sullen face: But I will definitely dare to kill you.

Is this the case for the princess? The disappointment on Sean's face was obvious. He waved his hand, Then I won't bother you?

Bai Ye took a few deep breaths. Even though she wanted to cut Sean into pieces, she understood that she should maintain the most basic rationality.

Things have happened, and she did it voluntarily... Although there is an element of coercion, no one can really threaten herself.

Then after this, we should pay more attention to the exchange of interests.

Although this guy only thought about the exchange of body fluids... Bai Ye couldn't help but give him a sideways glance.

She said coldly: This is not a transaction, but the most basic exchange of interests. If you protect my awakening, my Crimson will also help you.

Sean laughed again: It seems you still have some brains.

Ignoring the princess' murderous gaze, Xiao En thought thoughtfully and said, But did you overlook something?

Say. Bai Ye said with a cold face.

Sean stretched: You've been staying here for so long, why didn't Rhodes react at all? Although I don't know the specific situation, it must not be a good thing for him to have your superpower, right? Otherwise, Our Lord Viscount will never turn his back on anyone, he even called me a good brother before.

Didn't you bring him here? Bai Ye became even more angry when she mentioned this, and she said viciously, Rhode is the second son of Grand Duke Wen Cheng, and he is the most loved second son. I can make it clear. Let me tell you, there are at least four crimsons under his hands!

Besides, Rhodes is not some brainless nobleman, he is also extremely powerful!

Sean narrowed his eyes: I know this...but do you understand what I mean?

What? Bai Ye said angrily.

Rhode...why did he let you enter the [Golden Ghost] without even taking action now?

Bai Ye was suddenly startled.

you mean……

Sean nodded: That's what I mean.

Then... Bai Ye frowned deeply.

Sean chuckled: And, I'm afraid there's more than that waiting for us.

He walked to a cabinet and took out a safe.

As soon as it was opened, a heavy stream of pollution was about to spill out.

Sean closed the white leaf again before it was contaminated and showed a smile to her.

So, we have to make more plans.

What are you going to do?

Me? Of course I'll help you.

Bai Ye entered the headquarters of [Golden Ghost] and stayed there for two full days.

No one knew what happened between her and [Golden Ghost] second-in-command Sean, but Viscount Rhodes was not in a hurry to take action.

Until the day when the moon is full.

Paradise City has become much more stable recently, and the nightlife in winter is far less than before. Therefore, when the coldest night in winter arrives, most people fall asleep.

In the dim underground passage, a group of people were moving quickly.

Bai Ye is in the center of the team, and she is the one who is best protected.

After she put forward all her needs for awakening, to her surprise, Sean didn't say much, or even asked about the details, but started the arrangement very readily.

Even now, he lazily followed the team without saying a single unnecessary word.

At least he's not a mother-in-law's man... Bai Ye gave Sean a little extra credit.

It's about one point added to minus 100 million points.

A qualitative breakthrough.

However, what she didn't know was that with Sean's original character, he probably wanted to ask questions clearly.

But the reality is, Sean already knows all the details.

After all, the way, place, and time of your awakening are all what the Three Saints told you...

Bai Ye's awakening does not require any moon-white crystal at all. As the main creator, Sean knows very well that when the time arrives, Bai Ye will enter the process of awakening.

The Empire's Queen of the Moon only needs to meet the age limit and will automatically awaken her powers under the full moon.

The reason why you haven't awakened before is because the evil dome covers the entire sky - you can't even see the moon, so where can you awaken?

Her power keeps building up until the day it overflows.

Of course, the eager Bai Ye paid another overflowing price.

Bai Ye, who knew nothing about all this, was now filled with anxiety and expectation, and then relived his hatred for Sean in his heart from time to time.

Sean, who created all of this, just moved forward silently.

Of course he had to help Bai Ye awaken his powers, otherwise he would have spent so much effort just for the sake of the princess of the last empire?

Although it is indeed quite moist...

However, what Sean has to do is to break through all Bai Ye's bottom lines step by step.

The team was moving forward rapidly, and the strong crimson man named Shadow next to Bai Ye would come back to report from time to time.

This crimson is a pure veto. His abilities are somewhat similar to Latiya's, but he is more focused on stealth and assassination.

The destination is getting closer and closer, and the goal of this group of people is the former [Academy] warehouse on the outskirts of the city.

A big explosion occurred there during Edith's plan, and the blasted Evil Dome has not fully recovered yet.

Awakening from there, Shiro Ye will be more efficient.

The sewer pipes of the entire Paradise City are under Sean's control, and the big crack has become his private area. He can sneak out of the city underground in the dead of night without anyone noticing.

Finally, the destination has arrived.

The blasted evil dome was like a wound, sticking to the sky.

Snow fell at night, and in the ever-dark night, a ray of moonlight fell from the thin clouds.

Bai Ye's eyes finally lit up.

Just by coming here, she could feel that something was stirring inside her body.

Superpowers...the superpowers of dreams!

Stay here for me... Before Bai Ye could finish his words, suddenly, the clouds shook.

What a bunch of disobedient children... I gave you the last chance, but you still do it.

A huge shadow emerged from the clouds, a pair of huge wings.

A man was floating in mid-air, and the strange fleshy wings behind him were more than twenty meters long and wide.

He flapped his wings and held something like a carriage in his hand.

The carriage door was opened, and Viscount Rhodes stood on it.

He looked at the people on the ground with a calm and sinister smile.

Rhodes is here... He knows I'm going to wake up here... Bai Ye's eyes flickered a few times.

Rhodes looked at Bai Ye, bowed and said calmly: Your Highness, please go back and don't get involved in the battle. Otherwise, if I accidentally hurt you, I won't be able to explain to my father.

Bai Ye returned to being the majestic princess.

Viscount Rhodes, are you trying to hinder me? Are the White Rose family trying to subvert the royal family?!

I don't dare. Rhodes said, stroking his chest, His Highness was deceived. In order to ensure that His Highness is not harmed, I led people to rescue... I hope Your Highness... understands.

I have not been deceived, get out of here quickly! Bai Ye scolded.

Rhodes shook his head: Sure enough, I heard that [Golden Ghost] second-in-command Sean's superpowers are related to deception...

His eyes suddenly shone brightly, and his voice became sharp: Sean, how dare you use your powers to deceive the imperial royal family! In the honor of White Rose, the Aka family will follow the laws of the empire and save the princess - kill her. Villain!

You! Bai Ye was majestic, but was ignored by Rhodes.

The carriage door was completely opened, and a large group of people rushed down in various ways!

They were all elites, and Sean's pupils shrank violently.

A large number of king-like and king-level people rushed forward, and behind them, including the flesh-winged man, there were four people whose power was frightening.

As guessed at the beginning, Rhodes had at least four crimsons under his command!

Without further ado, the battle was about to begin.

Your Highness, it seems that this Viscount doesn't care much about your identity. Sean chuckled, ignoring the anger in Bai Ye's eyes.

He pulled the other person behind him: Go and get your awakening.

Bai Ye gritted her teeth. She took out a device that emitted red light, pointed it at the sky and pressed the button, and a sharp signal was sent out.

Rhodes, who stood there without taking any action, smiled and said, It's better to just bring him over here, but we have to do it in secret.

Beside him, a muscular man laughed ferociously, and a terrifying force spread out.

His clothes were torn apart, and underneath was not human skin, but dark black metal armor.

Bai Ye, who was watching here, shouted: The death armor of the empire, he is a pure weakling, and his prosthetic body is fused with the blood of the crazy beast.

Sean turned back lazily: What about the weakness?

Bai Ye choked: Not yet...

Then shut up. Sean said bluntly.

The man's death armor buzzed with energy and squirmed with flesh at the same time. Light red steam spurted out from everywhere, and then went straight towards the most conspicuous person below.

He set his sights on Sherrill.

With a sharp weapon that went straight into his heart, Sherrill crushed the head of a king-level middle-level powerhouse and exploded it!

Just as he pulled out the weapon from his heart, an extremely huge pressure came straight towards him.

The huge sense of threat reminded Sherrill, and he instinctively stepped on the ground and raised his arms.

Flesh and bones are scattered!

With just one blow, Sherrill's two forearms exploded, and large pieces of bone and flesh were thrown out.

The dead armored man showed a ferocious smile: You're not bad, you're not dead.

Sherrill roared angrily, tearing open the gold-plated jaw, and the flesh and blood began to squirm crazily.

A flash of light flashed in the dead armored man's eyes: That's great...it must be very beautiful to make you into a specimen.

Sherrill's arms were recovering rapidly, and the angry blow almost tore the air.

Then, the dead armored man just raised his hand.

He firmly caught Sherrill's punch and raised the corner of his mouth: The strength is not small...

As soon as he finished speaking, another punch from Sherrill struck like thunder.

That's not bad—

Just as he caught it, an unscientific force suddenly surged in. The dead armored man had no time to react and flew out like a cannonball.

Sherrill slowly closed his fist with a ferocious expression, and he was wearing a glove on his hand!

Dean, it's time to take action.

Sean said calmly.

A large wave of shadows squirmed.

The butler beside Rhodes adjusted his clothes: Rhode, that man is very strong.

Uncle, I'm sorry to trouble you.

A power much stronger than the others burst out, and the butler's body expanded crazily, and finally turned into a four-meter monster with fangs on his face.

At a speed that was difficult to see with the naked eye, he fought with the squirming shadows.

On the other side, Shadow also fought with the flesh-winged man.

There was one Crimson left beside Rhodes, but White Leaf's reinforcements had not yet arrived.

Rhodes looked at Sean and then slowly smiled.

Brother Sean, why bother?

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