I'm a villain, not a devil

Chapter 198 Mr. Viscount, you have made too many mistakes

The scene suddenly changed.

Bai Ye has not yet completed his awakening, but Lewis has already raised his hand high.

No one could stop him, but his hand stood still.

The skin on his face seemed to be crawling with countless squirming insects, which was terrifying.

The cruelty in Lewis's eyes had not disappeared, but was immediately replaced by horror.

My body...can't move!

How can this be?

Her Royal Highness only has one of the royal secret medicine that can inspire the power of the Crimson Powerful Man, but she actually poisoned it?

How could I be exposed...

His contact with the Viscount had only started for a few days, so there was obviously no flaw.

Lewis! Rhodes roared.

He turned his head stiffly, and then he saw Bai Ye's appearance twisting - the person in front of him turned out to be the maid beside Bai Ye.

Even Rhodes' pupils shrank violently.

A bunch of crimson can actually deceive the senses? !

Where did Bai Ye go? !

Sean smiled.

The crux of the problem is Bai Ye after all. As long as Bai Ye can awaken his powers, anything can be said - how could he bring Bai Ye here to awaken so carelessly?

The princess is still an ordinary person. You don't have to pay a huge price to disguise others as her.

Lord Viscount——Bye~

Sean gave Rhodes a big smile.

Rhodes' telekinesis failed, and the circle of power surrounding Sean's body suddenly lost its target.

Because, a hand stretched out from a puddle next to it and pulled Sean into it.

The mirror opened again, and the moon-white crystal in the maid's hand also became a walking channel in the mirror.

Lewis, who was stiff all over, saw Sean taking a step forward.

His powers were bound by a strange thing, and his body was unable to move under the erosion of toxins - Lewis didn't understand what toxins could make him, a strong crimson man, unable to resist.

Now, he could only watch as Sean raised the corners of his mouth.

Sean put his hand on Lewis's chest, beating together with his heart.

Royal secret medicine, do you like it? Sean laughed.

You! Lewis' eyes widened.

He trembled and lowered his head stiffly and slowly.

A beating heart was dug out.

And that heart belongs to him.

His heart was beating, and he saw Sean's fingertips turn metallic white, and his trembling heart collided and made some crisp sounds.

Why...can he break through my defense...

I'm...deep red!

The huge oppression and instinct at the critical moment of life and death allowed Lewis to suppress the secret medicine and toxins for a short time, and the huge power exploded like a tsunami!

This time, it was a head-on blow!

And at such a close distance, the speed of the crimson powerhouse was beyond what Sean, a non-combat king, could react to!

The fist filled with lava almost tore through the entire space and directly smashed Sean's head!

However, Lewis was completely frozen in place.

Sean's broken body was dissipating, and what appeared in the position of his head was his heart.

This time, it’s the real heart!

Lewis's power was dissipating rapidly, and his dim eyes were full of disbelief.

Why...that's my heart...

Sean stepped out of Lewis’s shadow and kindly supported his shaky body.

Look at you, why are you so harsh on yourself?

The smile in his eyes almost overflowed.

No matter how controlled Lewis is, he is still a Crimson-level powerhouse. How difficult is it for Sean, a king-level person, to break through the opponent's defense?

Even if he used the power stolen by Mio Thirteen and his own deceitful power, he could only 'take out' Lewis' heart.

The heart is actually still connected to Lewis, and Sean cannot crush this powerful starter.

Of course, Crimson can do this herself.

Light and simple visual deception, Sean only had to pay the price of a brief vision, Lewis took it all.


Lewis grabbed Sean's shoulders with his last strength, with overwhelming hatred in his eyes.

Sean kindly supported him, picked his ears, and then tilted his head considerately.

What am I?

Lewis lost the last of his strength, and he slipped weakly to the ground, the blood from his heart staining Sean's shirt red.

Sean shook his head helplessly: I haven't even finished my words yet, you...oh, forget it, I see you dead and I don't care about you, I'm so damn kind.

All this happened in just half a minute, and Rhodes in the distance had no time to respond effectively.

His eyes darkened.

Sean stretched out his hand and waved, but with his other hand, under the cover of Lewis's body, he stuffed something into the opponent's bursting heart.

Lord Viscount, where is your ultimate kill?

An extremely huge force of thought invaded.

Sean exclaimed, and then got into Zhu Zhu's mirror space with a playful smile.

Can't hit, just a little bit. The man's childish voice echoed on the battlefield.

Rhodes' expression became completely ugly.

The death of one Lewis is not a big deal, but Bai Ye doesn’t know where he is!

Once Bai Ye completes her awakening, once she returns to the Imperial Capital...

The powerful princess is qualified to take back the inheritance she deserves, and the injustices she suffered before will be uncovered one by one.

Rhodes couldn't care less about chasing Sean, who was like a loach. He looked around, and finally his eyes narrowed.

Eagle, sky!

The flesh-winged man who was fighting the shadow got the signal, and lightning flashed in the gaps between his wings. He made a huge turn and forced the shadow back, and then spread his wings upward!

The dead armored man who was knocked away by Sherrill rushed back from the distance like a bulldozer. He roared and wanted to chase Sherrill, but under Rhodes' order he could only roar and rushed towards Shadow and continued with him. entangled.

The fleshy wings were flapping, and the eagle's sharp eyes scanned the entire evil dome, and finally found what Rhodes wanted.

Lord Viscount, southeast direction!

Rhodes turned his head, and sure enough, he saw a small aircraft.

Lewis at least gave some important clues... If he wants to awaken, Bai Ye must come here and look for the full moon!

Bai Ye is indeed still here.

Rhodes said angrily: Eagle, stop her, as long as she doesn't kill the princess...it's up to you!

The flesh-winged man flying in the air let out a roar and pounced straight towards the aircraft at a speed that was difficult to see with the naked eye.

His speed is too fast. Although Crimson Powerful can fly, his speed is vastly different from Crimson who specializes in flying.

Latiya and Rhodes' housekeeper were fighting evenly, Shadow was dragged down by the crazy attack of the dead armored man, Luo Xi was desperately attacking another Crimson, and Rhodes was floating on the spot, watching everyone eagerly. people.

Sean's side still has too little top-notch combat power!

No one can stop the eagle anymore.

The battlefield seems to have suddenly reversed. Once Bai Ye is discovered and stopped, it will be a complete failure.

Everyone understands this, but no one seems to be able to stop it.

Bai Ye still needs to complete his awakening here...

Seeing the distance between the eagle and the aircraft shortening rapidly, Rhodes smiled again.

In the face of absolute strength, everything is useless, and you have too many scruples... The difficulty of protection and destruction is never at the same level.

Eagle approached the aircraft, and his sharp eyes saw the white figure in the transparent cabin of the aircraft. The figure knelt on the spot, and her side was shrouded in light.

Do you have supernatural powers spilling over when you first awaken? This is still the awakening process... Her Highness the Princess's superpower should be very powerful...

He secretly praised it in his heart, but the eagle's speed did not slow down at all.

It is a wonderful thing to be able to destroy such a masterpiece with your own hands.

His huge fleshy wings vibrated, and the electric light flashed. He turned sideways and used the wings as a huge electric blade to slash directly at the small aircraft.

The energy field flickered, and the faint light resisted the slashing attack, and actually emitted a dazzling electric light.

However, Eagle is a strong Crimson warrior after all.

The energy field that had repeatedly prevented a king-level powerhouse like Edith from striking with all his strength emitted a chaotic buzzing sound after persisting for ten seconds.

Eagle, go all out! Rhodes commanded in a deep voice.

A trace of cruelty flashed in the eagle's eyes, and the electric light on its wings flashed like thunder and lightning.

The energy field exploded!

The fleshy wings cut the small aircraft in half without any stagnation!

The white figure in the cabin could no longer maintain its balance, but the light around her did not disappear.

A bad premonition came to Ying's heart.

Subconsciously retracting the flesh wings, but the explosion speed is faster!

A dazzling white light struck, briefly depriving everyone of their vision, followed by a powerful explosion.

The small aircraft in mid-air turned into a terrifying bomb, dyeing the entire sky white again, and the thin evil dome was exploded again.

A huge shadow fell heavily with black smoke, seeming to hit Rhodes in the heart.

This time, the light of the full moon completely fell on the earth, but it was extremely cold.

A mirror flickered, and Sean jumped out of it as if he were stepping on a spring.

He spread his limbs widely and had a warm smile on his face.

I love it so much!

Professor Schneider’s legacy…it’s so useful!

The telepathic blade cut through the air, but Sean had already fallen and hid in the mirror space again.

The moonlight can't cut it off no matter what.

Sean's laughter was so harsh that the Viscount's face finally darkened completely.

Got fooled...

Bai Ye must still be here... He knew I would find someone... and deliberately exposed a flaw for me.

And the sky is my blind spot, so it’s even harder to think it’s a trap. Plus, I’m urging the eagle... This guy has everything figured out...

The princess is still an ordinary person. You don't have to pay a huge price to disguise others as her.

What Sean had said came back to Rhodes' mind, and his teeth clenched together.


Rhodes looked in disbelief at the direction where Lewis fell.

At that place, the maid disguised as Bai Ye had reached the edge at some point and stood under the moonlight.

Dressed in white, she looked like a saint stepping down from under the moon.

Rhodes' chest heaved violently.

Bai Ye...has always been there!

At this moment, the ground suddenly shook, and another group of people came out of the tunnel that Sean and his group had drilled out of before.

Ai Youqian, who was walking in front, saw all the scenes in front of him.

Viscount Rod Arca... The person fighting is Latiya, the Viscount's butler... That dead man in armor is also a member of the White Rose family... White Rose is at war with Sean? !

Who is that dark red strong man who looks like a shadow? [Golden Ghost] There should be no such person...

Wait, why does the woman standing there in the distance look so familiar? !

Ai Youqian's prosthetic eyes turned, and the woman's face appeared clearly in his eyes.

The eyelids of the big businessman in the imperial capital twitched violently.

Princess... Bai Ye? !

Why is Her Royal Highness here? !

Ai Huagan was dumbfounded: Dad, aren't we here to deliver goods?

Their arrival attracted the attention of others, and Sean's laughter rang out.

As expected of Boss Ai, this is the businessman most worthy of cooperation!

Viscount Rhodes' voice was cold: Very good...Ai Youqian.

Well, you’re such a jerk!

Ai Youqian's temples twitched violently.

I said why there has been no movement at all these days... They started fighting secretly without telling me, right? !

Did you drag me down directly? !

Shadow's voice rang out: Boss Ai, the Viscount intends to do harm to Her Royal Highness the Princess. You have done a good job in protecting her. When you return to the Imperial Capital, Your Highness will personally ask for credit for you!

Dad, we...

Ai Youqian pushed his son directly and shot a flare into the sky: Help Her Royal Highness with all your strength!

The pit has been stepped on, so the only thing he can do is accept his fate!

After a while, two dark red lower-level strong men came running at high speed!

Ai Youqian glanced around the battlefield. That bastard Sean was jumping around like a fucking gopher, and he was actually playing tricks on Viscount Rhodes.

This guy... has counted me into it a long time ago... Now, this pirate ship can be boarded...

Wait, what is that batch of goods I sent?

How could the No. 1 businessman in the imperial capital not be ruthless? After making the decision, although he was still cursing in his heart, the two strong crimson men quickly joined the battlefield.

This time, the fighting power was completely unbalanced, and no one on Bai Ye's side could stop him.

The light on her body was getting brighter and brighter, and the white moonlight seemed to be integrating into her body.

Rhodes finally sighed.

I really have you, brother Sean...

He took out a blood-red whistle and blew it hard.

The whistle made no sound, but a wave of waves came from a very far away place.

My father said, never let your opponents catch the mistakes you make. However, you can help me make enough mistakes... Rhodes' crimson aura was gradually rising, while another The fluctuations came like a tsunami.

It's just that you forgot one thing... I have enough costs for making mistakes.

A white-haired old man appeared behind Rhodes. His eyes were cloudy and there was a huge tumor on his back. The tumor was beating like a heart.

Lord Viscount... The old man's voice sounded like someone who had just woken up from a hospital bed and seemed to be about to die at any moment.

Excuse me, Uncle Mo. Rhodes lowered his head.

The power fluctuation that almost reached the upper level of crimson swept across the entire battlefield!

Sean in the mirror space pursed his lips: Let me just say, this guy must be hiding something else...

But...that's it?

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