If the job transfer task fails, you need to wait 7 days before you can accept it again.

By then, Lin Yuan's level will be far behind.

Besides, with people like Chen Bin,

Lin Yuan's second job transfer task may not be successful.

Each person can only accept the job transfer task three times.

If you fail three times, you will never be able to upgrade again.

You can only stay at level 20 forever.

The purpose of these human traitors of the Scourge is this.

Kill them if you can, and if you can't kill them, let them fail the job transfer task.

Prepare to kill all the good seedlings of this generation of the human race in the cradle.

After a few years, there will be a gap in the professionals of the human race, and

Purgatory's opportunity will come.

It must be said that Chen Bin and others took action at the right time.

Other professionals were fighting on the front line, and

Leah's attention was attracted by the death of the demon general, so she relaxed her vigilance and had no defense.

Only then did the traitors of the Scourge find the right time to take advantage of the opportunity.

Time passed quickly, and the fastest professionals returning from the front line only walked half of the way.

There was less than 15 seconds left.

Many professionals showed annoyance on their faces.

"I was careless. I should have left a few people to guard the house."

"Baga! Is the hero Leah a pig? How could she allow the Tree of Life to be polluted?"

"Oh my god, is there no one at home to defend? Damn it."

But no matter how much they cursed, it was useless.

The time for the second sleeping spell was about to end, and someone had already prepared the exile box.

When there was only 1 second left in the countdown of the sleeping spell, this person activated the exile box in advance.

Leia, who woke up, was about to use her ultimate move, but found herself trapped in the box space.

Leia decisively used her ultimate move, Shine of the Stars.

This skill is area damage, causing 100,000 damage per second, lasting 20 seconds.

But the exile box has 1 million health points, and it takes at least 10 seconds to break the box.

But the tree of life is completely hopeless with only 7 seconds left.

It's too late.

What to do!

Who can save the mother tree!

Who can save me!

Leia closed her eyes in despair,

"Finally found it!"

Lin Yuan's expression was full of excitement.

"It's hidden deep enough!"

After entering the tunnel, in order to save time, they used the teleportation function 5 times in a row before they reached the end.

These people were like moles, digging so deep.

When they reached the end, they saw a semicircular object with a diameter of about 10 meters.

【Demon Fortress】(Building Core)

HP: 5000000

Defense: 50000

Seeing that the Demon Fortress only had 5 million HP,

Lin Yuan breathed a sigh of relief.

Without wasting any time, he instantly cleared his mana bar and used more than a dozen skills on the Demon Fortress.

For a moment, the Demon Fortress withstood the raging flames, wind, frost and black holes.

From a distance, it looked like a blooming firework, magnificent and incomparable.




In less than 3 seconds, the demon fortress was shattered by Lin Yuan's bombardment skills

【Congratulations to Lin Yuanji of the human camp for being the first to break the demon fortress and win this battle. You will be automatically teleported after 10 minutes.】

【Congratulations to Lin Yuanji of the human camp for being the first to break the demon fortress and win this battle. You will be automatically teleported after 10 minutes.】

【Congratulations to Lin Yuanji of the human camp for being the first to break the demon fortress and win this battle. He will be automatically transferred in 10 minutes. 】

Three consecutive announcements sounded, and all the professionals in the entire battlefield were stunned

"Am I hallucinating? Didn't they just tell me that the Tree of Life would be destroyed in 5 seconds?"

"Lin Yuan is so YYDS!"

"Who is this Lin Yuan, and how could he be so powerful?"

No matter what, the winner is the human camp.

All the professionals on the human side are jubilant, but some people are not happy.

They are Chen Bin and others.

They tried very hard and were about to succeed, but Lin Yuan destroyed the demon fortress. He won the victory before them.

Their wish was overturned.

These people knew that it was impossible and immediately prepared to escape.

But halfway through the run, they found that more than a dozen ropes suddenly flew out from behind them and tied them up tightly.

Because Leah had come out of the Box of Exile.

The first thing she did when she came out was to release the ropes to control them.

Then she rushed to the side of the Tree of Life to check.

The Tree of Life was in a very bad state at the moment.

Although it was not completely polluted, it was also at the point of exhaustion.

If not... It was Lin Yuan who destroyed the demon fortress ahead of time and won the victory.

The rules gave a little protection, but the Tree of Life has now been thoroughly polluted and turned into a twisted monster.

Due to the emergency situation,

Leah took out a bottle from her waist.

This bottle contained the essence of the moon, which had a purification effect.

In order to enhance the effect of the essence of the moon,

Leah poured most of her own energy into it, and poured the entire bottle of moon essence on the Tree of Life.

The condition of the Tree of Life has improved a lot, but this is also a temporary solution.

In less than a month, the Tree of Life will still wither.

Seeing this, Leah's eyes were filled with murderous intent, and she wanted to kill these traitors who blasphemed the Tree of Life.

Just as she was about to take action,

Matsui came back with many professionals.

The tied-up Yamada rolled his eyes and immediately shouted:

"Lord Matsui, this elf is a spy of the devil. I saw her pour something into the Tree of Life, and then the Tree of Life was polluted.

We wanted to stop her, but she tied us up. You came at the right time. She is in a weak state now. Kill her quickly to get the artifact."

Yamada has been Matsui's confidant for many years and knows that Matsui is a fool with only force but no brains.

So the villain complained first, intending to incite Matsui to help them kill Leah.

Matsui, who had just returned here, was overjoyed when he heard the words.

Without considering the truth of Yamada's words, he drew his weapon and killed Leah.

Why did he dare to do it? Because Leah was indeed in a weak state as Yamada said.

【[Leah] (Hero Ranger) lv25 {Weakened state}

HP: 1200000 Mana

: 50000

Attack power: 30000

Skills: Scatter, Chain Arrow, Shock Arrow, Starry Sky (Unusable)

Leah's attack power and HP have been greatly reduced, and even her ultimate is unusable, which is why Matsui dared to take action.

Matsui was the first to take action

, and the professionals behind him also wanted to take advantage and attacked Leah.

He planned to kill Leah within 10 minutes.

The so-called artifact of Yamada was revealed.

This made Leah very angry.

"They are the ones who polluted the Tree of Life, they are the traitors!"

The wronged Leah was still making excuses.

But she found that none of these professionals listened to her explanation.

She understood immediately.

These people were not unaware of the truth, what they really wanted was to kill themselves and get the artifact.

Thinking of this,

Leah no longer held back.

Draw the bow and shoot arrows.

Fight back against the professionals who dared to attack her.

Even if we fight to the last moment, we will make you pay the price.

The battle between the two sides was very fierce.

It should be said that

Matsui's combat effectiveness was not weak.

Moreover, thanks to Lin Yuan, these people temporarily increased all attributes by 50%, and

Leah's attributes were weakened, and they fell into a bitter battle for a while.

Leah's blood volume was decreasing at a steady rate.

In less than 5 minutes,

Leah would be killed.

At this time,

Zhang Fan also rushed back with a lot of people,

"What happened?"

The demon fortress was destroyed, why are we fighting each other?

The arrival of Zhang Fan and his men made Chen Bin nervous.

He looked at Yamada and repeated what he said before loudly, but Zhang Fan was more cautious and did not choose to believe it, because Zhang Fan saw Chen Bin.

This word coming from the mouth of this despicable villain was not credible.

Zhang Fan was hesitating whether to save Leah or not.

While he was hesitating,

Leah only had 200,000 HP left. She was in danger.

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