The death of the demon general instantly detonated the entire human camp

"Lin Yuan is awesome!" (broken voice)

"Baga, who is this Lin Yuan? How could he kill the demon general?"

"Great, let's launch a counterattack while all attributes are improved."

The morale of the human professionals increased greatly, and the attacking demons were beaten and fled.

Humans: 485/Demons: 64

Only 64 demons were left.

And the number was still decreasing.

Judging from this situation, the human side would be able to win in less than 10 minutes.

This was supposed to be a happy thing.

But some people's expressions were indeed gloomy.

"What should we do? If we don't act now, our mission will fail."

Chen Bin said in a serious tone,

"We can't wait any longer. Think about what you will face if the mission fails."

Hearing this, the others were all shocked, and obviously remembered something bad.

If the job transfer fails, it will only mean waiting for 7 more days.

If the mission fails,

I'm afraid it will be worse than death.

There is no way. Once a traitor, you will be a traitor for life.

There is no escape.

So, these people also showed determination on their faces.

"Let's do it!"

After making the decision,

Chen Bin and Yamada walked towards Leah.

"Lady Leah, we have important military intelligence to report."

Chen Bin and his men were responsible for attracting Leah's attention, while Yamada was responsible for contaminating the Tree of Life.

Seeing that Chen Bin's words attracted Leah's attention,

Yamada started to hide and lurked towards the Tree of Life.


Leah was shocked by the fact that the demon general was killed by Lin Yuan, and her attention was not very focused.

In addition, Chen Bin and his men deliberately blocked her, which gave Yamada an opportunity to take advantage of it.

He actually allowed Yamada to approach the Tree of Life smoothly.

"Is there any important military information?"

Leah's tone was not as cold as before.

Seeing this, Chen Bin immediately stepped forward.

"Lady Leah, the demon general has been killed by us, and we are about to win."

Leah nodded, her tone somewhat flat,"Oh, this matter."

Because this matter has been prompted by the system,

Leah already knew about it.

But Leah only knew that the demon general was dead, but didn't know how he was killed, so she asked curiously:

"Do you know how the demon general was killed?"

After Leah asked the question,

Chen Bin gestured to Yamada, indicating that he could take action.

Then he said to Leah:

"Lady Leah, you have asked the right person. No one knows better than me."

After Chen Bin finished speaking, Yamada had already opened the bottle of contaminated blood and poured it towards the Tree of Life.

【The Tree of Life has been polluted and will be transformed into a Twisted Tree in 30 seconds.】

【The Tree of Life has been polluted and will be transformed into a twisted tree in 30 seconds. 】

The scarlet reminder instantly appeared in everyone's ears.

The Tree of Life is the core building of the human side.

If it is transformed into a twisted tree, the job transfer tasks of all professionals on the human side will be considered failed.

There is a deep connection between the elf Leah and the Tree of Life.

The moment the Tree of Life showed abnormality, she looked towards Yamada and shouted,

"Dare to desecrate the tree of life, give me……"

Before she could even utter the word"die", she was knocked unconscious by a club from one of the assassins.

However, Leah had a high resistance to abnormalities and woke up in 1 second.

Chen Bin frowned as he watched.

"What a trouble."

Then he fired a shock shot at Leah.

0.5 seconds later,

Leah woke up again.

He knew that the professionals around him were all traitors, so he didn't plan to hold back.

He planned to activate the ultimate skill, Stars Shine, to blast these damn traitors into scum.

Before she could use her skills, she suddenly fell into a coma.

This was Zhang Chong using a sleeping spell on Leah.

"We just delayed for less than 3 seconds, and with the 20-second sleeping spell, it's only 23 seconds. We still have to hold on for another 7 seconds."

Chen Bin stood up and said loudly:

"It has come to this point, so don't hide it. Show us all your props and skills, or we will all die when this woman wakes up."

One of the men heard Chen Bin's words, and his hesitant expression suddenly became firm.

He took out a small square box,

【[Exile Box]: Exile a target no higher than level 30 into a box. The box itself has 1,000,000 HP and is a one-time item.

Seeing this box, everyone showed a look of joy.

"This is stable."

"This is bad!"

After hearing the prompt, the professionals on the top and bottom lanes all felt depressed. They ignored the attacking demons and turned back to rescue the Tree of Life within 30 seconds.

But their actions were doomed to be in vain.

Not to mention how far away they were, no one could purify the pollution.

Unless someone destroyed the demon fortress first within 30 seconds.

"Where on earth is the Demon Fortress?"

Lin Yuan was standing in the ruins of the Demon City, looking around.

The entire Demon City had now become a ruin.

If the Demon Fortress was here, it would have been blown up long ago.

There was no need to look for it.

As he walked,

Lin Yuan actually saw a figure standing next to a big rock.

This figure turned out to be Medela.

"Medela, you are not dead?"

Lin Yuan was a little surprised. Medela was able to save his life under the meteor shower with full firepower.

Medela was quite capable.

Medela was a little shabby at the moment.

After seeing Lin Yuan, he showed a bright smile.

"My Lord, you are so powerful that you destroyed both the people and the city."

Medra seemed to have not heard the hint and treated Lin Yuan the same as before, which confused Lin Yuan.

Is there a conspiracy?

Forget it, who cares.

Even if there is a conspiracy, I am not afraid.

Lin Yuan asked bluntly:

"Do you know where the demon fortress is?"

Hearing Lin Yuan's question,

Medela laughed.

"It was I who suggested hiding the demon fortress, so I knew"

"Take me there quickly!" Lin Yuan was a little impatient.

There were less than 25 seconds left before the Tree of Life was contaminated, and

Lin Yuan had to destroy the demon fortress before that.

Medela heard Lin Yuan's urging and did not waste time.

He moved the big stone in front of him and stretched out his hand to pull.

A 2-meter-wide passage appeared in front of the two of them.

"The demon fortress is at the end of the passage."

Before Medela finished speaking,

Lin Yuan rushed in impatiently.

After Lin Yuan's figure completely disappeared,

Medela said to himself:

"The Gluttonous Demon God actually fell. What a lucky little guy."

Medra looked at his hands and shook his head.

"This body could have been used for a while, what a pity."

After saying that, Medela's body gradually disappeared, as if it had never appeared.

At the base camp of the human side, next to the Tree of Life,

Chen Bin was silently thinking,




"Continue to cast the Sleeping Spell!"

Soldier Zhang Chong did not dare to neglect it, and released the Sleeping Spell towards Leah at the last second.

They were dancing on the edge of a knife.

If they were a second slower,

Leah would have wiped them out.

Fortunately, they did it.

Leah fell into a deep sleep again.

So far, everything has developed in the direction of Chen Bin's plan.

As long as they hold on for another 17 seconds, the Tree of Life will be completely polluted and twisted.

Their mission will be completed.

The job transfer missions of Lin Yuan and other geniuses will fail.

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