
In the end,

Zhang Fan decided to save Leah and shouted to Matsui and others:

""Stop it!"

But his words had no deterrent effect.

Seeing Zhang Fan and the others trying to stop him, Song Jing prepared to launch a big move to take down Leah's head in one fell swoop.

At this moment, a figure instantly appeared nearby.

It was Lin Yuan who had returned by using the teleportation phantom.

"What are you doing? Are you going to rebel?"

Lin Yuan looked and saw that the professionals from other countries were attacking the elf Leah.

This was not okay.

The elf girl was so cute, why did they attack her?

Lin Yuan flashed to the middle of these people.

First, there was a silent area, silencing everyone.

Then, Lin Yuan raised his hand, and large and small flaming meteorites appeared in the sky.

"Stop it!"

"Whoever starts the fight, don’t blame me for my inability to see things!"

Chen Bin saw Lin Yuan suddenly appear and shouted:

"Lin Yuan!"

The professionals around saw the fire meteors all over the sky, and heard that the person who spoke was Lin Yuan, the great hero of this battle, and they stopped immediately.���

"Is this person Lin Yuanjun? He is indeed very powerful."

"Lin Yuan is so impressive, he is worthy of being the one who killed the demon general single-handedly."

These professionals were attacking Leah one second ago, and they were all flattering Lin Yuan the next second.

This made Matsui very unhappy.

"Humph, what are you so proud of!"

Lin Yuan not only stole my limelight, but also stopped me from killing Leah, how despicable!

"This elf is a spy of the devil. Why did you save her? Are you also a spy of the devil?"

Matsui said, thinking that someone would agree with him, but he found that the professionals around him looked at him as if he were a fool.

He was immediately unhappy.

"Didn't you hear what Yamada said? It was this spirit that poured something into the Tree of Life, which caused the pollution."

After hearing this, the bound Yamada cursed him in his heart, with a sad expression on his face.

"That's right."

Yamada repeated what he had just said, trying to confuse Lin Yuan.

But Lin Yuan was such a smart man that he saw through the loopholes in Yamada's words at a glance.

"Do you think I am as stupid as that guy named Matsui and would believe your lies?"

Matsui's forehead veins popped out when he heard this.

Lin Yuan glanced at Yamada and said disdainfully,

"Leah was born from the Tree of Life. Even if she died, she would never harm the Tree of Life. If the Tree of Life was completely polluted, she would be the first to die."

"Please have some common sense and don't treat other people as fools."

Lin Yuan heard this information from Medela, and it was just right for him to put it into practice.

When Medela was mentioned,

Lin Yuan's heart moved.

Could this person be a spy from the devil?

Or a clone of a big boss!

A spy!

Oh, these people are not spies from the Scourge Cult!

At this moment,

Lin Yuan basically confirmed the identities of these people.

After Lin Yuan's reminder, the other professionals now understood.

So that's how it is.

The elf hero was actually bred by the Tree of Life.

The Elf Tree is like a mother to Leah.

Would anyone hurt their mother?

Obviously not.

We have all been deceived!

When the professionals from other countries thought that Yamada was playing tricks on them just by talking, they were immediately angry.

"Damn Yamada, he actually lied to us!"

"Come on, beat him to death!"

Everyone was shouting for him to be beaten.

It was almost a fight.

Yamada was so scared that his face turned pale.

Lin Yuan waved his hand to signal everyone to be quiet.

""Leah, tell me what they did."

Lin Yuan was ready to confirm their identity as traitors.

Leah's health had just been treated and was now back to normal.

After hearing Lin Yuan's words,

Leah told everyone what Yamada and the others had done.

"Impossible, how could Yamada do this, what good would it do to them!"

Leah said, Matsui didn't believe it and was the first to object


Seeing Matsui jump out first, Lin Yuan shook his head. He is so stupid that he is hopeless.

"They are from the Natural Disaster Religion."

When Lin Yuan said this, everyone became restless.

"Lin Yuan said they are the Natural Disaster Cult, there must be evidence"

"What, the Calamity Cult, they appear again!"

"I recognize that person, his name is Zhang Chong, he is my classmate, he has a D-level talent, I didn't expect him to join the Calamity Cult, no wonder he upgraded so quickly."

The professionals around whispered, all thinking that what Lin Yuan said was most likely true.

"Their target is us. Their first task is to cooperate with the demons to destroy us. The second is to destroy our job transfer task and prevent us from transferring smoothly."

"Think about it carefully, have these people ever fought hard?"

When the others heard this, they all felt that what Lin Yuan said made sense.

These people really had no sense of existence during the battle, and some of them even made some low-level mistakes that they shouldn't have made.

Now it seems that these people clearly want to harm others.

This time even Matsui had nothing to say.

He was a little stupid, but not stupid to the extreme.

Before, he just couldn't accept that he was like a fool and had been fooled by Yamada all the time.

Now that Lin Yuan has made it so clear, if Matsui continues to make stupid moves,

Lin Yuan doesn't mind sending him to reincarnation with one skill.

"Write down the names and identities of these people, and which city they are from. When you return to the city, hand them over to the Alliance's law enforcement team, and you will get some rewards."

These traitors belong to different countries and cities, so it is a bit troublesome to deal with them. Although they can be killed here, it is the stupidest way.

Only by handing them over to the law enforcement team can the interests be maximized.

With the power of the law enforcement team, they can follow the clues and destroy many dens of the Calamity Cult.

When Lin Yuan finished speaking, Chen Bin climbed to Lin Yuan's side and shouted:

"I am not a traitor, I am your classmate, Lin Yuan, Uncle Lin, please say something, I am really not a traitor."

But even though Chen Bin cried heartbreakingly,

Lin Yuan remained indifferent.

Let the law enforcement team investigate whether you are a traitor or not.

"When you notify the law enforcement team, just say my name, and they will naturally believe you."

Lin Yuan has already made arrangements for the professionals in Zhongzhou, and these people have no objection at all. They are grateful that

Lin Yuan is willing to share the credit with them.

As for other countries, Lin Yuan simply threw people to them without saying anything.

Lin Yuan has no obligation to manage other people's affairs , nor does he want to manage them.

In order to avoid people saying that Lin Yuan is overreaching.

All other things have been solved, and Lin Yuan remembered that the most important thing has not been done.

My harem group, oh no, the Tree of Life is not in my hands yet.

Lin Yuan stepped towards the Tree of Life,

"The mother tree was seriously polluted and had less than a month to live."

Leah also came over, feeling a little depressed.

"Only professionals who have mastered the purification expertise can completely remove the pollution of the mother tree, but this demiplane can only be entered by professionals before the 1st level. The mother tree is no longer saveable."

"This is good. My sisters died in the battle. Now I am the only one left in the tribe. I can be free."

Lin Yuan heard that this was not okay.

He had to find a way to save the tree of life.

He looked at the state of the tree of life.

【Tree of Life】(Larva) {Pollution Status}

HP: 800,000/5,000,000

The Tree of Life only has 800,000 HP.

And it is still losing HP continuously.

At this rate of HP loss, the Tree of Life may be finished in less than a month.

"There are no professionals specialized in purification in this demiplane, so why not go out and find one?"

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