"Damn it, you dare to attack the future Fire Lord."

After being silenced, Bennis immediately picked up the flaming fork beside him and stabbed at Lin Yuan.

But he was still a step too slow.

Lin Yuan sent out a war gale and knocked Bennis back.

-320000Then the strong wind spread and directly shattered Bennis's residence.


-320,000 damage from the annihilation black hole and the subsequent damage from the gale appeared on Bennis's head.

In just a few seconds, nearly half of Bennis's health was knocked off.

As soon as the silence effect ended, Bennis immediately put on an anti-magic shield.

【[Anti-Magic Shield]: Immune to single-target spells, and reduce group spell damage by 90%, lasting for 30 seconds.

After Bennis activated this skill, he looked at Lin Yuan with fear.

"Who on earth is this gentleman?"

Until now, Bennis had not discovered that Lin Yuan was a human being, because the aura of purgatory on Lin Yuan was too pure.

Coupled with the gorgeous demon wings behind him, it was hard to associate Lin Yuan with a human being.

��You ask who I am? My name is Eufaud."Lin Yuan made up a name.

After hearing Lin Yuan say his name, Bennis recalled carefully in his mind and found that there was no one named Eufaud among the younger generation in Purgatory.

Could he be the descendant of some ancient being?

Bennis said seriously:

"Sir Fard, this offensive and defensive battle is coordinated by Lord Mammon. If you continue to attack me and anger Lord Mammon, you will suffer the consequences."

Bennes pulled Mammon's tiger skin and wanted to scare Lin Yuan away.

But Lin Yuan didn't care at all.

The reason why he didn't continue to attack was because Bennes had an anti-magic shell on his body.

Since Bennes wanted to delay time, Lin Yuan was happy to continue chatting with him.

When the skill effect ended, Lin Yuan would kill him.

Bennes obviously knew Lin Yuan's plan and squeaked,"The Fire Demon Commander Dal is my uncle. If you kill me, he will definitely avenge me!"

But these words still couldn't move Lin Yuan.

Seeing this, Bennis's face changed, and he planned to fight to the death.


Bennis took out a machine and pressed the button on it.

The whole city suddenly rumbled.

This was the defense array being activated.

But the effect of the array is now only for Bennis himself.

In other words, Bennis now has a shield of 100 million health points.

Then Lin Yuan saw that the 10 evil energy cannons in the city were aimed at him.

The muzzles emitted a faint green evil flame.

"Humph, you really think I'm easy to bully."

Bennes used the machine to control the evil energy artillery to attack, and he himself was not idle, constantly firing continuous fireballs and fire rain at Lin Yuan.

For a moment, countless fireballs hit Lin Yuan.



【[Fel Cannon] (Gold)

HP: 800,000

Attack Power: 240,000

The damage of the Fel Cannon is very high.

One Fel Fireball will cause 40,000 damage.

Although the shield can resist it,

Lin Yuan still plans to destroy those annoying cannons first.

Lin Yuan's figure flashed and came to the vicinity of the Fel Cannon, throwing several annihilation black holes at the Fel Cannon.


-The 1200000 artillery itself has no magic resistance.

It was smashed into pieces in less than a second.

Then Lin Yuan used the same trick again.

In less than 10 seconds, all 10 fel energy artillery were smashed into pieces.


Seeing the 10 cannons turned into pieces on the ground,

Bennis' heart was bleeding.

These were the cannons that he had spent a lot of money to buy, and they were broken just like that!

Bennis was extremely heartbroken.

But he had no way to deal with Lin Yuan.

Because Lin Yuan could fly, as a fire demon, Bennis could not fly.

Although he could hit Lin Yuan, his damage was not serious, and was not even as much as the damage caused by the fel cannon.

This was because Lin Yuan's magic resistance was too high.

The SS-level skill Supreme Energy plus the equipment on his body allowed Lin Yuan to reduce 80% of magic damage.

Bennis did not have the skills to ignore magic resistance, so the damage caused was pitifully low.

Why could the fel cannon deal so much damage?

It was because of the fel energy.

Fel energy naturally has the effects of breaking magic and weakening, so it can deal such high damage.

After 30 seconds, the anti-magic shell on Bennis' body had disappeared.

Lin Yuan did not intend to hold back any longer, and was ready to destroy both the man and the city.

After flying to a distance of 300 meters from the ground,

Lin Yuan stopped and activated the secret skill that came with his cloak.

【[Secret Spell]: Doubles the time of the next spell and doubles the damage.

Lin Yuan used the skill Meteor Shower.

He also cleared his mana bar while using the secret spell.

20 seconds passed in a flash, and when Lin Yuan released the skill, the whole sky darkened.

Dense flaming meteors appeared above the castle.

Lin Yuan waved his hand, and the sky collapsed and the earth shook.



Each meteorite caused millions of damage.

After ten seconds, the entire Demon City no longer existed. All other demons in the city were wiped out, leaving only Bennis lying on the ruins, dying.

【Fire Demon - Bennis】(Hero) lv25

HP: 73652 Mana

: 180000

Attack Power: 320000

Skills: Continuous Fireball, Fork of Wrath, Anti-Magic Shield, Rain of Fire.

The entire city was destroyed, the defensive array was shattered, and

Bennis was on the verge of death.

He looked at Lin Yuan with a deep fear in his eyes.

"Don't kill me, I am willing to buy my life with treasures, and I will give you a satisfactory reward after returning to Purgatory."

According to the rules of Purgatory, the losing party can pay a high price to buy his own life.

Most demons will not violate this rule.

Killing the other party will not get any practical benefits, but will create enemies for yourself.

Therefore, the trend of spending money to buy life is very popular among demons.

Because this is considered to be fighting to support fighting, the strong will always be strong, and the weak will always be the exploited party.

But this rule is useless for Lin Yuan.

Because the other party can only fulfill his promise when he returns to Purgatory alive.

Lin Yuan can't go to Purgatory for this little profit.

I'm afraid that as soon as Lin Yuan entered Purgatory, the angry demon appeared in front of him.

So Bennis is still going to die.

Lin Yuan sent out an extreme cold shock,


Bennis was killed before he could finish his next words

【Lin Yuan from the human camp kills the demon general Bennis, the morale of the human camp is boosted, and all attributes are increased by 50% until the end of the battle】

【Lin Yuan from the human camp killed the demon general Bennis, and the morale of the human camp was boosted, and all attributes were increased by 50% until the end of the battle. 】

After Bennis was killed, all the professionals received a notification.

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