"Everyone, be patient."

Zhang Fan looked at the time. It was less than five minutes before the demons attacked.

He couldn't waste any more time here.

So Zhang Fan said to everyone:

"The guy next to me is a tough guy who can solo the Hell Abyss. With him around, not even a small demon fly can fly over to the middle lane."

After Zhang Fan's introduction, many professionals were still skeptical, but there were still many professionals who had heard of Lin Yuan's name.

"Is he Lin Yuan? Great, I'm sure I'll pass the 1st job mission this time."

"Is he Lin Yuan, the so-called Hell Terminator? I didn't expect him to be so handsome."

These professionals below recounted Lin Yuan's achievements in the shortest possible time.

Hell's Goblin Forest.

Hell's Fairy Garden.

Hell's Twilight Town.

Hell's Bloody Monastery.

Just two days after awakening, he has done what many professionals cannot do in their lifetime.

It is said that Lin Yuan's talent is even SS or SSS level.

A golden thigh.

Then, Lin Yuan posted two skills on the public screen.

【Extreme Cold Shock】(S-level)

【Arcane Brilliance (S-level)

These two skills are still Lin Yuan's weakest. Lin Yuan did not dare to use his SS-level skills, for fear of scaring them to death.

The two S-level skills instantly silenced all the other professionals.

"S-level skills!"

"This is too awesome, it's actually an S-level skill."

These two skills instantly ignited the other professionals.

All the professionals no longer objected.

They followed Zhang Fan to the bottom lane.

"Be careful."

Before leaving, Lin Yuan gave his alchemy stone, a jewelry he had before, to Zhang Fan.

He also gave the fairy wings and some equipment that he had replaced before to Zhang Fan.

In this life, Lin Yuan only has Zhang Fan as a good brother.

He doesn't want Zhang Fan to get into trouble, otherwise he can only take care of his wife and children.

Oh, if there are no children, then he can only take care of his girlfriend who has not yet married.

Seeing Lin Yuan take out the equipment, Zhang Fan didn't say anything polite, but he kept it in mind.

After receiving the equipment, he patted his chest to show that there was no need to worry.

After these professionals left, Lin Yuan was the only one left in the square.

Seeing that the elf commander Leah was frowning, Lin Yuan asked:

"General Leah, are there any heroes like you in the enemy's base camp?"

Leah nodded,"Yes."

Then she asked in confusion:

"Are you the only one responsible for guarding the middle lane? Do you plan to give up the middle lane and let the other two lanes gain the advantage?"

"You must know that if the opponent's forces are concentrated in the middle, you may not be able to resist at all. If the number of demons is too large, I will not be able to resist for long."There are also many evil professionals on the demon side. Some of these professionals have the blood of purgatory, and some are races seduced and corrupted by demons.

Their combat effectiveness is generally stronger than that of ordinary professionals.

Leah was very pessimistic about Lin Yuan's behavior of defending the middle alone.

But she couldn't stop it.

Looking at the tree of life behind her,

Leah sighed helplessly,

"Am I going to die here today?"

Lin Yuan didn't hear this sigh.

He had already set off to fly to the middle road.

Yes, he flew.

Others walked, but Lin Yuan flew.

Lin Yuan's speed was very fast.

When he arrived at the middle wall, he found that the demon army was still galloping on the road.

"Hellhounds, demon guards, satyrs, what are those!"

Lin Yuan on the city wall saw a monster he had never seen before appear in the demon camp.

The monster was wearing black armor and holding a hammer in his hand, making a clanging sound when walking.

【[Demon Soul Armor] (Elite) lv20

HP: 500,000

Attack Power: 30,000

Defense Heavy Armor: Armor +2,000, 50% reduction in melee damage

Revenant: After the death of the Demon Soul Armor, it will turn into a revenant, causing 20,000 damage to the surrounding enemies.

Such a difficult elite monster appeared on the Purgatory side.

Isn't this cheating?

What about the fair fight you promised? Why can you send elites on the Purgatory side?

In fact, this is what Mammon deliberately left.

This Demon Soul Armor was just made.

Before entering here, these Demon Soul Armors were just ordinary Demon Soul Messengers.

They can become what they are now, all thanks to those armors.

These armors are carefully researched by Mammon.

The purpose is to give humans a surprise.

Mammon did not make many armors this time, only 10,000.

There are less than ten scattered in each trial task.

Now, there are six Demon Soul Armors in front of Lin Yuan.

More than half.

Seeing the demons getting closer and closer to the city wall,

Lin Yuan spread his wings and flew down the wall, releasing a gust of war wind towards the place where the demons were most concentrated.


-3300000 damage numbers were floating in a large area.

The number of demons was reduced by half.

This scared the commander of the demons.


The commander of the middle lane of the demon side is a vampire named Medela, but he also has another identity, that is, the trumpet of a certain human leader in Purgatory.

The vampire clan is quite conceited.

Medela is even more so.

Before he set out, he signed a military order with the demon general Bennis. He must be the first of the three routes to break through the city wall.

Therefore, Bennis gave Medela six magic soul armors.

In fact, he brought this group of magic souls to die, with the purpose of making the human side win.

Medela, full of confidence, rushed all the way with his followers. When they were about to see the city wall, half of Medela's soldiers evaporated in an instant.

Medela was shocked, and at the same time he was a little confused: when did such a powerful professional appear on the human side.

Medela waved his hand and signaled the troops to stop advancing.

Looking around,


Medela saw Lin Yuan in mid-air.

Although they were a little far apart, Medela could see clearly.

He saw Lin Yuan's human face, but behind him was a pair of devil wings.

A good idea suddenly came to Medela's mind.

He pretended to be unable to see clearly and put on a show in front of Lin Yuan.

So, with a humble expression, he shouted loudly:

"I don't know what I did to anger you, please forgive me, I will pay attention."

As the saying goes, you should do your best to act.

Medela positioned himself as a foolish vampire who wanted to climb up the social ladder, and took the initiative to greet Lin Yuan.

This confused Lin Yuan.

This guy must be crazy.

I killed so many of his men, and he still asked if I had offended him in some way.

A masochist.

Lin Yuan was confused, and then Lin Yuan glanced at the wings behind him and suddenly realized

"I think I understand a little bit."

This person must have thought I was on the devil's side.

After figuring out the key to the problem, Lin Yuan's eyes turned and he came up with a good idea.

He took out a devil mask from his backpack and put it on. Lin Yuan flashed in front of Medela.

"What's your name?"

Lin Yuan's words were slightly low, with no room for doubt.

At a close distance, Medela could feel that Lin Yuan was carrying an extremely pure aura of purgatory.

"Does this kid have treasures from Purgatory?"

Medela's feeling was correct. The source of that breath was the Heart of Gluttony.

This was the essence of the Gluttonous Demon God, possessing a portion of Purgatory authority, and of course carrying the pure breath of Purgatory.

Medela felt it carefully. The breath on Lin Yuan's body was much purer than that of Bennis in the Demon Castle.

If he was put in Purgatory, he would definitely be a high-class race with noble blood.

Medela felt that the plan would go more smoothly.

He lowered his head and spoke more humbly.

"My Lord, my name is Medela, and I am a vampire."


It was the first time that Lin Yuan saw a vampire. He looked at Medela for a few seconds and then said:

"You guys were too noisy just now, and it affected my mood."

Hearing this, Medela immediately apologized.

"My Lord, I am truly sorry. I came here to attack under the orders of General Bennis. I did not know you were here. If you are still angry, you can do whatever you want with my men."

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