Medela's words sounded very ruthless to Lin Yuan.

He did not regard the group of men behind him as human beings at all.

Maybe this is the difference between demons and humans.

In the minds of demons, the weak should be dominated by the strong.

So Lin Yuan was not polite and waved his hand in a feigned anger.

He threw a meteor shower at the others.

In just a few seconds, all these demons were wiped out.

Seeing this, Medela thought to himself: This kid is so strong! When these demons were killed, there was no pain in Medela's eyes, only joy.

"My Lord, you are too strong!"

The vampire sat and watched his men being killed, and a look of joy appeared on his face.

"Sir, have you calmed down?"

Lin Yuan looked at the flattering face in front of him and nodded slightly.


His cold appearance and murderous methods made him look like a superior demon.

Medela felt that Lin Yuan's strength should be enough to kill Bennis.

If not, he would help him later.

Seeing that Lin Yuan did not speak, Medela took the initiative to ask:

"Sir, you must be here for the essence of life, right?"

Well, essence of life, what is this?

Lin Yuan looked puzzled, but he was wearing a demon mask at the moment, and Medela did not see the doubt in his eyes.

Seeing that Lin Yuan did not answer, Medela thought he acquiesced, and said:

"General Bennis also came for the essence of life this time."

Then Medela took the initiative to tell Lin Yuan everything he knew.

After listening to Medela's words,

Lin Yuan had a strange look in his eyes. This guy knew a lot.

According to Medela, the reason why this offensive and defensive battle was chosen in these demiplanes was the idea of the greedy demon Mammon, because there are many treasures in these demiplanes.

For example, in the silver forest where Lin Yuan is located, there is a seedling of the Tree of Life.

The Tree of Life is a good thing. This is the mother tree on which the elves depend for survival.

With the Tree of Life, elves can be reproduced continuously, and over time, an army of elves can be bred. Of course, this takes a very long time.

A seedling of the Tree of Life actually appeared in a demiplane.

This How to prevent Bennis from going crazy?

Destroying the Tree of Life can obtain the Essence of Life, which can be used to refine one's own blood.

If one is lucky, one can even revert to one's ancestral bloodline.

It is said that Bennis's ancestor was a fire demon. After knowing that there was a Tree of Life here, Bennis was eager to get it. He was counting on using this life essence to purify his own bloodline.

If he could revert to being a fire demon, then Bennis would be able to make a big leap and soar into the sky from then on.

The matter of the Essence of Life was top secret, and Bennis only told Medela.

But now Medela, whom Bennis trusted the most, told Lin Yuan everything.

He didn't know how angry Bennis would be when he knew about it while he was in the Demon Fortress.

After listening to Medela's words, Lin Yuan said in a slightly low voice:

"Life essence is no longer useful to me. You just said that the Tree of Life has another function. What is it?"

Medra immediately showed an ambiguous look, which made Lin Yuan feel a little uncomfortable.

Medela continued:

"You can use natural energy to ripen the Tree of Life in advance, so that the Tree of Life can continue to breed elves."

Medra laughed when he said this.

"My Lord, elves are good things. They are of superior appearance and figure. They are a hundred times more beautiful than those ugly monsters in Purgatory. Only succubus can compare with them."

"With the Tree of Life, you will have an endless supply of harems. If you get tired of playing, you can transform these elves into dark elves or flame elves. You can play them however you want without worrying about their rebellion."

"As long as the Tree of Life is in your hands, they will obey your orders unconditionally."

After Medela finished speaking, she rubbed her hands, looking like a LSP.

After listening to Medela's explanation, Lin Yuan was speechless.

Well, it turned out to be this kind of use.

Lin Yuan's interest suddenly increased.

Don't get me wrong,

Lin Yuan just couldn't bear to let these lovely elf girls fall into the hands of the devil.

"How can I control the Tree of Life?"

Lin Yuan asked

"this……"Medela hesitated.

""Hmm!" Lin Yuan snorted, somewhat dissatisfied, and frightened Medela so much that he quickly said the rest of the words.

"General Bennis has a spell on him that can be used to control the Tree of Life, but he wears it with him, and no one else is qualified to touch it, not even me."

Medela told the truth.

After listening to Lin Yuan, he immediately came up with a good idea, but he still needed Medela's cooperation.

So, Lin Yuan said:

"The essence of life is useless to me, but I am a little interested in the tree of life. I plan to ask Bennis for the talisman. Do you think he will give it to me?"

It would be strange if he did!

Bennis is a fire demon, and he can't have sex with elves, so Bennis is not very interested in elves. He only wants to purify his blood.

That's why he won't give you the talisman. If he gives you the talisman, where can he get the essence of life?

Of course, these are all Medela muttered in his heart, but he didn't say them out loud.

What he said to Lin Yuan was completely opposite.

"Sir, if you take action, you will surely succeed immediately, but……"

Medela hesitated to speak.

"It's just that General Bennis's temper may be a little strange. You may not be able to see him. General Bennis is the nephew of the Fire Demon Commander Dahl, and he is not easy to mess with."

This time, Medela told Lin Yuan all about Bennis's background, except for telling Lin Yuan what color underwear Bennis was wearing.

""The Fire Demon Dal!"

Lin Yuan seemed to have heard of this name.

The Fire Demon that Tu Gang killed last time seemed to be Dal's younger brother.

He was not a person in Purgatory, and he was not afraid that Baal would retaliate against him. What was there to worry about?

So, Lin Yuan pretended to be displeased and snorted coldly.

"So what if Dal is better than the devil?"

Lin Yuan pointed at Medela and said:

"Take me to see Bennis now. If he doesn't know what's best for him, don't blame me for being rude."

Medela heard Lin Yuan's words and muttered to himself: He is quite good at making up stories. He even did it with the devil.

However, Medela still pretended to be ecstatic.

"Good sir, I will take you to see General Bennis right away.

Before leaving,

Medela suddenly remembered something and said with a pleading look on his face:

"My Lord, I came out this time on the orders of General Bennis, and promised to be the first to break through the enemy's defense line. Now all my men have been killed by you, my Lord. I am afraid that if I go back alone, I will be beaten to death by General Bennis."

"Could you please destroy the wall so that I can have an explanation?"

Acting should be done as if it were real.

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