Yamada spoke loudly, and when he saw that everyone around him was paying attention to him, he rolled his eyes and shouted even louder:

""Master Matsui is a noble Oni Warrior. He once cleared the nightmare difficulty of the Abyss alone. He was a strong man who could fight against hundreds of people alone. If you want to win this trial, you have to rely on Master Matsui." He flattered everyone and shouted hard.

Don't say it, I really think what he said is right.

Professionals from Kimchi Country and Curry Country all believed it.

"Are you telling the truth? Is he really that powerful?"

"Yes, we haven't seen a professional with S-level talent, you have to show us a few tricks."

Many professionals from other countries who were eager to watch the fun were talking about this.

For a while, the scene was chaotic.

Yamada saw that his words attracted many professionals, and a triumphant smile appeared on his face.

He leaned over to Matsui's ear and whispered a few words.

After Matsui nodded in agreement,

Yamada pointed to the dummy wooden stake not far away and shouted:

"Hearing is not as good as seeing.���"You should know how powerful Master Matsui is."

After Yamada finished speaking, Matsui drew his sword and stopped five meters away from the dummy.

He then sent out two sword energies.



Then Matsui charged for 1.5 seconds and launched another slash.

-A huge amount of damage of 50,000 appeared on the head of the dummy.

After finishing, Matsui sheathed his sword with a look of relief on his face.

"Hiss, such high damage, is this the power of S-level talent?"

"Not only does he have S-class talent, he is also a hidden professional ghost warrior. The combination of the two makes him so terrifying."

Many of the professionals present were shocked by Matsui's damage.

Standing behind him, they counted carefully and found that there were about a hundred people.

Matsui saw that his goal had been achieved and a smug smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Seeing this smile, Yamada urged again:"Why don't you Zhongzhou people move? Aren't you afraid that Lord Matsui will be angry!"

Yamada's words were threatening, which made many Zhongzhou professionals feel very uncomfortable.

Lin Yuan was even more so. He frowned, feeling a little unhappy, and said unceremoniously:"What are you barking at here?"

"How dare you talk like that!" Yamada raised his eyebrows and said angrily:"A fragile mage dares to shout, let me teach you a lesson."

After saying that, Yamada suddenly threw more than a dozen darts at Lin Yuan.

"The sound of"ding ding ding" reached everyone's ears, and the professionals in Zhongzhou were very angry.

"You actually attacked me by surprise. How despicable!"

"Damn ninja, they only know how to do this kind of tricks."

Hearing these people's curses, Yamada laughed and said,"Humph, this is the fate of questioning Master Matsui."

He thought Lin Yuan was dead for sure.

But when he looked at Lin Yuan again, his heart was shocked,"How could it be!"

Lin Yuan stood there as if nothing had happened, but his eyes were full of unhappiness.

"You little bastard, you've had enough, right?"

He raised his hand and fired an extremely cold shock.

If this skill hits, Yamada will not be able to die even if he has ten lives.

However, this skill was blocked by Matsui. A blood-red light emerged from his body, activating the Ghost Flash, making him immune to this damage. Seeing this, Lin Yuan wanted to continue attacking and kill these annoying guys.

Unexpectedly, an angry voice came


Leah, the elf commander, came over.

"The demons are about to attack, and you are fighting among yourselves. Roll over and fight, or I will not be polite."

Leah was furious, and no one dared to refute. Matsui was the first to put away his weapons.

"I was reckless!"

Matsui was good at admitting defeat, and immediately turned around and left with the people around him.

Lin Yuan didn't want to conflict with Leah, so he naturally didn't fight again.

Fortunately, Matsui and his gang didn't do anything radical, otherwise Lin Yuan would have died with one skill.

When leaving, Yamada rolled his eyes and shouted:

"I want to follow Master Matsui on the road together."

Yamada shouted, and many professionals from other small countries followed them, nearly 200 people. Among them, there were actually many professionals from Zhongzhou.

There was one person among them that Lin Yuan would definitely recognize if he saw him.

This person was Chen Bin.

At this moment, Chen Bin was wearing a black cloak and a mask, hiding in the crowd.

Before he left, he secretly glanced in Lin Yuan's direction,

"Wait for death!"

Chen Bin did not forget the purpose of coming here, which was to destroy Lin Yuan's trial mission.

Before that,

Chen Bin had to hide himself first and not let Lin Yuan find out.

After Matsui and his group left, the remaining people were basically professionals from Zhongzhou.

Zhang Fan looked around and shouted,"I am a shield warrior with A-level talent. Do you have any objection to me leading the team?"

Then he showed off his shiny equipment.

""Wow, awesome!" Others were delighted when they saw Zhang Fan's equipment and talent.

With such an awesome shield warrior here, they were safe.

However, no matter how awesome Zhang Fan was, he was still alone. There were two roads here, so how should he defend?

Zhang Fan realized that many people were staring at him, and he immediately understood what these people were worried about.

So Zhang Fan discussed with Lin Yuan and said loudly:

"Believe me and follow me!"

Zhang Fan raised his arm and called out, and quite a few people responded.

However, someone in the crowd still asked,

"We are going to the bottom lane, what about the middle lane? If the demons attack the middle lane, we will definitely lose."

This person's words also make sense.

Many professionals looked at Zhang Fan eagerly, asking him to make a decision.

Zhang Fan pointed his finger at Lin Yuan and said confidently:

"Let him take charge of the middle lane."

Zhang Fan's answer instantly made many people frown.

"This is too much of a joke. The middle lane is so important, but it is left to one person to defend."

"Yes, if he was left alone to defend the middle lane, wouldn't that be sending him to die in vain?"

"At least half of the people should be left to defend the middle lane."

Many professionals expressed their opinions, thinking that although Zhang Fan was strong, the decision he made was very unwise.

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