It was already late when Lin Yuan returned to Tianfeng City.

Seeing that Zhang Fan and his friends were still in the abyss, Lin Yuan went back home to rest.

The next day,

Lin Yuan received a call from Zhang Fan and his friends early in the morning.

"Ah Yuan, come to the Holy Tower quickly, something bad has happened."

After saying that, he hung up the phone, leaving Lin Yuan confused.

When Lin Yuan arrived at the Holy Tower, he found that many professionals had gathered here.

"Ah Yuan, today the Holy Tower issued a reminder that the Purgatory Demons are preparing to invade Blue Star in an all-out manner. The first step is to target our low-level professionals, blah blah."

Through Zhang Fan's narration,

Lin Yuan understood what happened.

Someone in the Purgatory Plane used the rule contract to tamper with the trial of the first transfer of human professionals.

The content of the trial was changed to legion combat.

This time the trial covers all the countries on Blue Star.

In other words, this time,

Lin Yuan will transfer his job together with professionals from other countries.

The rules are like this.

The place where the two sides fight is a random demiplane, each with a base camp.

The base camp itself is guarded by many natives of the demiplane.

There are three routes that the two sides can fight, and there are two ways to win.

One is to kill all the professionals of the other side, and the other is to destroy the core buildings of the other side's camp.

After figuring out the rules.

Lin Yuan's face was a little funny.

Isn't this a real-life version of LOL? Is the commander-in-chief of the Purgatory invasion of Blue Star this time still a game fan? When

Lin Yuan felt that it was a bit child's play, someone on the Purgatory side obviously questioned it.

"Mammon, what kind of crappy rules did you make? We are not in an advantageous position."

In the purgatory plane, a demon as huge as a mountain spoke.

The one who spoke exuded infinite power.

His identity was none other than Samael, the angry demon god, one of the seven demon gods.

Samael's body was thousands of feet tall, and his gestures had the power to destroy the world.

The Mammon he was talking about was none other than Mammon, the greedy demon god, who was also one of the seven demon gods. Mammon was the commander-in-chief of this invasion, and he made the rules of the trial.

Hearing Samael questioning him,

Mammon's eyes flashed with displeasure.

"What a brainless idiot."

Although he cursed in his heart, he still gave an explanation.

"Our target this time is the elite professionals among the humans on Blue Star.

I have secretly bribed many professionals from the Scourge Cult to work for us.

We will use them to disrupt the elite job transfer trials among the humans on Blue Star.

As for the ordinary human professionals, what can they do even if they pass the job transfer?"

And Mammon is not without backup.

He has prepared many tricks based on the loopholes in the rules.

After Mammon explained, Samael finally understood Mammon's intention.

His body suddenly shrank to the size of a human.

"Then I'll wait for your good news."

Samael looked quite funny after shrinking, with a shiny head and a face full of flesh, looking like a fool with a lot of money.

Purgatory has already laid a trap, and now it's just waiting for the human side to take it.

Lin Yuan obviously hasn't realized this yet.

He and Zhang Fan have formed a team and chose to start the trial. This job transfer trial should be the last time to form a team. After the job transfer is successful, it can be regarded as fulfilling the promise with Zong Bo.

Entering the portal,

Lin Yuan and his friends were teleported to a strange place.

【You have entered the Silver Forest.

Lin Yuan had just arrived here for a few seconds when he heard a noisy sound.

"Damn, it’s an elf!"

"Really, look at these legs and this figure, they are absolutely amazing"

"Nani, is this the place for the trial?"

The first two sentences were in the language of Zhongzhou, but how come the last two sentences became Neon language

? Are there any unruly people among us?

Lin Yuan turned his head and saw that there was indeed a young man with a wretched look and a mustache among the professionals.

There was a lustful look in his eyes, which was unpleasant.

After a few dozen seconds, many more professionals appeared near Lin Yuan.

In the end, Lin Yuan found that there were as many as 500 professionals around him.

After everyone arrived, everyone received a prompt,

【Winning conditions: Kill all the opposing professionals or destroy the demon fortress】

"The demon will arrive at the battlefield in 10 minutes, please be prepared."

Lin Yuan looked up and saw an elf girl holding a longbow and wearing silver armor walking towards him.

【Elf Ranger - Leah] (Hero) lv25

HP: 3000000

Mana: 50000

Attack Power: 150000

Skills: Scatter, Chain Arrow, Shock Arrow, Stars Shining

A hero of the elves! Her beautiful appearance and superb attributes make people around her drool.


The Japanese professional swallowed his saliva.

This man was called Yamada, with greed in his eyes.

Leah seemed to feel his malicious gaze, and looked at him with cold eyes.

In an instant,

Yamada's back was covered with cold sweat.

Yamada saw the cold murderous intent in Leah's eyes.

If he stared at Leah again, his head would be shot in the next second.

So, Yamada lowered his head very tactfully.

Lin Yuan and Zhang Fan were very close to Yamada.

Several people saw Yamada's actions, but didn't say anything.

His eyes are on others, and he likes to see who is his freedom.

At this time, more than 20 aggressive professionals came from a distance.

Judging from their clothes, they are all Japanese professionals.

The leader has an evil ghost mask on his head and two swords on his waist.

This dress looks like a hidden profession in Neon Country.

Oni warrior.

After these twenty people came here, the leader spoke,"You all listen to my command this time, and I guarantee that you can pass the trial."

Yamada heard this man speak, and he also flattered beside him:"Master Matsui has a hidden profession with S-level talent. You can't go wrong if you listen to him."

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