"As for level 60 and above, it's still a bit far for you. The first thing in front of you is the job change trial."

"If you fail the job transfer trial, you will have to wait 7 days before you can challenge again.

After Chen Yuan finished talking to Lin Yuan, Lin Yuan still had a question in his mind, which was about the Gluttonous Demon God.

"President Chen, you didn't mention the situation above level 80. Does it mean that those above level 80 will have divinity attached to them?"

Lin Yuan's question made Chen Yuang stunned, and then he nodded.

"That's right."

Chen Yuang didn't know where Lin Yuan heard about the divinity, but since he asked, Chen Yuang told him in detail.

"Above level 80, after the fourth transformation, the professional will have an additional attribute, which is divinity."

"Divinity can be used for both attack and defense."

"One point of divine attack can offset 1 point of divine defense"

"If you don't have divine defense, you will be crushed when facing divine attacks. Similarly, if your attack does not have divinity attached, then you won't even be able to break the divine defense."

"Let me give you a simple example. You know Tu Yang, who is known as the strongest paladin in the human race. He had already obtained 5 points of divinity before changing his job, and it was doubled to 10 points after the job change. In order to fight the demon, he directly added all his divinity to the attack."

"In order to get rid of the demon, he deliberately concealed the news that he had changed his job and announced to the public that he was going to change his job."

"Although the outside world was saying that Tuyang was ambushed, in fact, Tuyang was the one who took the initiative to attack. Taking advantage of the Gluttonous Demon God's underestimation of the enemy and advancing recklessly, Tuyang activated the power of holy light, transformed into the King's Guard, and took the initiative to attack.

The divine defense of the Gluttonous Demon God was seven points, and Tuyang relied on the extra three points of divinity to blow up the divine body of the Gluttonous Demon God.

Even the Gluttony Domain was shattered by Tuyang.

Unfortunately, the support of the other two demons was too fast, and Tuyang failed to completely kill the Gluttonous Demon God. In a few decades, the Gluttonous Demon God may come back again."

After listening to Chen Yuan's explanation, Lin Yuan muttered in his heart that the Gluttonous Demon God should not appear again because he has been killed by me.

Of course, killing the demon god was too shocking.

Lin Yuan did not say it.

After understanding the gap between the levels.

Lin Yuan first thanked Tu Yang in his heart.

If it were not for him, he would not have encountered the seriously injured Gluttonous Demon God.

This is indeed the case.

The Gluttonous Demon God was worried that he would be attacked while repairing the damage to his soul.

It took five years of hard work to re-condense 1 point of pseudo-divine armor.

I thought that with the pseudo-divine armor, I could sit back and relax and repair the damage to my soul.

But who knew that I would meet a freak like Lin Yuan.

He was able to weaken the magic resistance of the divine armor.

Lin Yuan was able to kill the Gluttonous Demon God, and the skill of Arcane Brilliance made a great contribution.


Lin Yuan realized how lucky he was in the previous battle.

If Lin Yuan had not obtained the skill book at that time, or the Gluttonous Demon God was conscious,

Lin Yuan would definitely not be alive now

""That was a close call!"

Lin Yuan secretly rejoiced in his heart and decided to be more careful when encountering higher-level enemies in the future.

After his doubts were resolved,

Lin Yuan remembered that Magna had thrown him a broken staff.

Picking up the staff, Lin Yuan saw the attributes of this equipment.

【Weapon] Aluneth (Colorful·Damaged)

Wearing requirements: Intelligence 10000

Attributes: Intelligence +1%, Vitality +1%

Arcane Affinity: Reduce spell consumption by 10%.

Space-Time Beacon: Open a portal to the Astral Mage Tower. (No matter where you are, the Astral World is your home)

Others: Omitted

(Aluneth once shone in a world until its world was destroyed by the Dark Titan)

Lin Yuan was looking at the staff in his hand.

Chen Yuan next to him also leaned over to check the attributes of the staff

"Alunes, I seem to have heard of this name."

Then Chen Yuang snapped his fingers, and a book appeared in his hand.

"Found it"

"Alunes was originally an elemental creature, and was later shaped into a staff by the previous generation of celestial wizards. The staff is just one of its forms.

At its peak, this staff once defeated the lazy demon Belia and his demon army.

Later, the world where Alunes lived was invaded by the Dark Titan. The staff was shattered by the Dark Titan's magic in the war of annihilation and finally disappeared."

Lin Yuan narrowed his eyes when he heard that the staff in his hand had such a great origin.

Chen Yuan threw the book in his hand to Lin Yuan and said with envy:

"I didn't expect that person would actually give you this staff. It's obvious that he has great confidence in you."

Lin Yuan agreed with this statement.

He didn't expect that Magna was not only strong, but also had such a good eye for people.

Love it.

Looking at the staff in his hand, Lin Yuan imagined that he would hold the staff and kill the Infernal Devil in the near future.

Seeing Lin Yuan's love for it,

Chen Yuan's words were like pouring cold water on him.

"Don't be too happy too soon. Aluneth is now on the verge of breaking. If you want to restore it to its previous state, I don't know how much precious materials and elemental energy it will cost."

Lin Yuan thought it was right.

He hadn't even passed the first turn yet, so why was he thinking about it?

So Lin Yuan planned to say goodbye.

"Chairman Chen, I am sorry to bother you today."

"It's not a big deal."

After saying this politely,

Chen Yuan left his contact information to Lin Yuan.

"If you encounter any problems that you can't solve, just call me. Don't be polite to me.

Remember, the alliance is your loyal backer at all times."

Lin Yuan nodded heavily after hearing this,"I will."

After that,

Lin Yuan used the teleportation array to return to Tianfeng City.

Seeing Lin Yuan leave,

Chen Yuan pondered for a long time and finally decided to contact President Gude.

After hearing Chen Yuan's report, Gude was surprised:

"Magna personally rescued Lin Yuan?"

Then she seemed to have thought of something and said:

"The Scourge Cult has made another big move recently. You should pay attention and don't let the Scourge Cult's people hurt Lin Yuan."

Chen Yuang nodded and hung up.

When the Scourge Cult was mentioned,

Chen Yuang's eyes flashed with murderous intent.

Then he opened the contact and issued a bounty within the Mage Association.

[From now on, anyone who kills an ordinary member of the Scourge Cult will get 1 point, anyone who kills the Scourge Cult leader will get 10 points, anyone who kills the Scourge Church deacon will get 50 points, anyone who kills the Scourge Cult apostle will get 500 points, and anyone who kills the deputy leader will get 3,000 points plus an S-level skill book.] As soon as this bounty was issued, the mages went crazy.

It was too difficult to earn points at ordinary times.

Now you can get them by killing a Scourge Cult member.

The mages at home couldn't sit still.

One by one, they were thinking about how to find the Scourge Cult members hiding in the dark.

Those who were confident in their own strength even used themselves as bait to fish.

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