The level of the Star Mage Magna is 91, a real demigod, while Andy is 89, a quasi-demigod.

If the two of them fight, it will be a good show.

But to the disappointment of other viewers.

Magna and Andy did not fight at all.

Andy saw Magna's tired face and said with a smile:

"I'll leave my toys with you for a while, and I'll ask for them back after I become a demigod."

After saying that, Andy waved his hand and resurrected the broken Remi.

However, after the resurrection, Remi's level became level 60 again.

"Let's go."

Andy swiped towards the void, tore open a space crack, and crawled in.

The main characters had left, and the other spectators naturally had no reason to stay, so they tore open the space cracks and left.

Before Magna left, she took a deep look at Biru, and then her figure disappeared.

Not long after Lin Yuan was teleported back to the Mage Tower, he saw a woman in a purple robe appear in front of him.

This woman was Magna.

Magna looked at the young Lin Yuan and said slowly:"You have passed the initial test. Wait until you reach level 30 for the next test."

Magna did not give Lin Yuan a chance to speak.

She threw Lin Yuan an almost broken staff.

Without her making any movement,

Lin Yuan was teleported away.

As Lin Yuan left, he was the only one left in the Mage Tower again.

Magna sighed,

"Time is running out."

Then Magna's figure flashed and disappeared.

On the other side,

Lin Yuan left the Mage Tower and returned to the Mage Association.

"You came out so soon?" Chen Yuang, who had been waiting at the door, was surprised.

Then he saw Lin Yuan holding a broken staff in his hand, his eyes widened, and he pulled Lin Yuan to his office with a teleportation.

Chen Yuang pointed at the staff in Lin Yuan's hand and said,"Did you pass the trial?"

Lin Yuan nodded and said,"I passed."

Then he shook his head and said,"I just passed the first step. The next trial will be at level 30."

Chen Yuang narrowed his eyes and thought,"It's about what I expected. When I changed my job to an elemental mage, I also went through two trials."

Then, Chen Yuang asked Lin Yuan about the content of the trial.

Lin Yuan answered truthfully how he resisted the demon army and the experience of fighting in the void arena.

"What? You fought off tens of thousands of demon armies by yourself!"

"You also fought with professionals of other races in the Void Arena!"

Chen Yuang's tone changed.

Why is the content of the trial different from his own?

In the first level, he just resisted the attack of thousands of demons, and in the second level, he fought with a group of professionals of other races in a place called the Blood Arena.

Why is the difficulty increased by dozens of times when it comes to Lin Yuan?

Chen Yuang has not only heard of the Void Arena, but also been there.

So Chen Yuang knows the value of the Void Arena.

There are hidden dragons and crouching tigers in it.

Some races with unique advantages are born epic templates, and their attributes alone can crush professionals of other races.

Lin Yuan can defeat a hero-level professional, and his strength is evident.

Chen Yuan looked up and down at Lin Yuan,

"I thought I had overestimated you, but I didn't expect that I still underestimated you." Lin Yuan smiled embarrassedly when he heard Chen Yuan praise him.

"President Chen praised it."

Then, Lin Yuan thought of some questions and asked Chen Yuan,"President Chen, why was it that when you opened the elemental force field, I could use skills, but I couldn't use skills under other people's force fields."

Then, Lin Yuan told Chen Yuan about his encounter with the crazy creatures in the Void Arena.

When he mentioned that a woman in a purple robe gave him a staff,

Chen Yuan's expression finally changed.

"You, you are awesome."

Chen Yuang suddenly didn't know what to say.

The Box of Madness was the closest to a demigod.

He was interested in Lin Yuan, and he didn't know whether it was a blessing or a curse.

Fortunately, the Star Mage Magna took action, otherwise Lin Yuan would have been made into a toy.

Speaking of Magna,

Chen Yuang felt a little bit of a toothache.

Lin Yuan actually alarmed this adult.

Could it be that this adult actually fell in love with Lin Yuan and wanted to take Lin Yuan as his apprentice?

This was not easy to deal with.

A magician who was less than four turns was competing with a demigod for an apprentice.

The old man hanged himself, because he thought his life was too long?

When Chen Yuang was thinking,

Lin Yuan suddenly coughed.

"cough cough"

"Chairman Chen, you haven't answered my question yet."

Seeing that Chen Yuang had been lost in thought for almost 10 minutes,

Lin Yuan couldn't wait any longer and interrupted Chen Yuang's thoughts.

After coming to his senses, Chen Yuang thought about Lin Yuan's question and cleared his throat and replied:

"The function of my elemental force field is to weaken the enemy's damage while increasing my own damage."

After saying this, fearing that Lin Yuan didn't understand, Chen Yuan took Lin Yuan to the training ground.

"Let's have a real fight here."

As he said this, he released an elemental force field towards Lin Yuan.

"Hit me with your magic."

Chen Yuan signaled Lin Yuan to use magic to attack him.

Lin Yuan thought about it and fired an extreme cold shock at Chen Yuan.


A not-so-high damage appeared on Chen Yuang's head

"So strong!"


Lin Yuan said the first sentence, and Chen Yuan thought the second sentence.

Lin Yuan felt that Chen Yuan's elemental force field was too powerful.

It directly weakened him into a mentally retarded child.

The damage he dealt was less than one thousandth.

Chen Yuan was shocked.

This kid could deal thousands of damage under my elemental force field.

If I didn't open the elemental force field, wouldn't he be able to deal me hundreds of thousands of damage?

What a freak.

Chen Yuan muttered in his heart, and then explained:

"The attacks of enemies in the elemental force field will be weakened by most of the time, but if the opponent also opens a force field, then some of the effects will be exempted. If the opponent's force field is stronger than mine, then I will fall into the opponent's force field suppression. Do you understand?"

Lin Yuan nodded, not quite understanding.

"I understand a little bit."

Chen Yuan knew that Lin Yuan would not know it at his current level, so Chen Yuan prepared to popularize the knowledge of each level to Lin Yuan.

"The period before level 20 is called the novice period. At this stage, as long as the professional is careful and cautious, most of them have the hope of reaching level 20."

"Level 20 is a threshold. Some people with poor talents or occupations have a hard time passing the first level trial."

Lin Yuan knows all this, as he has been taught in school. What Chen Yuan is going to say next is something that has not been taught in school.

"After reaching level 20, you will have a chance to encounter professionals from other races or other planes in the abyss. If you encounter a good person, it's OK and there will be no fight. But if you encounter an evil person or a professional who enjoys killing, then it will be terrible."

"At level 40, you can be called a true professional after passing the second transformation, because after level 40, professionals will understand the specialization of their respective professions, and their specialization will be strengthened, and professionals will undergo a qualitative change."

"When you reach the third level, which is level 60, you will gradually master the force field. My specialty is elemental control, and on top of that, I created the elemental force field."

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