As soon as Gu Geer died, a reminder sounded in Lin Yuan's ears.

【You successfully defeated Gugor (Hero), Void Arena Points +1】

【You passed the trial 2]

The battle between Lin Yuan and Gugor was very short.

It was simply a one-sided slaughter by Lin Yuan.

During the whole process, Gugor caused 200,000 damage to Lin Yuan in a dying state.

And it was all blocked by the shield.

From the perspective of the audience outside the venue.

Lin Yuan, a mage who has not changed his job, can do this. It is very terrifying.

An ogre mage named Gar said angrily:

"This is unfair. The lowest level of this mage's skills is S-level, or even SS-level. How can he get into the low-level arena?"

It's no wonder that Gar was so angry.

Because Gugor is the best ogre of their Warhammer clan this generation.

Letting Gugor enter the Void Arena is also to let him achieve a hundred consecutive wins in the low-level competition area. A hundred consecutive wins will earn 500 points.

In this way, Gugor can exchange for a Goron Heart.

After fusing with the Goron Heart,

Gugor���It is expected that the panel will be upgraded to epic before level 20.

Take up the epic profession of Goron Hunter.

But today, Gogor was killed by a human mage.

This made Gar furious instantly.

If the owner of the arena, Biru, was not there,

Gar would have rushed down to kill Lin Yuan.

The owner of the arena, Biru, also heard Gar's words, looked at Gar with his slightly cute body, and made an ethereal voice,

"Oh, are you questioning whether there is something fishy going on in the Void Arena?"

Gar was just complaining, but the arena owner replied.

Gar was shocked.


He was so mean.

Gar was the most powerful ogre.

He was used to being arrogant in the tribe and forgot about the occasion.

Now, when he heard Biru's questioning words,

Gar panicked.

"Sir Biru, I am not questioning your opinion. What I want to say is that this human must have used some item to hide his level."

"Otherwise, how can we prove that he can kill other professionals in seconds at level 20?"

Bilu heard this answer without any expression, and continued to ask in his ethereal voice:

""So, it was my fault that I didn't carefully check his eligibility?"

This made Gar nervous.

The eligibility of this human mage was actually checked by Biru himself!

Who was standing behind him?

Thinking of this, Gar broke out in a cold sweat.

Just as he was about to reply, a childish voice interrupted him.

"Stop nagging me, get out of here, don't bother me looking for toys!"

Andy, the Mad Box, stood up, waved at Gar, and threw him into an unknown area.

Gar was a level 78 war mage, but he had no power to fight back in front of Andy.

"It's finally quiet."

Andy clapped his hands and said with a smile:

"Bilu, I want to take this toy away, do you have any objection?"

After hearing Andy's words, Bilu replied:"He is not from the Void Arena. If you want to take him away, please do as you please."

According to Bilu's words, this means that he doesn't care about Lin Yuan at all.

So, Andy gently swiped and pulled out a clock from the space crack.

This clock was the Lemmy that Lin Yuan had seen before.

However, at this moment, Lemmy's level has been upgraded to level 70.

The attributes have been greatly improved.

"Lemmy, go and bring my new toy over here."

After Andy gave the order, Lemmy jumped to the center of the arena.

Lin Yuan was startled.

【[Punctual Lemmy] (Crazy Creation) lv70

HP: 120000000

Attack: 250000

Skill 1: Punctuality

Effect: Lemmy hates being late and is immune to all skills that require casting.

Skill 2: Complete Madness

Effect: Lemmy turns into a crazy destroyer, with his HP increased by 800%, his attack power increased by 800%, and his defense reduced to zero.

Skill 3: Time Management

Effect: Lemmy throws out pointers to cause different effects. The second hand causes 300,000 damage per second for 60 seconds. The minute hand causes 500,000 damage, causing the target to fall into a state of unconsciousness. The hour hand causes 1,000,000 explosion damage within a range of 100+100.

Skill 4: Time Stagnation

Effect: After receiving fatal damage, it enters a stagnant state, recovering 10% of its HP per second for 3 seconds.

(In the stagnant state, it cannot be harmed and cannot perform any actions.)

A huge monster suddenly jumped out in front of him.

Lin Yuan was stunned and cursed randomly,

"Damn, why did this thing appear again?"

Lin Yuan obviously still remembered the huge monster in front of him.

Back in the Fairy Garden, if Lin Yuan hadn't been lucky enough to trigger the dispelling effect of the Silent Field, he would have been dead long ago.

Isn't this a toy of the Box of Madness?

How could it appear here?

I don't want to fight this thing.

It's better to just kill me.

The moment Lin Yuan saw Lemmy, his mind was full of thoughts.

After a long time, Lin Yuan said:

"Mr. Watchmaker, have you come to the wrong place?"

Lemmy shook the huge pendulum and replied mechanically:

"You are a new toy, Andy asked me to catch you."

As he said that, the pendulum slowly moved towards Lin Yuan, ready to catch him.

Lin Yuan was about to use the teleportation, but he found that he could not move, and his face was full of horror.

"How is this going!"

【You have fallen into Lemmy's clockwork stance and cannot use spells other than time.

Clockwork stance?

Is this the so-called stance suppression?

Lin Yuan had felt the elemental force field on Chen Yuang before. It was not as terrifying as Lemmy in front of him. There were no time-related spells in his skill list.

Wasn't he a lamb to be slaughtered?

Damn, I'm not going to die.

I'm still a virgin.

Oh no, I haven't changed my job yet.

Just when Lin Yuan was about to despair, a slightly vicissitudes of life voice came from the void,


The moment the voice fell,

Lemmy's whole body"crashed" and broke into pieces.

There was a glowing stone among the pieces.

【[Ring] Clock Core (Dark Gold, Upgradable)

Wearing Requirements: Gain the favor of the Mad Box

Attributes: HP +50,000, HP Recovery Speed +200%

Time Stagnation: After active use, enter the stagnant state, recovering 10% of HP per second, lasting 3 seconds.

(Unable to be harmed and unable to perform any actions in the stagnant state.)

The clock was broken, and

Lin Yuan regained his mobility.

Then Lin Yuan's divinity flashed, and the whole person was teleported to the inside of the Mage Tower in the Star Realm

"Wow, it's the Celestial Mage Magna. Wasn't he fighting the Dark Titan? Why is he here?"

"It was really Magna herself, and she rescued the human just now!"

"Could it be that the wizard just now was really the successor of Magna? This is very interesting."

Since Andy made his move just now, the audience outside the venue had an expression of watching a good show, and they really waited for a good show.

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