After defeating four challengers in a row, the green goblin appeared again.

"Wow, the future Star Master is about to challenge our hero Gogor, will he succeed?"

The green-skinned goblin shouted to the audience in front of Lin Yuan:

"The battle is about to begin. If you want to suppress it, please do it as soon as possible. The odds of Warhammer Hero Gogor are 1:1.2, and the odds of Star Mage are 1:1.5."

In the heart of the green goblin, Gogor is more optimistic.

Before the green goblin finished speaking, a slightly naughty voice suddenly came from outside the field,

"I bet on the Star Realm Mage for 10 Void Fragments."As soon as these words came out, there was an uproar outside the venue.

"What? 10 Void Fragments? That's a big deal!"

"The voice sounds very childish. I wonder if he can kill people and rob!"

"Are you crazy? Do you know who just spoke? That was the Crazy Box. If you anger him, it doesn't matter if you die, but don't drag us down with you."

The audience outside the venue whispered.

Someone pointed out that the words just now came from the Crazy Box.

Most people immediately lost their greed.

In the silence, the owner of the Void Arena spoke,

"Andy, are you so optimistic about this little guy?"

The owner of the Void Arena is a level 86 void walker named Biru.

Biru does not have a fixed image.

He looks like a blue fat man at the moment, a little cute.

But if someone thinks that this person is easy to bully, Biru will tell you what the real void is.

The child called Andy is the real body of the Box of Madness.

His level is as high as level 89.

He is only one level away from becoming a demigod.


Biru, the owner of the Void Arena, is also very polite to Andy.

You must know that Andy's reputation in the outside world is mixed.

Some people say that he is crazy and terrible, and some people say that he is very kind.

In short, Andy is a moody man.

But Andy seems to be in a good mood today.

Hearing Biru's words, he smiled and replied,

"I think he's very interesting."

After hearing the answer, Biru showed no expression, and felt a little sympathy for Lin Yuan.

Being targeted by the Box of Madness is not a good thing.

I wonder if this little guy will be made into a new toy by Andy.

Because of the fog,

Lin Yuan didn't know that the people on the stage were talking about the bet.

At this moment, the green goblin in the arena had disappeared, and he was replaced by a five-meter-tall ogre.

To be precise, it was a hybrid of an ogre and an orc.

【[Gugol] (Hero) lv20

HP: 2200000

Mana: 50000

Attack Power: 280000

Skills: N/A.

The opponent this time is a hero, and he is from the Warhammer clan who is very good at fighting among the ogres.

The five-meter-tall body is very oppressive just standing there.

Lin Yuan noticed that Gugor was emitting a faint white light all over his body.

He was wearing a full set of platinum equipment.

Lin Yuan was a little envious,

I haven't even put on a full set of platinum equipment myself.

After the 30-second preparation time, Lin Yuan's eyes flashed with murderous intent.

The arena is the place that can best stimulate a person's potential.

After experiencing the previous few battles,

Lin Yuan is no longer a rookie who passively takes a beating.

He has learned to take the initiative. He put on an energy shield for himself at the beginning, then used the teleportation to set up phantoms everywhere in the arena.

The movements of his hands did not stop, and the extreme cold shock was continuously launched, but the damage was not ideal.



Ogres and orcs are naturally very resistant to magic.

Gugor is a hybrid of the two.

Inheriting the excellent genes of ogres and orcs, his magic resistance is unprecedentedly high.

Moreover, Gugor did not stand there and passively take the beating.

When Lin Yuan cast a spell, he also cast the blessing of his ancestors on himself to reduce the damage.

It can cause nearly one million damage to other people, but it can only cause more than 50,000 to Gugor.

Even this shocked Gugor.

"Such high damage."

You should know that when facing other spellcasters, the highest damage that Gu Geer received was only more than 2,000.

Now that he received 50,000 damage at once, how could Gu Geer not be shocked.

Lin Yuan's spells were fired like machine guns.

Even if Gu Geer had 2 million HP, it was obviously not enough to fight.

So, after being attacked twice,

Gu Geer released the spell deflection, and all the spells that Lin Yuan shot at Gu Geer were bounced away.

【[Spell Deflection] (Grade A) lvmax description: In the next 10 seconds, all directional skills will not be able to hit you.

As soon as Gugor's skill was activated, Lin Yuan no longer released the extreme cold shock.

Instead, he threw an annihilation black hole under his feet.

Just as the black hole was about to take shape,

Gugor's figure flashed, boom!

With a heroic jump, he jumped high from the spot and landed exactly at the position of Lin Yuan.

If he was stepped on,

Lin Yuan would definitely fall into a coma.

For a mage, entering a dizzy state in front of Gugor, it would be simply seeking death.


Lin Yuan flashed and flew somewhere else.

But who knew that Gugor, who landed, jumped high again and repeated the previous action.

This is a chain jump he developed based on the heroic jump skill.

But Gugor still miscalculated.

Lin Yuan's teleportation can switch positions anytime and anywhere.

"With a whoosh,

Lin Yuan returned to his previous position.

Taking advantage of the opportunity before Gugor fell, he threw the annihilation black hole towards the ground.

This time, Gugor had no way to dodge and took damage twice.



A skill dealt more than 600,000 damage to Gugor, but unfortunately it did not trigger the instant death effect.

This completely angered Gugor, and he charged at Lin Yuan regardless of anything.

Lin Yuan used a war gale and the knockback effect of the edge to knock Gugor away.


Then Lin Yuan directly cleared the blue bar and sent an extreme cold shock towards Gugor.


An exaggerated damage appeared on Gugor's head.

By now, Gugor's health was less than half.

After that, Lin Yuan seized the opportunity and used his magic bombardment.

Meteor shower, war gale, annihilation black hole took turns to attack.

In less than 10 seconds,

Gugor was already in a state of near death.

After entering the near-death state.

Gugor's whole body was blood red, triggering the fatal blow,

【[Death Blow]: Unable to die within five seconds, attack power increased by 500%.

In the death state, Gugor roared, used the skill Fatal Throw, and threw the spear in his hand towards Lin Yuan in mid-air.

The spear hit Lin Yuan and caused a huge amount of damage.


""Phew, that was close!"

Seeing his mana drop by 20,000 points in an instant,

Lin Yuan's heart was beating non-stop.

He was just one point away from breaking his shield!

Seeing that he couldn't take down Lin Yuan with his dying blow, Gugor stared with his eyes wide open and howled in dissatisfaction.

I am a man who wants to be the strongest ogre, how could I die here?


Hearing the ogre's roar,

Lin Yuan used an extremely cold shock to end his life.

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