Zhang Fan knew when to strike, and he hit Chen Bin several times. Seeing that Chen Bin had lost half his life, he stopped.

Zhang Fan thought that the matter was over, but when he heard Jiang Long accusing him, he laughed angrily,"Now that I remember that we are classmates, why didn't you say anything when he was barking just now? What's the matter? Are you unhappy that your lackey was hit?" After

Zhang Fan finished speaking, he saw a fireball coming out of Jiang Long's hand, and he was immediately unhappy,"You want to fight, right? I'll accompany you." He took out a weapon and a shield directly from his backpack.

The shield appeared in Zhang Fan's hand, and Jiang Long's eyes shrank immediately: gold equipment!

Jiang Long just passed the novice trial, and only gave him 3 blank equipment, and he spent some money to buy them all.

Jiang Long relied on his three pieces of equipment in his hand, and he was much stronger than Zhang Fan. As a result, Zhang Fan directly took out a gold equipment, which was the most core shield for shield battles.

Jiang Long was instantly scared.

At this stage, the attributes of a piece of gold equipment are enough to crush 99% of people. Jiang Long would fight Zhang Fan only if he was mentally retarded.

But his fireball had already been released, and he had said it. If he didn't fight, he would lose face. But if he fought,

Jiang Long took another obscure look at Zhang Fan's weapon. Well, it was silver equipment, so he would definitely lose.

When he was in a dilemma, Principal Li came back.

"What are you doing!"

Seeing Jiang Long unleashing the Fireball, Principal Li scolded him with a stern face:"Jiang Long, what are you doing? Can you unleash the Fireball on your classmates? This is what I have taught you in the past few years. Skills are always unleashed on monsters in the abyss. Once you switch to a magician, you can do whatever you want."

Principal Li was deeply distressed. He dared to unleash skills on his classmates right after passing the novice trial. He had no awe at all.

Could such a person really protect humanity when he becomes stronger in the future? Principal Li was not sure

""Oh, isn't it just a friendly exchange between classmates? I apologize to them on behalf of Jiang Long." Not long after Principal Lin came, Vice Principal Chen Qishan also arrived.

After arriving, he immediately characterized the matter as a friendly exchange between classmates, and then simply apologized to Zhang Fan and Lin Yuan. His attitude was as perfunctory as possible.

In Chen Qishan's heart, Jiang Long's significance was still greater than Lin Yuan and Zhang Fan.

Jiang Long's father, Jiang Wenyuan, was level 45, and was also a hidden professional lawbreaker, with a promising future.

In Chen Qishan's eyes, Lin Yuan and Zhang Fan were just lucky guys.

Before level 10, he could pass one or two abysses by luck, but after level 10, he became just like everyone else.

Over the years, Chen Qishan has seen too many professionals like this, so he didn't take the Holy Tower's tips to heart.

So when Chen Qishan found out that Jiang Long was scolded, he came out to rescue him immediately.

Jiang Long was relieved to see Chen Qishan and interrupted the spellcasting, but he was very depressed because he was scolded by Principal Li for this matter. He hated Zhang Fan and Lin Yuan in his heart.

Principal Li wanted to teach Jiang Long a lesson, but Chen Qishan tried to smooth things over, so he didn't know what to say, but still snorted unhappily,"Remember, this won't happen again." When

Chen Qishan heard what Principal Li said, he responded with a smile on his face,"Sure, sure." After that, he took Jiang Long away first

"A Yuan, why did you pull me just now? Jiang Long's soft fireball can't hurt me at all."Zhang Fan was very unhappy when he saw Jiang Long walked away as if nothing had happened,"If he dared to release the spell just now, I would hit him in the face with my shield and knock out a few of his teeth."

These words made Principal Li raise his eyebrows and hit Zhang Fan on the back of the head, and the latter cried out in pain.

Lin Yuan had been expressionless just now. After seeing Zhang Fan being frustrated, he spoke,"We can't take the initiative in the city. This violates the city's regulations. It doesn't matter if you hit Chen Bin, but if you touch Jiang Long, it will be difficult to explain to his father."

After speaking, Lin Yuan looked at Principal Li,"Principal, is there anything else you want to see us?"

Lin Yuan's words just now made Principal Li look at him with new eyes.

He is young, capable, and knows how to endure. Principal Li couldn't help but marvel at Lin Yuan's character.

This is not the character of a young man at this age. He should be as outspoken as Zhang Fan, straightforward, and not care about the consequences.

Lin Yuan thought a lot.

The other party has a backer, and beating him might be very troublesome, so Lin Yuan didn't do it.

It's not uncommon to beat the younger one and then attract the older one.

If you want to beat him, just beat him to death with a stick, so there will be no trouble.

Lin Yuan's character has always been that I won't offend others if they don't offend me, but if someone offends me, I will retaliate tenfold.

Principal Li obviously thought of this, but he didn't point it out, because he knew that Lin Yuan was a person with a bottom line, and such a person would not do things that harm humanity.

"I just received a call from Secretary Sun, who said that it is not impossible to list you as S-level seeds, but you need to prove yourself."Principal Li stated his purpose.

"Prove? How can you prove it? Can't you prove it by being the first in the Goblin Forest of Hell difficulty?"Zhang Fan asked in confusion.

Lin Yuan naturally had the same attitude, but he knew that since Principal Li could say this to them, he must have his reasons.

Principal Li took the two of them to a deserted place nearby and whispered,"Let me tell you this, there are only five S-level seed places this year. It is said that two have been selected. You can only fight for the remaining three places."

"I don't know what happened this year. There are many outstanding professionals. With the two of you, there are 20 candidates in total, more than double the number of previous years, but there are only 5 places. Although you have cleared the Goblin Forest of Hell difficulty, you still have to compete with others."After

Principal Li explained, Lin Yuan understood,"Then what should I do? Do I need to fight?"

Principal Li shook his head,"You haven't even reached level 10, and you haven't learned many skills. There is no point in fighting."

After a pause, Principal Li said seriously:"The allocation of places this time requires you to enter a special abyss, and be ranked according to the final score given by the Holy Tower. The top three will receive the treatment of S-level seeds."

This time Lin Yuan understood, it turned out to be the abyss, I am good at this, just rush all the way, I can get you first or second in a minute.

Principal Li saw Lin Yuan's confident look and laughed in his heart: You will know when you enter the abyss, it will definitely leave a deep impression on you.

At this time, Principal Li's phone rang again. He took out his phone and saw that it was the mayor's secretary Sun Qing calling.

Principal Li walked a few steps to the side and answered the phone. After hanging up the phone, Principal Li's expression was a little helpless.

"There was a small problem." Principal Li hesitated to speak.

"Is the quota thing a failure? It doesn't matter, principal, it doesn't matter if there is no S-level quota."

The quota of S-level seeds is very precious in the eyes of ordinary people, but Lin Yuan really didn't take it seriously. With his current upgrade speed, he will sooner or later leave his peers far behind.

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