Principal Li was still thinking about how to start the conversation, but when he heard Lin Yuan's words, he immediately replied:

"That's not the case. There is no problem with the quota."

He patted his chest and assured:

"Don't worry, the quota allocation this time is fair and equitable, there will be no shady dealings. Secretary Sun called me just now and wanted you two to team up with others."

"I'll be frank. You know Zong Junru, she's also from No. 3 Middle School. Her father's name is Zong Bai."

"Zong Junru's father is the new mayor!" Zhang Fan exclaimed.

Even Lin Yuan was very surprised when he heard the news,"Hasn't she been selected? Why is she teaming up with me?"

Principal Li glanced at Lin,"It's all because of you"

"Because of me?" Lin Yuan was puzzled.

"Zong Junru awakened her A-level talent. She was the first person in No. 3 Middle School to pass the novice trial. Before you made the list, her team ranked third in the city. After you made the list, she became fourth."

"Little girl, I am a little bit unconvinced, I want to know where I lost to you, so I want to take this opportunity to compete with you."

After Principal Li finished speaking, he winked at Lin Yuan,"Mayor Zong is a level 55 Swift Ranger, it's time to show your masculine charm, you must not miss this good opportunity."

With a teasing tone, he encouraged Lin Yuan to win the mayor's daughter.

""Principal, stop joking. How could the mayor's daughter like me?"

After understanding the whole story, Lin Yuan was at a loss whether to laugh or cry.

"Let's form a team, I hope it won't cause any trauma to her heart."

Zhang Fan, who was standing by, heard this and nodded in agreement,"How can she be so desperate to challenge a pervert like you?""

"But this is only limited to the first level. I won't continue to team up with them after level 20."

Lin Yuan thought for a moment and added

""Understood." Principal Li nodded to show that he understood.

After Lin Yuan agreed, Principal Li made another phone call. After a while, two beautiful girls exuding youthful aura appeared beside the three of them.

"Okay, everyone is here. You are all classmates. Get to know each other first. This time the abyss is a little special and unusual. It won’t hurt for you to communicate in advance."After giving instructions, Principal Li left, leaving the four people here to look at each other.

Seeing that Lin Yuan had no intention of speaking first, one of the tall women took the lead and said,"Let me introduce myself first. My name is Zong Junru, my profession is an archer, my talent is A-level Eagle Eye, and I have three C-level attack skills. This is my best friend Wang Xue, my profession is a priest, with B-level talent, and two healing skills."

【Talent: Eagle Eye (A-level)

Effect 1: Increase attack distance by 30%

Effect 2: Increase critical strike chance by 50% for the first attack on the enemy, and increase critical strike rate by 10%

As soon as the talent was revealed, it was already full of oppression. Zong Junru's sharp eyes kept looking up and down at Lin Yuan, trying to see through him.

Lin Yuan ignored Zong Junru's eyes and secretly commented in his heart: a little girl with a strong desire to win, but this talent is really good. The first effect increases the attack distance, which means that in the future only Zong Junru can hit others, and others can't hit her.

The second effect is even more powerful, the critical strike rate of the first attack on the enemy is as high as 50%. When Zong Junru's level is raised, if she wears a set of critical strike equipment and stacks the critical strike rate to 100%, the damage reaches a certain level, even Lin Yuan may not be sure to take her 100% critical strike arrow.

The ladies had already spoken first, and Lin Yuan introduced himself:"Lin Yuan, my profession is a mage, and this is my best friend Zhang Fan, a professional shield warrior."

The self-introduction couldn't be simpler, and he didn't even say what level of talent he had or how many skills he had mastered. Wang Xue beside Zong Junru was very dissatisfied,"What? He didn't say anything at all."

Seeing this, Zhang Fan beside him hurriedly came out to smooth things over,"My talent is A-level solid as a rock, and I have mastered 3 B-level skills. As for A Yuan, you will know his skills when you enter the abyss." As soon as

Zhang Fan finished speaking, he attracted everyone's exclamation:

"3 B-level skills!"

"A-level talent!"

The first voice was from Wang Xue, who was now covering her mouth with her hands in surprise and said,"You actually mastered three B-level skills, that's amazing."

Hearing the compliment, Zhang Fan smiled embarrassedly,"Just average, third out of three."

Lin Yuan was surprised that Zhang Fan's talent had become A-level,"Wasn't you a B-level talent before? How did you become A-level?"

"Ahahaha, I just cleared the Abyss of Hell difficulty, and was given two reward options, one is a set of silver equipment, and the other is an evolutionary talent. I thought about it, equipment is only temporary, and talent is lifelong, so I chose the evolutionary talent."

After Zhang Fan explained, he posted the talent he had just obtained.

【[Talent] Solid as a Rock (A-level)

Effect 1: Reduces damage received by 20%

Effect 2: Gain a shield of 10% of maximum health every minute.

This talent is amazing, it's simply born to be beaten.

After looking at the talents, Zhang Fan sent out 3 more B-level skills.

Spell Reflection, Burning Rage, Violent Recovery, each of them is a genuine B-level skill.

Wang Xue looked at Zhang Fan with a little admiration, and even Zong Junru looked at Zhang Fan with admiration,"Well, you have my recognition."

The cold words and the tense expression almost made Lin Yuan laugh. In order to hide his emotions, Lin Yuan took the initiative to ask:"When are we leaving?"

Zong Junru thought about it and replied:"Half an hour later, let's prepare first and then gather at the Holy Tower. The abyss is there."

Lin Yuan nodded,"Okay, see you in half an hour."

After the two sides separated, Zhang Fan took the initiative to propose:"We have to prepare a few more things."

Lin Yuan did not���Yes, I agreed.

Then Zhang Fan took Lin Yuan to the market.

""Why did you bring me here?" Lin Yuan asked in confusion, looking at the busy market.

Zhang Fan replied confidently,"Of course, it's to prepare for logistics."

Then, Zhang Fan bought a bunch of barbecue supplies and ingredients, and bought a tent before leaving.

Half an hour later, Zong Junru was stunned when she saw the two people carrying large and small bags,"You prepared so many things?"

Lin Yuan was a little embarrassed and didn't answer. Zhang Fan replied happily,"It's better to be prepared, the time in the abyss is so long, you have to prepare more things."

Hearing Zhang Fan's answer and seeing the tent on his shoulder, Zong Junru fell into deep thought.

Fortunately, they didn't wait long, and the mayor's secretary Sun Qing found them,"I say, Miss, you have already confirmed the quota, why do you have to suffer this?"

Zong Junru was unhappy when she heard this, and retorted,"If others can come, why can't I come? I'm not an embroidered pillow. Don't underestimate me. I'm no worse than others."

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