"Can you tell me how you killed the Demon God projection?"Principal Li hesitated for a long time, but still asked.

How did you kill the Demon God projection? Of course, you killed it with magic.

Lin Yuan thought so in his heart, and said so,"I just kept using skills on the BOSS, and I killed the BOSS."

Seeing the innocent Lin Yuan, everyone's mouth corners twitched slightly.

Everyone knows that you keep using skills on the BOSS, the key is what skills you use, the Demon God projection can't stand it

"Isn't your talent G-level? You can kill the boss by reducing 90% of the damage?" Principal Li walked up to Lin Yuan and asked in a low voice.

Seeing Principal Li sneaking around, Lin Yuan took a small step back and said,"My talent is no longer G-level, it has evolved to F-level." Lin Yuan had a proud look on his face. People who didn't know would think that Lin Yuan's talent had evolved to SS-level.

Lin Yuan was afraid that Principal Li would not believe him, so he showed his talent directly.

【Talent] Cooldown Reduction (F Rank)

Effect: Reduce casting time and cooldown time by 10%, reduce damage by 80%.

Principal Li:...

I'm not asking about your talent evolution, I'm asking how you killed the BOSS!

"Forget it, no matter how you two killed the BOSS, you have already made outstanding contributions to No. 3 Middle School and Tianfeng City. I have listed you two as S-level seed professionals and reported you to the mayor's secretary. I believe there will be results in a few days."Principal Li told the two of them about the conversation he had just had with Secretary Sun.

There have been professionals in history who have awakened extraordinary talents and then hidden themselves.

Principal Li classified Lin Yuan as one of these people, so he did not ask any more questions.

At this moment, a team suddenly walked out of the portal.

Two of these people looked very familiar, and they were Jiang Long and Chen Bin.

After Chen Bin came out, he looked around and found that Lin Yuan and Zhang Fan were standing not far from Principal Li, who was saying something in a amiable manner.

This scene reminded Chen Bin that these two people should have used the escape scroll.

Otherwise, why would Principal Li be so amiable to comfort them?

In previous years, the principal would also appear on the playground to comfort those students who had lost their professional qualifications.

In Chen Bin's eyes, Principal Li's actions at this moment were the same as in the previous two years, except that the objects of comfort had become Lin Yuan and Zhang Fan.

After waiting for 1 minute, Principal Li left. While Jiang Long and others went to register, Chen Bin came to Zhang Fan and said,"Are you stupid or not? You have to bring such a waste with you. Your teammates have abandoned you. It will feel better if you become an ordinary person again."

"If you beg me now, I can still say a few good words in front of Young Master Jiang. Maybe if Young Master Jiang is happy, he can give you two a job to make a living, which is better than doing manual labor outside."

Chen Bin crossed his arms and chattered in front of the two of them, confusing them.

"I'm telling you, are you mentally ill? If you are, go get treatment now and don't delay your illness."

Zhang Fan interrupted Chen Bin's endless chatter, pointing to the badge on his chest and said,"Open your dog eyes and see clearly, we have already passed the trial and have become official professionals."

Chen Bin was stunned by this, and then he looked down and found that Lin Yuan and Zhang Fan were indeed wearing the professional logo on their chests,"Impossible!"

Chen Bin said this in disbelief, his face turning pale and blue,"Which team can pass the trial so quickly with a loser?"

Chen Bin looked around and suddenly saw Zong Junru standing not far away, with only two sisters standing beside her.

"Great, so you relied on a woman to pass the level, I hope you can continue to be a gigolo in the future." Chen Bin has already determined in his heart that the reason why Lin Yuan was able to pass the level was all due to Zong Junru.

This nonsensical remark made Lin Yuan frown,"What nonsense are you talking about!"

Chen Bin was about to say something when Jiang Long suddenly came over,"What are you doing here, go register quickly, and then go to the abyss of normal difficulty."

Chen Bin naturally did not dare to disobey Jiang Long's words, and Chen Bin immediately nodded and responded:"I'll go right away, I'll go right away." The nodding and bowing look made people feel disgusted

"Tsk, what a lackey. Zhang Fan couldn't stand it and muttered

"Watch your mouth, don't think you're great just because you passed the test." Jiang Long said unhappily, then thought of something, walked up to Lin Yuan and said:"Your talent is gone, and there is no future for you to be a mage. I have a priest's professional certificate at home, which can allow you to transfer to a priest."

After a pause, Jiang Long said:"Of course, the professional certificate is not given to you for free. You will become my retainer in the future and can only serve me."

"You have to think it over carefully. This time you were lucky enough to pass the Novice Trial with the help of someone, but it may not be the case in the future. The difficulty of the Abyss will become greater and greater, and one less person will make a world of difference in the future."

Jiang Long said his purpose in front of Lin Yuan.

He said this not on a whim, but after thinking about it.

First of all, Lin Yuan has an A-level passive skill, which increases mana and mana recovery. The skill will not disappear after he changes his job to a priest.

In this way, a priest with strong mana who only serves himself appears.

The priest himself is not good at output, so Lin Yuan's talent of reducing damage output by 90% does not seem so fatal.

As for the deeper reason, it is naturally Jiang Long's self-esteem.

It is such a pleasant thing to have a mage professional willing to serve you.

Jiang Long's calculations are very clear, and his lackeys are also very hard-working.

Chen Bin, who was just about to take a step, heard this, his eyes lit up, and he couldn't wait to come to Lin Yuan,"Why don't you agree quickly? It's your blessing to be valued by Jiang Shao. Don't be shameless."

Jiang Long heard what Chen Bin said, but he didn't stop him. There were some things he couldn't say too bluntly. Chen Bin's words just touched his heart. Although he didn't show it on his face, he had already accepted in his heart that Chen Bin would be his number one lackey in the future.

Before Lin Yuan could speak, Zhang Fan was furious,"Are you done yet? Are you satisfied with being a dog? Watch me tear your dog mouth apart."

He walked up to Chen Bin in three or two steps, raised his fist and hit Chen Bin.

Zhang Fan, who was wearing several pieces of equipment, had amazing strength. His fist hit Chen Bin's body, causing the latter to scream.

"How dare you hit someone? I'm going to report this to the teacher." Chen Bin's skinny body couldn't stand Zhang Fan's beating, and he was nearly dead in a few hits.

Seeing his No. 1 lackey being beaten so miserably, Jiang Long was furious, and fire elements gathered in his hands,"You guys are too much, you are so cruel to your classmates!"

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