"Can't use teleportation skills and consumables?"

Lin Yuan opened the skill panel and found that Dimensional Walking was still usable, but it could only move up to 20 meters.

""Okay, it's better than nothing."

Through the prompts, Lin Yuan had a preliminary understanding of the Land of Struggle.

This place seemed to be a huge arena, created to please the gods.

Warriors who died in battle bravely would become heroes, becoming servants and maids of the gods. Those who were not chosen would become fighting spirits eager to fight, wandering in the Land of Struggle day after day, hoping to be chosen by the gods one day.

And today, their chance has come.

The moment Lin Yuan and his group stepped into the Land of Struggle, all the fighting spirits in the entire Land of Struggle awakened.

In a camp less than 200 meters away from Lin Yuan, a 30-meter-tall giant fighting spirit raised the spear in his hand and shouted:

"The time for battle has come. Pick up the weapons in your hands and show our bravery to the gods!"

Following the giant's command, hundreds of fighting spirits under him also raised their weapons at the same time,"Fight! Fight! Fight!"

The earth-shaking shouts spread in all directions, giving Lin Yuan a fright.

"What's going on? He took stimulants."

Seeing the giant fighting spirit that was full of energy, Lin Yuan muttered in a low voice.

Unexpectedly, the giant fighting spirit caught this voice.

The violent eyes looked in the direction of Lin Yuan.

"Prey has appeared!"

In an instant, Lin Yuan was stared at by hundreds of eyes.

"What are you looking at?"

Lin Yuan shouted at the giant fighting spirit, not nervous at all.

Because the highest level of these fighting spirits is only level 60, that is, the giant fighting spirit.

There is no need to worry at all.

【Fighting Soul - Haidar】(Legend) lv60

HP: 20000000

Attack Power: 1500000

Armor: 350000

Magic Resistance: 500000

Fight to the Death: After entering the battle, mark the target and increase the damage caused by 20%. Haidar will do everything he can to kill the enemy in front of him and will not stop until he achieves his goal.

Soul Link: Link to all nearby fighting souls and share the damage equally. The duration is 2 hours and the cooldown is 3 hours.

Fighting Soul Immortality: Restore 5% of the maximum HP per second.

Description: The paranoid fighting souls wandering in the land of struggle have the characteristics of immortality. The more fighting souls there are, the more difficult it is to deal with.

"I want to see how difficult it is to deal with. It's not just a matter of skills."

Lin Yuan threw a war gale at the fighting spirit.

As a result, the skill directly penetrated the fighting spirit's body and did not trigger any damage.

Although Lin Yuan's skill did not cause any damage, it sounded the horn of battle.

The group of fighting spirits also rushed towards Lin Yuan, wanting to cut him into pieces.

After the skill failed, Lin Yuan was a little confused,"What happened?" Why doesn't my skill work?

Then, Lin Yuan tried the annihilation black hole and meteor shower.

Without exception, they all failed.

"Damn, the magic is ineffective, how can we play this game!"Lin Yuan was a little speechless.

I feel like I'm being targeted!

Lin Yuan threw the Thunder of Annihilation at Haidar in front of him.

This time the skill did not pass through the body of the fighting spirit, but hit the giant fighting spirit firmly.

"It works!"Lin Yuan was very happy.

It turned out that he could only be hurt by single-target skills.

After figuring it out, Lin Yuan kept throwing single-target skills, trying to kill Haidar instantly.

But the result was not satisfactory.

"What's going on?"My intelligence is over 90,000, and one skill can deal at least a million damage.

I have used at least ten skills just now, why is the opponent still alive!

The sharp-eyed Lin Yuan seemed to have discovered the problem.

Haidar used the soul connection in advance to connect all the fighting souls together to share Lin Yuan's damage.

"How treacherous!"Lin Yuan was a little helpless.

But he didn't have any good solution.

After fighting for a while, Lin Yuan found that he had no way to deal with the opponent.

Of course, Haidar's group of fighting spirits could not cause any effective damage to Lin Yuan.

"We can't keep on being stuck like this, it won't end if we continue."

Lin Yuan didn't plan to waste time with this group of fighting spirits, he spread his demon wings and flew into the sky, ready to leave here

【[You are marked by Haidar until death, Haidar will lead his fighting spirits to hunt you down]

After being marked, Lin Yuan shouted loudly:"Why are you always staring at me, go find someone else."

But Haidar didn't listen at all, and just chased Lin Yuan, which made Lin Yuan very depressed.

At this time, in the hall of the Abyss of the Holy Tower.

The light screen next to the portal of the Killing Abyss shows the points of each professional.

Before entering the portal, there were 121 professionals participating in Blue Star, and now there are only 98 people left.

This means that in just over ten minutes, 23 professionals have died.

The mortality rate is really frighteningly high.

Among the professionals who survived, Altair ranked first and had obtained 5 points.

The second place was Sophia, with 3 points.

The rest of the professionals had at least 1 point.

Only Lin Yuan currently has 0 points and ranks last.

He is extremely conspicuous in the eyes of many professionals.

"Altaïr is indeed the most outstanding professional among the younger generation of the Templar. He has already earned 5 points in less than 20 minutes. I think he will definitely be the first this time."

"That's not necessarily true. Ms. Sophia is not weak. Her single combat capability is very strong. If she hits him, even Altaïr will be in trouble."

Many professionals were discussing this. Some of them saw that Lin Yuan's score was 0 and sneered mercilessly:

"Who is this guy named Lin Yuan? Why is his score still 0? He didn’t hide after entering, did he? What a coward!"

"Bah, you are a coward. Lin Yuan's die-hard fan Sun Chenglin stood up

"Master Lin Yuan must have been teleported to a deserted place, otherwise with Master Lin Yuan's strength, he could kill other professionals in a matter of minutes."

The man heard this and was a little unconvinced,"I don't think so. Even if he didn't meet a professional, he could have met a fighting spirit. It's been 20 minutes and the points are still 0. I think he must have found a place to hide."

"Damn it, I was hiding from you, but you still chased me!"

In the struggle area, Lin Yuan was found by Haidar again, and he was so angry that he cursed loudly.

"Are you guys going to stop?

Seeing that Haidar was still chasing him, Lin Yuan's face turned fierce. He raised Alunes and used Void Corrosion on Haidar.

Then he used Starfall. A ray of light that penetrated the sky and landed on Haidar, dealing more than 90 million damage.

""Let's see if you can survive!" Lin Yuan said viciously.

The light faded away, and Lin Yuan was dumbfounded.

Haidar's health bar had only dropped by less than one-tenth.

""Fuck, this skill of yours is too foul!"

This is an SSS-level skill. This skill can kill Leviathan.

You just resolved it with a soul connection.

Damn! Unlucky.

In desperation, Lin Yuan could only run away again.

"Is there any way to get rid of these damn fighting spirits?"

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