Half an hour has passed, and Lin Yuan's score is still 0.

0 points is nothing, but these damn fighting spirits are really annoying. You can't kill them, and you can't get rid of them. It's really a headache.

During the escape, Lin Yuan suddenly had an idea and used the real illusion to summon his clone.

The two Lin Yuans began to run separately.

Haidar was stunned when he saw two Lin Yuans appearing in front of him, and then he used the"Never Stop" to sense which one was Lin Yuan's real body.

He ignored Lin Yuan's clone and chased after the real body.

"People born in the Year of the Dog have such a keen nose." Seeing Haidar chasing after him with his fighting spirit, Lin Yuan complained.

Humph, I'll let you chase me later.

While Lin Yuan's main body was struggling with Haidar, his clone randomly chose a direction and moved forward quickly.

Within 2 minutes, he met other professionals.

"Troll?" Lin Yuan whispered.

A two-meter-tall troll appeared in front of him.

The troll was hunched over, holding a longbow, and looked at Lin Yuan with a wary look.

This troll hunter was not alone, but also had an animal companion.

His animal companion had been in stealth mode and was moving towards Lin Yuan, trying to launch a sneak attack.

However, all this could not escape Lin Yuan's eyes.

With a wave of his hand, a gust of war blew out, killing the troll hunter's animal companion instantly.

Then, in the shocked eyes of the troll hunter, Lin Yuan casually used a skill to kill him.

【Kill level 38 Troll Hunter, experience +380000】

【Kill a professional, score +1, detect that the opponent has 1 point, the current score is 2 points】

【You obtained the Tusk Longbow】

【You obtained the Voodoo Mask】

【You got a voodoo doll】

【Fang Longbow] (Dark Gold) lv35

Attributes: Attack +3600, Agility +700, Strength +500

Fang: Critical hit rate increased by 5%, critical hit damage increased by 10%

【Voodoo Mask] (Platinum) lv32

Attributes: HP +2800, Stamina +300, Intelligence +350

Voodoo: When your spell hits the target, there is a chance to inflict a poisoning effect, reducing HP by 800 points per second for 20 seconds

【Voodoo Dolls] (Special)

Description: Summons three voodoo dolls with 20,000 HP. The voodoo dolls will forcefully taunt the target. The cooldown time is 3 hours.

After killing the troll hunter, Lin Yuan gained 380,000 experience points and three pieces of loot.

"The Slaughter Abyss is a great place!"

Lin Yuan looked at the corpse of the troll with his eyes shining.

This is not a professional, these are all movable experience packs, and they are experience packs that can drop equipment.

At this time, Lin Yuan came to the struggle land for exactly half an hour, and a piece of information suddenly appeared in his mind.


This is the current survivor.

At the same time, a simple map also appeared, but the map only appeared for a second and then disappeared.

But Lin Yuan can still remember most of the locations marked on the map, as well as the densely packed red dots marked on it.

"Could this red dot be the location of other professionals?"Lin Yuan was overjoyed.

According to the map, there were three red dots two kilometers away from the clone. After Lin Yuan's clone identified the direction, he headed straight for the destination.

"Look, the points have changed. Master Lin Yuan has gained 2 points at once."

When Lin Yuan killed the Troll Hunter, Sun Chenglin was more excited than Lin Yuan himself.

Some people couldn't stand his look and said sarcastically:"He only got 2 points, and he's still the last one!""

"The first place Altaïr already has 23 points. The great Lin Yuan you mentioned has not even a fraction of Altaïr's points. I don't know why you are so happy."

The man who spoke was called Rice, he was level 37, and he was also from the Holy Temple.

Sun Chenglin's face was a little ugly when he was confronted by Rice, but what the other party said was the truth, and he really couldn't refute it.

But he always believed in one thing, that is, Lin Yuan would definitely not always be the last.

Seeing Sun Chenglin silent, Rice showed a proud look.

At this moment, in the land of struggle, Lin Yuan had come to the red dot marked on the map before.

He found two corpses lying on the ground, and not far from the corpses, two black-clothed assassins were lurking nearby.

Looking at the miserable corpses on the ground, Lin Yuan's mouth corners were meaningful,

"Oh, you are fishing."

The two assassins in black were obviously waiting for something to happen.

Most of the professionals would come over to check when they saw two corpses suddenly appear in front of them.

Then the two assassins could just take the opportunity to launch a sneak attack.

They were brothers and were lucky enough to be assigned to the same area. The two brothers had already killed several people together.

Seeing Lin Yuan wearing a robe, the assassins looked excited.

The person coming was a mage, which was great.

At this stage, the assassins' favorite opponents were mages with high attack and low defense.

The two assassins took out their weapons with cold light and slowly approached Lin Yuan.

The cautious actions of the two made Lin Yuan have to complain,

"You are too slow."After saying that, he raised his hand and threw out a gust of war wind.

But it only killed one person in an instant, and the other assassin's body was covered with a layer of shadow, which was a sign that the shadow cloak was activated.

"Shadow Cloak again."Lin Yuan was stunned, and then thought: This Shadow Cloak is at least an S-level skill, how can it be so common?

After the assassin on the opposite side activated the Shadow Cloak, he also started sprinting, and his speed increased by three times. He was about to reach Lin Yuan.

But the next second, the assassin was trapped in the Demon Soul Cage.

In less than two seconds, the assassin was also killed.

【You killed 2 enemies, experience points increased by 780,000, points +2, 6 points detected on the target, absorbed, current points are 10 points]

Lin Yuan obtained 6 more pieces of equipment from these two assassins.

But none of them were usable.

After killing these two, Lin Yuan rushed to other places without stopping.

When Lin Yuan was hunting professionals, Altaïr encountered a strong enemy.

He met Sabiego.

At this time, Sabiego revealed his huge demon body and was fighting with more than a dozen fighting spirits.

The attacks of these fighting spirits did not break his defense at all, while Sabiego could kill a fighting spirit with just a few attacks.

Most people would have fled far away after seeing Sabiego's terrifying fighting power, but Altaïr did not.

He was not afraid, but extremely excited.

"Finally I have met someone worthy of my attack!"

Altaïr licked his lips, revealing a bloodthirsty look, and then disappeared from the spot.

He entered stealth mode, ready to take the initiative to attack.

Altaïr's stealth level is very high, even the S-level anti-stealth skill cannot detect him.

When he came behind Sabiego, Altaïr jumped high and aimed at Sabiego's neck to cut his throat.

After that, Altaïr decisively launched the vertical and horizontal blade, and in less than a second, he cut more than a dozen knives.

But the result surprised Altaïr.

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