There are still two days before the opening of the Killing Abyss.

Lin Yuan did not enter the mission abyss again during these two days.

He was worried that he would not be able to complete the main task and miss the opening of the Killing Abyss again.

When he was bored, Lin Yuan planned to brush the Peaceful Abyss for two days to get some materials and equipment.

Before entering the abyss, Lin Yuan changed out of his conspicuous violet robe, put on a mask and began to brush the dungeon.

He hid the information out of jealousy and put on a mask. Lin Yuan was not worried at all that anyone would recognize him.

Two days later, when Lin Yuan put all the equipment and materials in the package in front of Zhao Yuncai, Zhao Yuncai was amazed.

"The efficiency wizard that has been circulating around these days is you!"

"Efficiency Mage?"Lin Yuan was stunned. When did I get such a nickname?

Hearing Lin Yuan's puzzled expression, Zhao Yuncai explained:"Have you been brushing the Peaceful Abyss these two days?"

"Yes, is there any problem?"Lin Yuan was puzzled.

"That's not a problem." Zhao Yuncai shook his head,"It's just that the outside world is saying that you���Soon"

"Am I too fast?"Lin Yuan was furious.

Someone is slandering me!

How am I fast? Where am I fast? Who has seen me fast?

Zhao Yuncai didn't notice Lin Yuan's throbbing eyebrows, and said to himself:

"Recently, there is a rumor that there is a mage who is very efficient and can clear the Abyss very quickly. He can clear the level 30 Peaceful Abyss in less than 10 minutes."

"Many professionals have offered a high reward for the identity of this mage on the forum, and they want to pay to be brought in."

After counting the equipment and materials in front of him, Zhao Yuncai looked at Lin Yuan with envy.

The equipment in front of him was not very high-end, and the highest was only gold grade, but the advantage was that there were many of them.

It included three grades: bronze, silver, and gold.

As for other materials, there were even more.

After a simple estimate, he told Lin Yuan a price.

"This batch of equipment and materials together cost a total of 97,000 gold coins. I'll round it up to 100,000 gold coins for you."

This price was reasonable, and Lin Yuan nodded in agreement.

"By the way, is there any progress on the skill book that adds attributes that I told you about before?"

"I've been keeping an eye on this matter myself. It's only been a few days since the news was released, and I've only received one skill book."

Zhao Yuncai took out a skill book from his arms and put it in Lin Yuan's hand.

【Boar Power】(C-level) lv1 effect: Strength +10

This skill book increases the strength attribute.

"How much is this skill book?" Lin Yuan pointed at the skill book and asked

"1,000 gold coins." Zhao Yuncai held up a finger and said,"Don't think it's too expensive. Skill books that increase attributes are always in high demand. If the other party didn't just need 1,000 gold coins, he wouldn't sell this skill book."

"Hey, what are you talking about, brother Zhao? I believe you."

After saying that, Lin Yuan took out 1,000 gold coins from the package and handed them to Zhao Yuncai.

In fact, Zhao Yuncai could have given this skill book to Lin Yuan, but he didn't do it.

It's not because he lacked money, but because he was a businessman, doing business.

He and Lin Yuan had already formed a preliminary cooperative relationship. If you want to maintain this relationship, you must be equal, and blindly flattering is not advisable.

"See you later, Brother Zhao."

After leaving the Chamber of Commerce, Lin Yuan took the time to learn the skills.

He upgraded to S-level

【Dragon Power (S-level) lvmax effect 1: Strength +10000

Effect 2: Increase attack power by 20% when using heavy weapons.

After the skill was upgraded to S-level, Lin Yuan tried to merge the Dragon Power and the extraordinary attribute.

The prompt he got was that it could not be merged.

Lin Yuan was not discouraged, but thought about it.

"It seems that my guess is correct."

Ordinary skills can only be upgraded to S level. If you want to upgrade to SS, you need two S skills of the same type or with similar effects.

As for how to upgrade skills to SSS level, Lin Yuan is not sure yet.

But he already has a preliminary idea in his mind, but it is not certain whether it will work.

As he walked, he suddenly slapped his forehead,

"I almost forgot, I haven't signed up yet!"

Lin Yuan hurriedly came to the Saint Tower Abyss area and signed up

"One, two, three... one hundred and twenty, that's all the people who signed up, too few."

Lin Yuan counted and found that there were only one hundred and twenty people who signed up."Could it be that they can't even get enough people?"

If they can't get enough people, then I've waited for two days in vain.

When Lin Yuan was wondering, a clear voice came from the side, dispelling his doubts.

"This time, the Killing Abyss is different from the past. It not only covers the Blue Star, but also includes professionals from other planes. What you see is only the number of people who saved their lives on Blue Star. The total number of participants is here."

Lin Yuan looked in the direction of the voice and found that a blood-red number 999 was displayed in the lower right corner of the Killing Abyss portal.

Only one person is left before the Killing Abyss is full.

"Fortunately, I made it in time."Lin Yuan exhaled and looked at the person who had just spoken

"Sophia?"The person who appeared in front of Lin Yuan was Sophia, whom he had met once before.

"Why are you here?" Lin Yuan asked

"I'm here to sign up." Sophia smiled,"I just came out of the abyss, and wasted some time, but I didn't expect it was still in time."

Sophia walked up to sign up, and the number on the lower right corner of the portal turned to 1000.

After it turned to 1000, the portal of the Slaughter Abyss changed color.

It turned into a blood red color that would devour anyone.

At the same time, all the professionals who signed up for the Slaughter Abyss received a unified reminder,

【Countdown to the opening of the Killing Abyss: 12:00】

"There are still 12 hours left, so I can go back and take a nap." Lin Yuan yawned, waved to Sophia, and teleported back to the Dark Night Forest.


The next day, with 10 minutes left in the countdown, Lin Yuan arrived near the portal.

"Heh, why are there so many people here?"

There were a huge crowd in front of the portal, at least several thousand people.

But these people were just there to watch the fun.

The professionals who really participated in the Killing Abyss were hiding in the dark.

The countdown ended and the portal opened.

In an instant, dozens of figures quickly rushed towards the portal and disappeared from everyone's sight.

"Look, Altaïr is here."

Amid the exclamations of the crowd, a man wearing a gray hood and whose face could not be seen walked over calmly.

Every move he made was full of strong confidence, but it made people feel that it was natural.

Following Altaïr, Sophia, Qin Ying and other professionals entered the portal one after another amid the discussions of the crowd.

Lin Yuan followed them and walked in quietly.

【You have entered the land of struggle】

【Long-distance teleportation skills and recovery items cannot be used in this area.】

【Each time you kill a professional, you will be given corresponding experience points and 1 point will be added】

【Killing a level 40 war soul will increase 1 point, killing a level 50 war soul will increase 3 points, killing a level 60 war soul will increase 10 points. Killing a war soul has a chance to drop a soul bead, which is extremely precious to the undead.】

【Every once in a while, disasters will randomly strike the Land of Struggle, please be careful to avoid them.]

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