Let's not talk about the explosion in the professional forum. Principal Li, who was waiting in the playground, was dumbfounded when he heard the system prompt,"Someone cleared the hell level difficulty?"

Principal Li looked at Li Feng who was standing aside. Li Feng was also confused,"Don't look at me, the prompts from the Holy Tower can't be fake."

After saying that, Li Feng laughed,"I say, Lao Li, you picked up a treasure. You can conquer the hell-level Goblin Forest just after awakening. What will happen in the future?"

This made Principal Li silent for a long time.

Why did Lin Yuan's conquest of the hell-level abyss cause such a sensation?

This is because the hell-level abyss is unique.

The emergence of hell-level difficulty means that there must be creatures from other planes in it.

If the hell-level abyss cannot be conquered within a period of time, then the monsters in it may descend on Blue Star.

Take the Goblin Forest as an example.

In order to send his projection to the Goblin Forest, the angry demon Samael spent a lot of money.

He planned it all.

Let the Scourge Cult find an opportunity to successfully launch the Purgatory Scourge in Tianfeng City, causing the Abyss riot in advance.

At that time, Samael's projection will be summoned in advance, and after absorbing enough blood, it can gain enough power to destroy Tianfeng City.

Unfortunately, Samael's plan was disrupted.

Lin Yuan killed the projection of the demon god in advance and prevented a disaster from happening.

Principal Li, who was in a daze, couldn't figure it out. How could Lin Yuan, a weak wizard with G-level talent, and a B-level talent and a shield warrior who was not doing his job, pass the Goblin Forest of Hell difficulty? Is it possible that Samael's projection does not exist in the copy?

No, the prompt just now said that Samael's projection was killed.

"How the hell did I get through the hell level!"

Scratching his head, Principal Li simply gave up thinking about it.

"No matter how you got through, report them as S-level seeds."

Then, Principal Li took out his phone and called Sun Qing, the mayor's secretary.

"Hello, Secretary Sun, I was just about to tell you about this. It was our No. 3 Middle School that conquered the Hell Difficulty Abyss. I plan to list these two students as S-level seeds. Let me tell you how this process works."

Principal Li's tone was very proud, and his expression was also full of smugness. The person on the other end of the phone heard Principal Li's words and said that he couldn't make the decision on this matter and needed to consult the mayor.

Principal Li expressed his understanding and before hanging up the phone, he expressed the hope to receive a reply as soon as possible, so as not to let the meritorious officials shed blood and tears.

Lin Yuan naturally didn't know about the various actions of the outside world. He was selecting rewards.

【You can choose 1 of the following 3 rewards】

【Option 1: Get 1000 skill points】

【Option 2: Obtain 2 B-level skill books that match your profession】

【Option 3: Get a set of gold suits that suit your profession. 】 There are 3 choices, but in Lin Yuan's opinion, there are actually 2. Option 1 can be directly ruled out. For Lin Yuan, 1,000 skill points are just a matter of leveling up. He definitely cannot choose this option, unless Lin Yuan has a brain injury.

As for options 2 and 3, Lin Yuan thought about it and chose option 2.

Although the gold suit is tempting, it is only temporary. When Lin Yuan's level is raised, the gold suit can only be sold for money, and the money obtained may not be enough to buy two skill books.

Speaking of skill books, Lin Yuan accidentally asked Zhang Fan when chatting if he had ever heard of skills that can be upgraded.

In return, Zhang Fan looked at him like a fool.

Skill books are at the level you learn them at, so there is no such thing as upgrading. After getting a positive answer, Lin Yuan knew that this must be the credit of the plug-in again.

So Lin Yuan chose option 2 and got two skill books.

【Spell Counter (B level) lv1

Cost: 500 mana

Casting time: Instant

Description: Use on a target that is casting a spell to interrupt the spell being cast, making it unable to cast any spell of the same type within 6 seconds

【[Exploding Fireball] lv1

Cost: 800 mana

Casting time: 2.5 seconds

Description: Throws a fireball that can explode, causing 1000 + intelligence * 2 points of fire damage. After hitting the enemy, it explodes once, causing 800 + intelligence * 1 point of fire damage.

Having gained two B-level skills, Lin Yuan was very satisfied.

"This time, the means of attack have increased again."

Just now, Lin Yuan gained another 10,000 experience points, and his level has reached level 8. He has a lot of skill points, so he took advantage of his free time to upgrade all his skills.

【Forced Silence] (Level A) lv1

Cost: 1200 mana

Casting time: Instant

Description: Use on a target to prevent it from casting any spells within 3 seconds

【[Pyroblast] (A-level) lv1

Cost: 1500 mana

Casting time: 3 seconds

Description: Throws a huge fireball, causing 30,000 + intelligence * 1 fire damage.

After upgrading to an A-level skill, both skills have been substantially improved.

First of all, the forced silence does not need to be used when the opponent is casting a spell, and the effect has changed from silencing a single system to silencing all, which is very practical.

As for Pyroblast, there is no big change, just a huge increase in damage.

Looking at the remaining skill points, I found that there were more than 2,000, so Lin Yuan directly waved his hand and upgraded both skills to S-level

【[Silent Field] (S-level) lv1

Cost: 3000 mana

Casting time: Instant

Description: Silences all enemy units within a 15-meter range, preventing them from casting any spells within 5 seconds

【Meteor Spell (S-level) lv1

Cost: 5000 mana

Casting time: 4 seconds

Description: Summons a flaming meteorite with a diameter of 10 meters, causing 100,000 + intelligence * 1 point of fire damage. Targets in the center of the meteorite will be stunned, and targets on the edge will be knocked away.


Lin Yuan saw the effects of the two S-level skills and exclaimed,��

The Silent Field changed from a single target to a group target. When encountering magic monsters or magic professionals in the future, he would first cast a Silence. The 5-second Silence state was enough for Lin Yuan to kill the opponent several times. The

Meteor Spell was even more powerful, with an attack range of 10 meters in diameter, and also came with two types of control: stun and knockback. It would be more convenient to kill monsters in the future. After upgrading the skills, Lin Yuan found that Zhang Fan beside him was staring at him blankly.

"What are you looking at? Is there something on my face?"

Zhang Fan heard Lin Yuan ask this and shook his head,"Nothing, I'm just looking at a pervert."

Lin Yuan:...

No, why are you still scolding me, how can I be a pervert.

Lin Yuan was about to say something, but Zhang Fan walked directly into the portal on the side. Lin Yuan was stunned for a moment, and then walked into the portal.

Coming out of the portal, Lin Yuan found that everyone on the playground was looking at him.

Principal Li's eyes were filled with suspicion, exploration, and excitement, which was in line with Principal Li's mood at the moment, which was extremely complicated.

"Look, they are Lin Yuan and Zhang Fan who are ranked first in the ranking."

The voice was from a female classmate.

The team of this female classmate was ranked third in the ranking before. After Lin Yuan became the first, their ranking dropped by one place to fourth.

However, these classmates did not look angry at the moment, but only admired and yearned.

But their captain Zong Junru was not like this. As the only student who awakened the A-level talent in No. 3 Middle School, Zong Junru proved herself by ranking first in No. 3 Middle School and third in the whole city. But who knew that such a freak like Lin Yuan would come out halfway. In the ranking, the results from the 2nd to the 10th place were all of ordinary difficulty, and only the first place was of the scarlet hell difficulty.

This is a result that people can't catch up with even if they want to.

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