Looking at Zhang Fan who was full of doubts, Lin Yuan said unhappily:"Elite monsters have appeared, I'm waiting for my skills to cool down."

Hearing that there were elite monsters, Zhang Fan quickly got up,"Elite monsters, what kind of monsters, I haven't seen them yet."

Zhang Fan knew about elite monsters. Such monsters are usually extremely powerful, and some very special elite monsters are even more powerful than BOSS.

After getting up, Zhang Fan didn't dare to get too close, and looked at the flamehound in the courtyard from a distance,"Damn, four elite monsters, any of these four elite monsters can be BOSS!"

Ignoring Zhang Fan who was shouting there, Lin Yuan looked at the palace behind the courtyard,"Zhang Fan, look at the giant snake statue, is it red?"

When I first came here, the snake on the palace was still gray like stone, but now it is slowly turning red.

The giant snake statue on the palace is also a monster!

Lin Yuan's heart trembled, and he had a bad premonition.

Because the snake statue on the palace is really too big, nearly 8 meters high, if it becomes a monster, it should be difficult to deal with.

After waiting for more than a minute, Lin Yuan's skills were ready and he stepped into the courtyard again.

The moment he stepped into the courtyard, the four flame dogs' eyes flashed with bloodthirsty red light. Without Lin Yuan's special greeting, the flame dogs all rushed towards Lin Yuan. The flame dogs were very fast. In less than two seconds, the flame dog in the front had arrived in front of Lin Yuan, opened its mouth wide and launched its skills to bite crazily.


A huge damage appeared in Lin Yuan's eyes.

The three flame dogs behind him became even more crazy when they saw their partner's attack was effective.

But their actions could only stop there, because Lin Yuan had already completed the spell.

As Lin Yuan finished casting the spell, a protective shield flashing with golden light appeared around Lin Yuan, repelling the flame dogs. Along with the protective shield, there was also a sky full of flames.





Four consecutive damages appeared on the Flamehound.

Lin Yuan's skills are S-level. Although the Flamehound has the skill to slightly resist fire spells, it can only last one more second in front of the S-level.

The health of the Flamehound is 32,000 points, and it takes at least 4 seconds to kill one.

If the Flamehound has wisdom, it is estimated that they will decisively run back to avoid Lin Yuan's skills, and wait until the duration of Lin Yuan's skills is over before attacking.

By then, Lin Yuan will be meat on the chopping board, with nowhere to escape.

Unfortunately, the Flamehound's brain capacity does not allow him to store things like wisdom.

After being hurt by Lin Yuan's fire, the Flamehound became even crazier, but it was useless. Their attacks fell on the protective shield and did not even take away 1,000 points of damage, and they were burned to death by the flames in the barrier.

【Kill the elite monster Flame Dog and gain 300 experience points】X2

【Kill the elite monster Flame Dog, gain 300 experience points] X2

Four consecutive kill prompts, four elite monsters contributed 1200 experience points.

After putting away the skill, Lin Yuan found that the body of Flame Dog did not disappear."Could it be because of the elite monster?"

Lin Yuan was not sure, but he still walked forward to touch the body.

"You picked up Flame Boots"

"You picked up the Blazing Robe."

Two pieces of equipment dropped from four elite monsters, the drop rate is pretty good.

【Flame Robe] (Bronze)

Equipment Level: 5

Attributes: Armor +10, HP +200, Intelligence +5

【[Bronze] Flame Boots (Bronze)

Equipment Level: 5

Attributes: Speed +1, Intelligence +3, Mana +100

Two pieces of bronze equipment, both cloth armor, Lin Yuan can wear them.

After putting on the equipment, Zhang Fan also came over.

"I'll try to peel the skin."

Zhang Fan took out a skinning knife from his backpack and squatted on the ground to start working.

After 5 minutes of work, Zhang Fan had 4 furs in his hands.

"Animal monsters are full of treasures. These four furs can be made into a set of low-level leather armor. Even if they can't be worn, they can be exchanged for a lot of money."

After putting the fur into the backpack, Zhang Fan saw Lin Yuan's slightly questioning eyes,"My family is a butcher, so it's normal to skin pigs."

Lin Yuan certainly knew that Zhang Fan's family was a butcher. He was just wondering why you, a shield warrior, still carry a skinning knife in your backpack.

Are all shield warriors so idle?

While the two were chatting, they had already walked into the atrium. When they arrived at the atrium, Lin Yuan's breathing suddenly became rapid,"There is a treasure chest."

A treasure chest emitting silver light appeared in front, and there were no monsters around the treasure chest.

The moment he saw the treasure chest, Lin Yuan couldn't help but want to open it, but he suppressed this thought.

"Follow me closely, there might be invisible monsters around."

After turning around and giving instructions, Lin Yuan walked towards the treasure chest carefully.

When he arrived in front of the treasure chest, Lin Yuan remained alert and waited for 1 minute. Lin Yuan found that there were indeed no monsters, so he reached out and opened the treasure chest.

【You received 5 gold coins】

【You have acquired the C-level skill Frostbolt】

【You are under the curse of mana loss]

Three consecutive prompts sounded in Lin Yuan's ears.

Lin Yuan put the 5 gold coins directly into his backpack and discussed with Zhang Fan how to divide them when he left the dungeon.

Lin Yuan was overjoyed to obtain the C-level skill Frost Arrow

"It's like a pillow is thrown to you when you are sleepy."

Lin Yuan clapped his hands and learned this skill directly.

Before, Lin Yuan had been worried about having only one damage skill, but he didn't expect to get it directly from the treasure chest.

【[Skill]: Frost Arrow (Class C) lv1

Casting time: 2 seconds

Consumption: 50 mana

Description: Shoots an ice arrow at the enemy, causing 200 points of frost damage and reducing its movement speed by 20%, which lasts for 8 seconds, with no cooldown.

Frost Arrow is the mage's conventional attack method, and it is also a skill that melee monsters hate very much.

As long as you are hit by the mage's first ice arrow, you will face the mage's infinite kiting next.

Mages who specialize in frost can even slow down monsters infinitely to achieve the desired control effect.

Lin Yuan looked at his skill points and found that he still had 1540 points, which was enough to upgrade the ice arrow to A level.

After a series of clicks, a system prompt came,

"It is detected that the C-level skill Frost Arrow meets the upgrade conditions. Do you want to spend 100 skill points to upgrade it to a B-level skill?"

Click Agree, and Frost Arrow becomes a B-level skill Ice Lance

【Ice Lance (B level) lv1

Casting time: Instantaneous

Cost: 300 mana

Effect: Shoots an ice spear at the enemy, causing 1500 points of frost damage and reducing its movement speed by 20% for 8 seconds. If the target is already slowed, it will cause triple damage. No cooldown.

After the upgrade, Lin Yuan found that Ice Lance had become an instant skill, which made Lin Yuan very happy.

"Instant skill, with deceleration, this skill is really good."

Then Lin Yuan upgraded the Ice Lance to the maximum level.

After upgrading to the maximum level, Lin Yuan hesitated.

"Should it be upgraded to an A-level skill?"

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