After telling Zhang Fan about his plan to lure monsters, Zhang Fan showed a worried look on his face,"Ayuan, it's too dangerous for a mage like you to lure monsters. How can you resist so many monsters, each with a fireball? I'd better go."

After saying that, Zhang Fan posted the skills he gained when he awakened his profession.

【[Spell Reflection] (B-level) lv1

Casting requirements: Shield

Effect: Rebound spells that attack you within 1 second, with a cooldown of 15 seconds.

Zhang Fan not only awakened a B-level talent, but also possessed a B-level skill.

Professionals with two B levels are rare. You must know that there are tens of thousands of professionals awakening in Zhongzhou every year, but only a few can reach B level or above.

The skill of Spell Reflection is useless in the early stage, because there are very few monsters that can cast spells before level 10, but it becomes a magical skill after the level goes up.

In theory, Spell Reflection can rebound all single-target spells. There was once a level 70 shield warrior who reflected the S-level Great Disintegration cast by a demon lord, and the result was that the demon lord who cast the spell was directly killed on the spot.

"I have spell reflection, and if I'm lucky I can bounce back several fireballs."

Zhang Fan took out a pot-lid-sized shield from his backpack and said seriously.

The duration of spell reflection is 1 second. Many people have experimented and found that spells that attack shield warriors within this 1 second will be bounced back.

But this is a multiple reflection skill that only high-level shield warriors can master. How can Zhang Fan, a level 4 warrior, use it?

He said this just to comfort Lin Yuan. Zhang Fan has made the worst plan. The worst case scenario is death. It is worth fighting side by side with a good brother.

Lin Yuan listened to Zhang Fan and silently showed his shield.

Shield value 10000/10000


Zhang Fan swallowed his saliva after seeing the shield, and looked at Lin Yuan in shock.

Then Zhang Fan seemed to have thought of something, and heaved a sigh of relief. He silently put the shield back into his backpack and found a place with a nice view to sit down.

"" Oh no!"

After sitting down, Zhang Fan suddenly remembered something and said in annoyance.

Lin Yuan asked in confusion:"What happened?"

"I forgot to buy a barbecue grill and a tent." Zhang Fan muttered in a low voice.

This made Lin Yuan laugh,"You think you are here for a trip, this is hell."

Zhang Fan, who was sitting on the ground, lay down directly after hearing Lin Yuan's words.

"You go and lure the monsters. I'll take a nap."

After saying that, he actually closed his eyes.

Lin Yuan:...

Well, the shield value on his body completely made Zhang Fan give up the idea of attacking. Zhang Fan, who was so excited just now, just lay down and played. Judging from his even breathing, he might fall asleep in a while.

The conversation between the two did not take long, and Lin Yuan stepped directly into the wall.

After entering, two magic fire goblins immediately looked at Lin Yuan.

The hands of the two monsters lit up red at the same time.

It was obviously the action of casting a fireball.

Lin Yuan did not delay, and ran around the courtyard, attracting the hatred of the monsters to himself, and then hid directly under the tombstone.

The process was also very dangerous. Lin Yuan counted silently and found that he had taken more than 30 fireballs.

Nearly half of his shield was knocked down, and there were only 5820/10000 left.

However, Lin Yuan's goal had been achieved, and he was now hiding in the pit under the tombstone

""What's that smell in this pit!"

When Lin Yuan came to the pit, he smelled an unpleasant odor. Turning his head, he saw a lot of bones and rotten meat scattered around. These bones were of all shapes and sizes. Lin Yuan figured that this should be a mass grave of monsters. The unpleasant smell came from the rotten meat and bones.

Lin Yuan had been hiding in the pit for a few seconds when he heard a lot of footsteps and shouts coming from all around,"Jiligua La! Kuruka!" (That human is hiding in the pit! Kill him!)

Lin Yuan, who was hiding in the pit, didn't know what the monster was shouting. Hearing the footsteps getting closer, Lin Yuan began to cast a spell.

After 3 seconds, with Lin Yuan as the center, the place instantly turned into a sea of fire.



【Kill the Fire Goblin, and increase your experience by 90 points】

【Kill the Fire Goblin, experience points increased by 90 points.

Two seconds after the skill was released, a large number of kill prompts popped up.

Lin Yuan was worried and waited in the pit for another 10 seconds. After confirming that there were no more kill prompts, he put away the skill.

Climbing out of the pit, Lin Yuan saw an empty courtyard.

""As smart as I am!"

After praising himself, Lin Yuan walked around the courtyard.

Strangely, neither the evil blood goblin he killed before nor the magic fire goblin he just killed dropped even a single item, and even their bodies were burned.

Unwilling to give up, Lin Yuan walked around again, hoping to come across a treasure chest.

Since the monsters didn't drop anything, shouldn't they compensate me with a treasure chest?

But Lin Yuan was disappointed. There were only messy stones and broken bones in the courtyard, and there was not even a treasure chest.

After killing a bunch of monsters, Lin Yuan's level also reached level 5.

【Name: Lin Yuan

Level: lv5

HP: 500

Mana: 101000

Strength: 8 (affects physical attack, physical defense)

Agility: 9 (affects critical hit rate, speed)

Intelligence: 30 (affects spell attack, spell defense)

Physical strength: 10 (affects health, resistance)

Skill points: 1540

Evolution points: 0

Free attribute points: 5

【Talent]: Cooldown Reduction (G Level)

【Skill 1]: Heart of Magic (S Rank)

【Skill 2: Blazing Barrier (S-level)

Seeing his own attributes, Lin Yuan felt a sense of satisfaction,"Life is so lonely like snow."

So far, Lin Yuan has not encountered a monster that can resist for 3 seconds.

Lin Yuan was proud for a while, and a door in the courtyard was opened with a bang.

Four dog-like creatures nearly as tall as a person walked out of the door.

【[Flamehound] (Elite) lv10

HP: 32000

Attack: 210

Primary Flame Antibody: Reduces fire damage by 10%.

Crazy Bite: The next bite attack of the Flamehound comes with 120% fire damage, with a cooldown of 15 seconds.

After seeing the monster's attributes, Lin Yuan secretly said that it was a close call.

Fortunately, he ran fast!

When the gate in the courtyard suddenly opened just now, Lin Yuan quickly retreated outside the courtyard and did not enter the attack range of the four elite monsters.

Lin Yuan's skill CD still has 1 and a half minutes left. Facing four elite monsters, Lin Yuan has no confidence that he can hold on until the skill cooldown ends. Monsters, like professionals, also have different templates, which are divided into ordinary, elite, heroic, epic, legendary, legendary, and mythical.

Lin Yuan has not changed his job yet, he is just an ordinary template. After he passes level 20 and changes his job for the first time, he will be upgraded to an elite template.

Zhang Fan, who was lying on the ground, heard movement beside him and opened his eyes sleepily.

""What's wrong? Are you leaving after killing the monsters?"

Zhang Fan had a puzzled look on his face, thinking that Lin Yuan came to tell him to leave.

This made Lin Yuan speechless.

The battle just now lasted only two or three minutes, and Zhang Fan actually fell asleep, and slept so soundly.

Lin Yuan had to admire Zhang Fan for having a strong heart.

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