【[Ice Lance] (B-level) lvmax casting time: instantaneous.

Consumption: 800 mana.

Description: Shoot an ice spear at the enemy, causing 4000 points of frost damage and reducing its movement speed by 40% for 8 seconds. If the target has been slowed down, it will cause five times the damage. There is no cooldown time.

Although the damage of the B-level skill Ice Lance is a bit low, it can slow down the target. The key is that it is an instant skill. If it is upgraded to an A-level skill, it may not be an instant skill.

This made Lin Yuan very entangled.

While he was entangled, Lin Yuan suddenly remembered that he was cursed when he opened the treasure chest just now.

Looking at his panel, Lin Yuan found that he had a negative state called mana loss.

【Curse]: Mana Drain

Effect: You lose 2% of your mana per second, lasting for 5 minutes.

Lin Yuan breathed a sigh of relief.

"Phew, luckily it's not a loss of health."

Lin Yuan's S-level skill, the Heart of Magic Power, restores 10% of mana per second. This curse only loses 2%, which has no effect on Lin Yuan at all.

After opening the treasure chest, Zhang Fan found that Lin Yuan had been in a daze, but Zhang Fan knew that Lin Yuan must be thinking about something, so he did not interrupt him, but looked around vigilantly.

Zhang Fan saw that Lin Yuan was no longer in a daze, and asked

"" A Yuan, which way are we going?"

There are two roads in front of them, one leading to the palace and the other leading to the backyard.

Lin Yuan thought about it, pointed to the road in the backyard and said,"The BOSS should be in the palace. Let's go see if there are any monsters in the backyard."

Zhang Fan naturally had no objection to Lin Yuan's decision.

The two walked through the corridor and came to the backyard.

The strange thing was that there was no monster in the backyard, only a dry pool.

When Lin Yuan and Zhang Fan walked to the side of the pool, Zhang Fan suddenly screamed,"Ah!"

Lin Yuan turned around and found that Zhang Fan had stepped on a trap and was hanging in the air and swinging back and forth.

"Don't worry, wait for me to save you."

Lin Yuan looked around and found the rope not far away, so he walked towards it.

Halfway through, a thin black shadow suddenly appeared behind Lin Yuan.

The black shadow held two daggers flashing green light and stabbed Lin Yuan in the back.

【Cunning Timmy] (Elite) lv10

HP: 15000

Attack Power: 800

Stealth: Hide your body and do not be detected until the stealth state is cancelled.

Backstab: Causes 300% damage. Must be used behind the target.

Cunning: Timmy will only attack when he is sure that he is in an advantageous position.

At a glance, Lin Yuan saw the monster's exaggerated attributes.


A terrifying number appeared in front of Lin Yuan,"Fuck! It's a critical hit!"

Timmy's skill hit Lin Yuan. If he didn't have a shield, Lin Yuan would have become a cold corpse.

After reacting, Lin Yuan fired an ice spear at the monster.

-400 reduced the damage by 90%, and the Ice Lance could only inflict a pitiful amount of damage on the monster.

Seeing that he had only inflicted hundreds of damage, Lin Yuan was not discouraged.

His goal had been achieved. A little frost had appeared on the monster's body, and its movement speed had been greatly reduced. Lin Yuan seized the opportunity to quickly distance himself from the monster.

While retreating, Lin Yuan did not forget to continue to use the Ice Lance.




Ice Lance will cause 5 times the damage when hitting a slowed enemy. Three consecutive Ice Lance hits the monster, and the last one is a critical hit, directly knocking off one-third of the monster's health.

After the distance is pulled, it becomes the monster's nightmare. It can't get in, and it can't run away.

Lin Yuan runs and fights at the same time, and he knows the essence of guerrilla warfare. After four Ice Lance shots, the monster falls to the ground.

【You killed the elite monster Cunning Timmy and gained 500 experience points.

After the kill prompt appeared, Lin Yuan ran to the rope and let Zhang Fan down.

After Zhang Fan came down, he had a lingering look on his face.

"Fortunately, I stepped on the trap, otherwise I would have been killed instantly!"

Zhang Fan watched the whole battle process just now. The damage of the first attack after the monster broke the invisibility scared Zhang Fan.

That was 4000 points of damage. As a shield warrior, Zhang Fan only had 3200 points of health.

If he hit himself, he would be dead.

After saving Zhang Fan, Lin Yuan did not forget to touch the corpse.

【You picked up Timmy's Scimitar】

【You picked up the skill book Stealth]

Neither of them can learn the skill book, but the weapon is just right for Zhang Fan.

【Timi's Scimitar] (Silver)

Wearing condition: Level 5

Attributes: Attack +100, Strength +10, Agility +10

Effect: Increases damage by 10% when attacking from behind.

He handed the weapon to Zhang Fan,"Here you go."

Facing the weapon handed over by Lin Yuan, Zhang Fan was a little hesitant.

"This is too valuable. I can't help you in the whole abyss. You should sell it for money."

After hearing Zhang Fan's words, Lin Yuan directly put the weapon in his hand and said,"Why are you being polite to me?"

Seeing that Lin Yuan was still the same as always, Zhang Fan smiled and said,

"Then I won't be polite."

After equipping the weapon, Zhang Fan stroked the weapon in his hand with an intoxicated look on his face.

""I'm going to make a difference." Lin Yuan laughed and scolded Zhang Fan when he saw his expression.

The elite monster was killed. In line with the principle that a thief should not leave empty-handed, Lin Yuan and Zhang Fan carefully searched the backyard, but the result was not ideal.

The entire backyard was in ruins and there was nothing valuable.

The two returned to the corridor and came to the palace gate.

After thinking about it, Lin Yuan upgraded the Ice Lance.

After spending 500 skill points, the B-level skill Ice Lance became the A-level skill Ice Ray.

【[Ice Ray] (Grade A) lv1

Cost: 1500 mana

Casting time: Instant

Effect: Shoots an icy ray at the enemy, causing 5000 points of frost damage and reducing its movement speed by 50% for 10 seconds, with a chance of freezing the target in place for 3 seconds.

After the skill is upgraded, the skill is still instant, and there is a chance of freezing the target in place on the basis of deceleration.

If Lin Yuan is lucky enough and the frequency of triggering is high, the monster may be frozen in place and unable to move.

After upgrading the skill to the maximum, Lin Yuan stepped onto the stairs.

Before Lin Yuan could get close to the palace, the gate of the palace opened automatically.

A majestic voice came from the palace,

"Welcome to the realm of anger!"

Then, a violent figure over three meters tall appeared in front of Lin Yuan.

【[Anger incarnation - Samael projection] (Hero) lv12

HP: 150000

Attack power: 2000

Sin of rage: When HP is less than 50% or affected by control-type debuffs, the rage state is automatically triggered.

(Rage: Attack power increased by 100%, attack speed increased by 100%.)

Destruction Smash: Hit enemies within 10 meters in front of you twice, each time causing 100% damage. When in the rage state, there is a 50% chance of using the skill again for a combo after each skill release.

Rage: When HP drops to 10%, the rage in the body will explode, restoring 10% of HP per second, lasting 10 seconds, with a cooldown of 5 minutes.

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