After reaching level 4, Lin Yuan had already found time to upgrade the A-level skill Magical Body to S-level.

Before the upgrade, the mana provided by Magical Body was already considerable.

【[Magic Body] (Grade A) LVmax

Effect 1: Increases mana by 30,000 points.

Effect 2: Increases mana recovery speed by 500%.

Effect 3: Reduces spell damage received by 25%.

After upgrading, this skill brings Lin Yuan a larger amount of mana and also provides a life-saving skill.

【[Heart of Magic Energy] (S-level) LV1

Effect 1: Increase mana by 50,000 points.

Effect 2: Recover 1% of mana per second.

Effect 3: Reduce spell damage received by 30%.

Effect 4: Provide a shield of 1% mana, which has no duration and has a 30-second cooldown after breaking.

After the skill is upgraded to S-level, the mana recovery speed is greatly improved, and a passive skill that adds a shield is also provided, which greatly increases Lin Yuan's confidence. After spending 100 skill points to upgrade the S-level skill to the maximum, Lin Yuan's mana reached a terrifying 100,000 points.

【[Heart of Magic Energy] (S-level) LVmax

Effect 1: Increases mana by 100,000 points.

Effect 2: Restores 10% of mana every 2 seconds.

Effect 3: Reduces 50% of spell damage.

Effect 4: Provides a shield that is 10% of mana. The shield has no duration. There is a 20-second cooldown after the shield is broken.

After closing the skill bar, Lin Yuan can feel a layer of mana shield around his body. The shield's health is 10,000 points.

Lin Yuan roared at the monster that kept wandering around,

"Grandchildren, Grandpa is here!"

This roar startled all the monsters nearby.

In an instant, all the evil goblins' eyes were attracted by Lin Yuan.

""Kurikala!" The evil-blood goblins spoke in a poor infernal accent and rushed towards Lin Yuan with blood-stained weapons.

They had not seen human blood for too long, and they were eager to kill the weak human in front of them, and then offer his head to the devil, hoping that the devil could give them a little insignificant reward. The evil-blood goblins rushed over in a swarm, just in time for Lin Yuan to finish casting the spell.


The flames of the blazing barrier rose up and directly burned the monsters within 30 meters to ashes.

After the monsters were killed, Lin Yuan frowned and thought,"Why are the monsters' bodies all burned, and their things don't explode?"

Lin Yuan couldn't figure it out. After the monsters of normal difficulty were killed, their bodies would lie in the same place and would not be refreshed until after a while. How come the monsters of regional difficulty were directly burned to ashes after being hit by skills?

Could it be because of the difficulty of hell?

Lin Yuan attributed this situation to the difficulty of the abyss.

In fact, this is the case. The abyss of the hell level is a real plane.

This plane is the former Goblin Forest, but the projection of the angry demon god invaded here and transformed it into a purgatory scorched earth as a springboard for invading the blue planet.

After the projection of the demon god accumulated enough power, it could open the purgatory portal to invade the blue planet.

Fortunately, the existence of the Holy Tower prevented the conspiracy of the demon god from succeeding.

In order to prevent the invasion of the abyss, the Holy Tower also actively resisted.

It consumed power to solidify the abyss of hell difficulty.

As long as the professional can defeat the BOSS of hell difficulty.

The Holy Tower can permanently transform the abyss into an ordinary abyss without danger.

Lin Yuan naturally didn't know these things. He just wanted to challenge the abyss of the highest difficulty.

Because Lin Yuan felt that the highest difficulty would naturally give the most rewards.

Lin Yuan's random choice made the teachers and students of the third middle school panic.

【Kill the evil goblin, experience value increased by 80 points】X10

【Kill the evil blood goblin, experience points increased by 80 points】X10

After killing more than 20 goblins, Lin Yuan gained more than 1,600 experience points, and was one point closer to upgrading. When

Zhang Fan, who was a pendant, saw that Lin Yuan could still kill monsters in seconds, he opened his mouth in surprise again. He wanted to ask Lin Yuan something, but after thinking about it, he closed his mouth again.

Don't ask what you shouldn't ask, just be a pendant peacefully.

Zhang Fan's mentality is very positive.

Now Zhang Fan and Lin Yuan are grasshoppers on the same rope, and it is of course a good thing that Lin Yuan is strong.

Zhang Fan has not forgotten what those students said on the playground before, and that annoying Chen Bin, who thought he had a thigh. When the two of us pass the hell difficulty, I want to see what expression on your face.

Lin Yuan, who was walking in front, naturally didn't know what Zhang Fan was thinking. Seeing that the monster's body was burned, he called Zhang Fan and started to move forward.

"There is a building over there, which should be where the boss is staying, let's go over there."

After hearing Lin Yuan's words, Zhang Fan looked into the distance and saw a group of buildings, with a palace in the center.

The palace was very simple, with a bit of Western architectural style, and on the top of the palace was a statue of a giant snake spitting out its tongue.

When Zhang Fan saw this group of buildings, he scratched his head,

"Why does this building look so familiar?"

Zhang Fan couldn't remember any information about this building after thinking for a long time.

The two walked for another two minutes and came to the vicinity of this building.

During this time, Lin Yuan also encountered scattered evil blood goblins, but they were all burned to ashes by Lin Yuan's blazing barrier.

When he arrived in front of the building, Lin Yuan stopped.

"It's time to find a conventional means of attack!"

The Blazing Barrier lasts for 30 seconds, but after 30 seconds, there will be a 5-minute cooldown.

During these 5 minutes, Lin Yuan can't do anything but wait.

"When you learn the next skill, you can't upgrade it to S-level directly, the cooldown time is too long."

Lin Yuan waited in place while observing the monster information ahead.

【[Fire Goblin] lv9

HP: 10000 Mana

: 500

Attack Power: 130

Fel Fireball: Consumes 30 points of magic, condenses a Fel Fireball, causes 200 points of magic damage, attack range 35 meters, casting time 3 seconds, no cooldown.

Seeing the monster's attributes, Lin Yuan felt a little tricky.

The Blazing Barrier is very powerful, but it also has a fatal flaw, that is, after releasing the skill, you cannot move.

The attack range of the Fel Fireball is 35 meters, and the attack range of your own skill is 30 meters, a difference of 5 meters. If these monsters keep throwing fireballs 30 meters away, there is really no way to deal with them.

"Fortunately, there aren't that many monsters, but it's a bit troublesome to gather them together."

When the skill was on CD, Lin Yuan was thinking about how to gather the monsters together.

After looking around, Lin Yuan's eyes lit up.

"This place is good, it's a good place to gather monsters."

In the direction of Lin Yuan's gaze, there is a 3-meter-high tombstone standing there.

There is a pit under the tombstone, just big enough for one person to hide.

Lin Yuan's idea is to go to the front and absorb all the monsters' hatred to himself, and then hide in the pit of the tombstone.

After hiding, these magic fire goblins will have no targets to cast spells on, and they will definitely come to find him, so that he can catch them all in one fell swoop.

"Hahahaha, I'm such a clever little ghost!"

Seeing that the skill CD was ready, Lin Yuan said something to Zhang Fan beside him and was about to go and lure the monster.

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