[Elemental Soul - Aluneth] (Colorful - Damaged)

Repair progress: 5%

Wearing requirements (bound): Intelligence 20000, Level 25

Attributes: Intelligence +10%, Vitality +10%, Agility +10%

Arcane Affinity: Reduce spell consumption by 15%.

Spacetime Beacon: Open a portal to the Astral Mage Tower. (No matter where you are, the Astral is your home)

Void Corrosion: Release on a target, increasing the spell damage it receives by 50%, lasting for 3 seconds.

Others: To be unlocked

Seeing the brand new staff,

Lin Yuan was overjoyed,

"Brother is awesome!"

Seeing this, Gwari said,

"The Dark Titan's magic was too powerful, and the Void Orb only restored 5% of its full power.

Aluneth was originally an elemental soul, and now that it has merged with the void energy, it is unknown whether it is a blessing or a curse."

Lin Yuan nodded after hearing this, holding the staff in his hand,

Lin Yuan could clearly feel Aluneth's emotions,

"I am alive again. Tremble, Dark Titan. Sooner or later, I will crush your Titan body!

My current master, please work hard and smash the Dark Titan with me."

Lin Yuan:...

How come after fusing with the void energy,

Aluneth has become a little bit immature?

Putting away the staff,

Lin Yuan asked Gwari:

"How do I complete the last step of the top trial?"

Hearing Lin Yuan asking about the trial,

Gwari raised his eyebrows and sat next to the iron felt.

"Let's not rush for this. First, tell me how you lured out Rajaksh, and the heart of the sea giant, and when you killed the sea giant."

After hearing what Guevara said,

Lin Yuan told him everything about his experience. He started from the Roof Tribe, then went to fry fish, fought against the sea giant and the sea giant leader.

After escaping death, he used the red salmon to lure out Rajaksh.

At this point,

Lin Yuan stopped.

He had already told Guevara about the battle with Rajaksh.

There was no need to repeat it.

After listening, Guevara sighed,

"Am I getting old or is the world progressing too fast? You can even kill the sea giant leader, you are amazing."

Lin Yuan laughed,

"Luck, luck, it's all good luck, otherwise you wouldn't have seen me."

Gevri nodded.

It was indeed good luck.

He had seen Modri on the west coast before.

With his huge body and super high magic resistance, it was not an exaggeration to call him the nemesis of spellcasters.

After an estimate, if he took action, it would take at least three shots to kill Modri.

"You are such a fool, luckily Modri didn't become the king of the sea giants, otherwise you would have died."

Gwari cursed with a smile while stroking his beard on his chin.

"You must not be so reckless in the future, you might anger a strong man one day, and you will have no place to cry when the time comes."

After that, the two of them seemed to be chatting about daily life.

Gwari told a lot of interesting stories, and

Lin Yuan also shared his own experiences.

Although he had just awakened, he did n't have many stories, but they were enough to make Gwari look at him with new eyes.

"I knew you were extraordinary, but I didn't expect you to be favored by Magna, the Star Mage. I was right."

Gwari attributed Lin Yuan's abilities to Magna, thinking that Lin Yuan had his current strength only after Magna's favor.

Little did he know that Lin Yuan was a cheater, and that his current strength was entirely due to cheats.

As they talked, the two began to drink.

Lin Yuan took out the roasted kidneys on his own initiative, thought about it, and took out a dozen red-scaled salmon and roasted them on the fire beside him.

Gwari smelled the fragrance and sniffed hard.

"What a nice smell!"

I looked up and saw Lin Yuan grilling fish.

"What kind of fish is this? Why is it so fragrant?"

Gwari came forward and asked

"This is called red salmon, it is very delicious, especially after being grilled. I used these fish to seduce Rajaksh."

Lin Yuan handed the grilled fish to Gwari, who took it and tasted it gently.

The fish meat was chewy and delicious, and the fragrance was overflowing.

The whole taste buds seemed to be excited.

Gwari had never eaten such delicious fish before, and he ate ten in one breath.

Moreover, this fish can actually increase all attributes after eating.

Of course, this attribute is like a drop in the bucket for Gwari, but no matter how small a mosquito is, it is still meat.

After all, he still owes Lin Yuan a favor.

So Gwari decided to give his toy gun to Lin Yuan

【You have been recognized by Gowari, and have passed the top level trial. Your experience points have increased by 600,000.】

【You have learned the instinct of a wild beast. 】

Lin Yuan, who was still grilling fish, suddenly heard a system prompt in his ear, which confused Lin Yuan. What did I do to complete the task

? Could it be that my grilling skills have been recognized by Gwari? Has my charm of burning the sky finally been discovered?


I thought I had to fight with this brother,

I was scared to death.

Lin Yuan looked at Gwari, and saw a smile in his eyes , and he immediately understood.

Oh, it turned out that it was because of the relationship between relatives and friends.

This is a back door for himself.

It's just like a promotion at work.

Whether you can get the approval of your superiors is just a matter of a word from others.

If the leader says you can do it, it's okay if you can't.

If the leader says you can't do it, it's okay if you can do it.

To express his gratitude, Lin Yuan took out the remaining dozens of skewers of grilled kidneys and put them on the iron felt beside him.

After thinking about it, he put dozens of red-scaled salmon.

Lin Yuan didn't put the golden iron claw crab because he loved it.

Seeing Lin Yuan's actions, Gwari stood up,

"You have completed the top trial and can leave the Beast Forest at any time. This is a communication rune. You can call me when you need help."

Gwari handed a rune similar to a phone to Lin Yuan, and then calmly put the grilled kidney and red-scaled salmon into his backpack.

"This toy gun is for you, I hope it will be helpful to you."

Looking at the toy gun in Gwari's hand that he could buy with one dollar, and hearing Gwari's serious tone,

Lin Yuan reached out to take the toy gun.

When he got it in his hand and saw the properties of the toy gun,

Lin Yuan was shocked.


Seeing Lin Yuan

's shock, Gwari looked a little smug.

"How is it? Are you surprised?"

Lin Yuan nodded vigorously.

"Thank you, brother. Come to Blue Star and have your time. I will give you plenty of roasted kidneys, elven wine and goblin snacks." When

Gwari heard this, his eyes lit up.

"I have something to do at the moment, so don't break my promise when I contact you!"

【Gwari's favorability +20, current favorability close friend. 】

Lin Yuan took a look and realized that it was another LSP.

After a brief greeting,

Lin Yuan used the teleportation scroll to return to Blue Star.

After Lin Yuan left, Gwari closed the alchemy workshop, glanced at the empty camp, and said to himself:

"The Heart of Gluttony has fallen into the hands of humans. The Purgatory Demons are probably going to make a big move again. I have to find out where Leviathan is now. This time I must avenge the previous revenge."

Before leaving the camp,

Gvari took out the old flintlock rifle from his waist and put a bullet into it.


The bullet tore the space apart, and then

Gvari walked in.

I don't know where he went.

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