On the other side, after using the teleportation scroll,

Lin Yuan returned to Tianfeng City.

He looked at the time and it was already late at night.

He took out the communicator and called Zhang Fan, but found that Zhang Fan was out of contact.

"You're really trying hard!"

There's only one possible reason for the loss of contact, that is, he's in the abyss.

It's unclear when Zhang Fan will come out.

Lin Yuan mailed the shield and 20 red-scaled salmon to Zhang Fan's home.

Then he returned to the rental house.

"I have to move to another house in two days."

After returning to the rental house,

Lin Yuan had the idea of moving.

Today was a very tiring day.

It was also the most dangerous day.

Lying on the bed,

Lin Yuan reviewed today's battle and felt that he had not done well in many areas.

If it weren't for his luck, he would have been killed by the Wave Walker.

If it weren't for Alunes, he would still be competing with Rajaksh.

After all, he was still not strong enough and had to continue to become stronger.

A Wave Walker almost killed him, which was too embarrassing.

Listen, how infuriating this is.

��The Wanderer is at least the leader of the sea giants.

Although he has not become the king, he has hundreds or thousands of sea giants under his command.

In ancient times, he can be regarded as a local lord.

You, Lin Yuan, are just a level 25 little Karami, and you still feel ashamed.

You are really ungrateful.

After reflecting for a while,

Lin Yuan suddenly remembered that there was still a skill book that he had not learned, so he took out the skill book that Lagakesh dropped, and maxed it out after learning it.

【【Eye of Truth】(S-level) lvmax casting time: instantaneous

Mana consumption: 12000

Description: Release an invisible eye of truth, which lasts for 5 minutes. The eye of truth can see through invisible creatures within 30 meters, and has a chance to see through the disguise of the opponent. The cooling time is 10 minutes.


With the eye of truth,

Lin Yuan no longer worries about invisible enemies.

Moreover, the eye of truth is invisible, and only Lin Yuan can see it.

When it is released, others cannot see that there is a big eye on his head, which is not only convenient but also beautiful.

After upgrading the skills,

Lin Yuan was not sleepy, so he took out his mobile phone and started to see if there was anything new on the professional forum.

When he opened the forum, the first thing that caught his eye was a mourning.

The reason was that a level 30 rift abyss appeared near Shuiliu City.

However, the professionals in Shuiliu City discovered it relatively late and did not conquer it in time.

As a result, the creatures inside broke through the dimensional barrier and descended on Blue Star.

Although Shuiliu City dispatched professionals to destroy all the dimensional creatures in the end, it also suffered heavy losses, with 130 professionals dead.

When this happened,

Central Holy City issued an emergency warning.

【The Purgatory Plane has fully invaded Blue Star. In the coming period, the rift abyss will be in a high-incidence period. Professionals in all cities must strengthen patrols and control in the area to eliminate the abyss rifts in the bud. 】

As soon as the order was issued, all cities immediately executed the order.

The location of the rift abyss is not fixed.

Some appear in the river, some appear in the sky, and some appear underground.

It is hard to prevent.

Fortunately, the Central Holy City has distributed the latest developed rift detectors this time.

As long as the distance does not exceed 50 meters, the direction of the rift can be accurately located.

Not to mention, some cities have actually discovered the rift abyss.

Eliminate the danger in the rift.

A large part of the professionals in Tianfeng City have been dispersed to explore the rift.

Only about 20% of the higher-level professionals in the city are left.

Seeing this, Lin Yuan realized that being a professional is not that easy.

The greater the ability, the greater the responsibility.

Although Lin Yuan is now stronger than the professionals of the same period, there is still some gap if compared with those veteran professionals.

Now, if a professional above level 60 appears in front of Lin Yuan,

Lin Yuan will most likely have to run away.

Unless the opponent has no force field to suppress him or the force field cannot restrict Lin Yuan.

After browsing the forum, Lin Yuan suddenly felt sleepy when he saw a post about a mage's movement tutorial.

I am really not a person who loves to learn.

I feel sleepy when I see text about tutorials.

Then Lin Yuan decisively put down his phone and went to sleep!

When Lin Yuan fell asleep, two men in black robes were talking in a sewer somewhere in Tianfeng City.

One of them had magic patterns all over his body.

He was Wang Li, the person in charge of the Natural Disaster Cult in Tianfeng City.

A level 47 magic pattern messenger.

At this moment, Wang Li was bowing and reporting the situation to another man in black robes,

"Sir, most of the professionals in Tianfeng City have already left. Lin Yuan just came out of the abyss and has now returned home."

"Sir, when will we start?"

The man called the inspector pondered for a while and said,"The night is long and dreams are many. We will start soon. Even if Zong Bai is prepared, he will not expect that we will send four people this time."

Wang Li looked around and looked puzzled, as if asking other people.

In this regard, the inspector did not say much and ordered:

""We will start immediately in half an hour. Lin Yuan is the person that the Demon Lord has specifically asked to be arrested, so we must do it without any mistakes." After the inspector finished speaking,

Wang Li immediately replied,"Yes, sir."

Then Wang Li gathered the remaining 13 Scourge believers in the city.

"Mayor, the members of the Natural Disaster Cult have assembled!"

As soon as these members started to move,

Secretary Sun immediately ran to Zong Bo to report.

Zong Bo immediately arranged for his men to rush to Lin Yuan's house and wait for orders.

He was also fully armed and rushed to Lin Yuan's house with Secretary Sun.

On the way, he also contacted Chen Yuang and reported the matter.

Chen Yuang only answered with three words,

"Got it."

After hanging up,

Zong Bai snorted coldly.

""The Natural Disaster Sect will make sure that you never return."

In the dim city, two forces gathered like a storm.

Their destination was clear, which was Lin Yuan's rental house.

But what was Lin Yuan doing in the center of the storm?

He was lying on his side on the bed, with his legs between the quilts, sleeping soundly.

In his sleep, Lin Yuan felt that this posture was a little uncomfortable, so he changed his posture and his whole body showed a big word, oh no, it should be the word"Tai", or to be more precise, the word"Mu".

""Are all the people here?"

At the same time, in the sewer,

Wang Li checked the time and asked an unknown younger brother beside him.

The unknown younger brother nodded,"Everyone is here, boss."

After that,

Wang Li asked the inspector for instructions, and after getting a response, he and the inspector came to the sewer closest to Lin Yuan's house.

Coincidentally, just as these people were about to go up, they heard the sound of conversation coming from the sewer.

"Did you enjoy drinking tonight? Why don’t we go somewhere else to drink?"

""Okay, let's go."

The inspector heard someone talking and stopped moving. He was right under the manhole cover.

He planned to wait until these people walked away before going up.

Then, he regretted it.

Because he could vaguely hear the sound of pants being taken off from above, and a few seconds later, the sound of running water was heard.

Then the inspector found that his head was drenched with urine.

He was almost angry and exploded on the spot.

Wang Li and a group of younger brothers next to him all looked like they wanted to laugh but didn't dare to.

It was very hard to hold it back.

Seeing this, the inspector roared,

""Looking for death!"

He flew over and lifted the manhole cover, coming to the ground.

After coming up, the inspector saw two men around the manhole cover looking at him in shock.

With a cold snort, he raised his hand and waved at the two men.

A flash of light passed by, and the two men were beheaded.

They couldn't be deader.

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