"Didn't Alunes get lost in the sky? How did you get it into your hands? The staff is broken like this. How did you do it?"

Gwari's tone was not friendly.

Alunes was already damaged like this, but he still used this staff to fight.

How bold!

After listening to this, Lin Yuan quickly explained.

After listening,

Gwari's expression became better.

"I didn't expect that little tiger Lagakesh would actually evolve a magic immune physique. This is something I didn't expect."

The last time Gwari saw Lagakesh was 4.5 years ago, when Lagakesh had just become a ghost tiger.

Gwari found that this little guy was very special.

After being eroded by the void, he could still retain the hunting instinct of a beast.

At that time, he thought that this little guy was interesting and let it go.

It happened that Lin Yuan chose the top trial.

Gwari thought of the little tiger Lagakesh.

He thought that Lagakesh could cause some trouble for Lin Yuan.

Unexpectedly, this little tiger encountered a strange encounter and actually evolved a magic immune physique.

After learning about the battle,

Gwari was amazed.

"I didn't expect that even the magic-immune Lagakesh couldn't stop you."

Although you rely on equipment, isn't equipment also part of your own strength?

It's a pity that Alunes's top-grade staff

"I don't have any elemental orbs at the moment, so I can't completely repair it. I can only maintain it temporarily. You can find someone else to solve the problem after you go out."

Lin Yuan's heart skipped a beat when he heard this, and he asked,"Will this affect Aluneth?"

Gwari nodded,"It will definitely have an impact, unless you can gather the four elemental orbs of earth, fire, water and wind now."

"And even if you gather all the four elemental orbs, there is no way to repair it without a treasure that can balance them."

After Gwari's explanation,

Lin Yuan was a little depressed.

Gwari had made it very clear that without a treasure that could balance the four elements, even if you gathered all the four elemental orbs, it would be useless.

By then, before the elemental orbs could fuse,

Aluneth would explode first.

At that time, there would be nothing left of the staff.

""Elemental Orb, Elemental Orb."

Lin Yuan muttered to himself.

Where can I find the Elemental Orb?

Lin Yuan asked Gwari, and he said that the Elemental Orb can only appear in the Elemental Plane.

It is a treasure coveted by even the Elemental Lords.

It is extremely rare.

Not to mention Lin Yuan, even Chen Yuan would have a hard time getting one.

While thinking about it,

Lin Yuan suddenly clapped his hands.

"Brother, do you think this thing will work?"

Lin Yuan took out a dark purple gem from the package.

This gem was what exploded after Rajaksh's death.

Gwari took the gem, looked at it carefully, and asked uncertainly:

"Where did you get this thing?"

Lin Yuan patted the tiger head on his waist.

"Gained from it"

"No wonder!"

No wonder the little tiger Rajaksh could evolve into a body immune to magic.

It turned out that he accidentally swallowed the Void Orb.

"I really don't know whether this little tiger has bad luck or you are too lucky."

Gwari suddenly didn't know what to say.

If you say this little tiger has bad luck, he didn't explode and die after swallowing the Void Orb, but evolved because of a disaster.

It can be considered a blessing in disguise.

If he didn't die, he would be a Void Lord in a few years. But he was killed by Lin Yuan because of his greed.

The Void Orb fell into Lin Yuan's hands after a lot of twists and turns.

"Before, I had no materials, so I could only maintain it. Now that I have this Void Orb, I can try my best and maybe I can completely repair it."

Hearing what Gwari said,

Lin Yuan showed joy on his face.

"Great, thank you for your help, brother."

Gevri shook his head.

"Don't be too happy yet, I'm not 100% sure, and now we're still missing a key material."

While Gwari was speaking, he took the head of Rajaksh in his hand, and

Lin Yuan's panel also displayed a prompt to complete the task.

【Complete the top trial 2 and gain 400,000 experience points. 】

Then a new task was released,

【Top Trial 3: Kill a sea giant and obtain its heart】

"Now we are missing a sea giant heart. After the sea giant dies, their hearts will turn into stone. Grinding the stone into powder will reduce the activity of the elements and increase the success rate of weapon repair.

You must kill a sea giant quickly. They all live in the west by the sea.

Remember, you only have 15 minutes."

Gwari took out a mechanical part from his backpack and threw it on the ground.

After the part fell to the ground, there was a"click" sound, and it instantly turned into a forging workshop.

"This is the alchemy workshop I got from the goblins. It can be carried around, very convenient." When Lin Yuan entered the workshop, he felt a wave of heat coming. Gwari took off his clothes, revealing his rock-like muscles, and put the staff and the void orb on the anvil. Gwari also took out many tools and materials. After working for a while, he turned around and found that Lin Yuan was still here, and said unhappily:

"Why haven't you left yet? Didn't I just tell you that you have to get the heart of the sea giant within 15 minutes, so that the success rate of repairing the staff can be increased by a few points."

Gwari now has everything ready, except for Lin Yuan to get the heart of the sea giant.

As a result, Lin Yuan stood there stupidly.

Did he give up?

Just as he was about to scold him,

Lin Yuan suddenly slapped his forehead and took out two strange-shaped stones.

【Heart of the Sea Giant】(Special)

Function: Forging material.

Seeing Lin Yuan take out the Heart of the Sea Giant from his backpack,

Gwari was stunned for a moment, then took it and put it on the anvil.

"Where did you get it?"

【You have completed the top trial 3, and your experience points increased by 500,000.】

【Top Trial 4: Prove yourself to Gwari!

After completing the task,

Lin Yuan leveled up and reached level 25.

He also gained 2,000 skill points.

But what does the last step of this top trial mean?

Prove yourself?

Do you have to fight Gwari ?

That's too difficult.

Which professional can complete it?

Gwari didn't have time to talk to Lin Yuan now.

After the materials were complete, he was ready to start repairing the staff.

First, crush all the two hearts of the sea giants, and then take out a lot of materials and crush them one by one.

Finally, put the Void Orb on the place where Alunes was broken. Then

, the dwarf took out a forging hammer from somewhere and started hammering.

The clanking sound made Lin Yuan tremble with fear, worrying that Gwari would accidentally break the staff.

Fortunately, there was no danger.

15 minutes later, the Void Orb and Alunes were completely fused together.

"Finally it's done."

Gwari wiped the sweat off his head.

To be honest, he was also very nervous.

If he was not careful, the top staff of the past would become a waste.

"You are so lucky!"

Gwari handed the repaired staff to Lin Yuan.

"The energy contained in this void orb is extremely powerful. If it weren't for it, it might not be repaired."

After hearing what Gwari said, Lin Yuan happily took the staff.

"Thanks, Brother Gwari. If you need roasted kidneys in the future, just let me know. I'll give you as much as you want!"

With the staff in hand,

Lin Yuan couldn't wait to take a look at its current properties.

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