《Only ten days after the launch of Ark: Survival Evolved, the number of online players in the game has broken the highest record of online players in domestic VR games!

It has reached 6.72 million!

Although this is the number of online players worldwide, other domestic VR games also have English versions, and foreign players will also be counted when counting the number of players, but even so, Ark still easily broke the record, and the number of online players is still rising.

Of course, some players died several times in a row at the beginning and were persuaded to quit, but a large number of players still stayed in the abuse. The first batch of players have now almost found their own bases, started construction and development, and posted on domestic forums to recruit people.

There are also a large number of data posts on the forum: analyzing which technology trees are worth clicking and which are more useless.

Don't say that those data analyses seem to be very realistic even to Fang Yun, but Fang Yun still said: You think too much, these numerical things are all changed in one update, what's the use of analyzing for a long time, it is most useful to develop them all honestly!


Many anchors, relying on their own appeal, have gathered a group of players to build bases in marginal areas and rapidly develop technology. In addition, people have begun to call players who"collect all the time from the moment they log in to the moment they log off""slaves". There is no other way. The construction and development of the game requires a large amount of materials, and the things collected by one person for a while are simply not enough, so a"slave" trend has arisen directly.

Even the phrase"Have you been a slave today?" has become a hot search on Weibo!


《Ark seems to be operating well, and the final changes and packaging of Borderlands have been completed. Fang Yun is preparing to officially launch it this weekend!

There is no grand publicity, just an ordinary Weibo post, which made many players who were originally planning to buy other games hold back: save the money for the weekend!

"Fang Yun, this is too much! How long has Ark been online? Although the price is relatively low for VR games, but a PC blockbuster is coming right after it, who can afford it!"

Some players made such a voice, but it was quickly drowned out by a chorus of rebuttals:

"So you would rather buy those more expensive and less fun games rather than the cheaper and more fun games from the cloud?"


Anyway,"Borderlands" has arrived as promised, priced at 158. This price includes the subsequent DLC updates, so it is still a very conscientious number.

Some players who were discouraged by"Ark" started to play"Borderlands" and soon became addicted to grinding...

Although the entire game plot is very simple, if you really want to beat a save file, you need three rounds!

In other words, players need to go through the same plot three times, then beat all the DLCs, and finally beat OP8. This is a complete process.

During this period, you need to go to the same place countless times to swipe weapons, because the level of the swipe weapons is adapted to the current level of the player. When the player's level is high, the original weapons are no longer applicable, and then you have to swipe a new weapon...

And some players who like to collect are obsessed with [Collect All Legendary Weapons], and they want to collect every legendary equipment in it. This workload is huge, and it depends on luck...

There are some special players whose schools need specific legendary equipment. This is the most difficult, such as [Fake Cannon Stream]:

In addition to the legendary rocket launcher, the fake shield is also one of the core equipment. In the whole game, only the boss UFO in the bunker has a chance to drop this shield, and the explosion rate is very low!

Then, some Africans spend all day on the same map, swiping left and right, but nothing comes out...

Countless times when they want to give up, thinking about the shameless freeloading of fake cannon streams in the online videos, it gives them the motivation to persist...

Moreover, the settings of NPCs in"Borderlands" are very... unserious!

Each NPC encountered in the main quest will have an introduction, and at the end there will be a picture of the character's appearance.

For example, the most famous one is Miss Moxie in the bar!

When the player gives Miss Moxie tips continuously, she will give the player a [Miss Moxie's Bad Touch] and a [Miss Moxie's Good Touch] respectively.

At first, some players didn't understand the name and felt that the name was just for fun. Later, a player who used a game controller to play the game got the gun [Miss Moxie's Good Touch]...

When he used this gun, when he aimed with the controller, the controller would vibrate! And there are different vibration levels... ahem!

It felt like some tools. When thinking about what Miss Moxie said and the name of the gun, the player (old driver) understood it instantly!

Then, he posted his discovery online, and suddenly more players bought controllers.……

《Many NPCs in Borderlands have some funny elements, similar to Western humor. For example, in the process of the plot, the player will deal with a gang called the Hard Bang Gang. Another example is the profiteer Marcus who"never returns goods", Mr. Tog who will be blocked for every word he says, the extremely wretched repairman Scooter, the crazy little Tina, etc.

These characters seem to be mostly funny, but as long as you dig deeper, players will find the"tragic story deep inside each character" arranged by Fang Yun.

Almost every NPC who deals with the protagonist in this work looks funny and crazy on the surface, but they all have an unknown tragic past!

Some players are deeply addicted to it. They try hard to find every clue about these characters hidden by Fang Yun: either a photo/group photo, or a sentence said by someone, or a side quest about this character, etc.

Almost every character has the meaning of his appearance, and these things hidden deep inside are the connotation of this game!

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