After countless players went online, they failed to survive the first night. They were either killed by the beasts on the Novice Island or died of poisoning from eating fruits. Of course, some people tried strange activities such as"high-altitude diving", jumping off the cliff and falling into the sea and dying directly...

After experiencing the first death, the players remembered that this is a survival game!

Then, just like when they first started playing"Don't Starve", they walked carefully one by one, even thinking about whether to take a detour when they saw a bird.

However, since this is just a Novice Island after all, there are not many powerful monsters on it, so after the initial adaptation, the players soon lived like a fish in water on the Novice Island.

Some players even decided to stay on the Novice Island and started to build their own houses. However, when they went online the next day, they found that the warm nest they had built before had disappeared!

And several NPCs were standing at the location of their original houses.

Approaching the NPC and trying to talk to them, the NPC replied: This island is the island of these old people, and newcomers are not allowed to build houses on it!

In other words, if they want to build a castle, they must go to an isolated island!

This is of course a restriction made by Fang Yun. There was no such restriction when experiencing it before because there were only a few people who experienced it. Even if they were given a month, they could not cover the entire novice island.

But it is different after the official launch. Even if it is divided into more than 100 areas, the number of players on the novice island in each area is still huge, so Fang Yun adjusted the refresh of the novice island supplies and banned the act of building on the novice island.

Then, the players were confused. Fortunately, they had built very simple small houses before, and the materials they spent were not much, and these NPCs returned all the materials used by the players!

Therefore, the players can only collect materials with peace of mind, prepare to exchange a raft from the NPC, and prepare to start their own sea drift!

The entire map is divided into more than 100 areas. According to the map distribution in the real world, the birth point of players in each country is a specific few areas. For example, the birth point of Asian players is in the middle of the map, European players are on the left, and American players are on the right.

In this way, many people's idea of plundering foreigners at the beginning is undoubtedly a failure, unless they can be ruthless and drift on the sea at the beginning, drifting all the way to the area where foreigners are born, so that they can realize their dreams.

This is also the conclusion of Fang Yun based on the failure experience of"Ark" and"Atlas" in his previous life. In the previous life, Chinese and foreigners were born together, and the competition at the beginning was extremely fierce. However, due to the server, it was extremely unfriendly to domestic players. Domestic players were once at a disadvantage in the competition until the number of people increased and gradually gained the advantage by relying on the number of people.

Then, all kinds of foreign plug-ins flew across the country, directly destroying the two games with great game mechanisms...

So Fang Yun made some changes in this regard. First of all, there are almost no plug-ins on the VR side of this world. The quality of players in this world is very high, and there is no such thing as crooked things.

Secondly, Fang Yun referred to the"national war" in many online game novels in his previous life. In these novels, the national server was separated from the foreign server in the early stage, and the dividing line would be opened when it developed to a certain level. Fang Yun set the birth points of players in different regions to be different.

In the early stage, when there are only rafts and small boats, you want to invade? Sure, you can drift on the sea for a few days first. By the time you have drifted for a few days, the development of others will be much higher than yours.

So this also delays the outbreak of the"war" in disguise. Wait until everyone has developed, and then go to these wars. Isn't it interesting to watch it this way?

Otherwise, you come with a raft to steal some of my supplies, and I come with a raft to knock down a section of your wall. How boring is that? It is more spectacular to have two fleets firing at the same time, right?

Fang Yun's painstaking efforts were not understood by the players at first, until two rafts drifted from abroad...

On the eighth day of the game's opening, on an island in the easternmost area of Country Z, players discovered two rafts drifting from afar!

At first, they thought there were newcomers coming, and they were all ready to welcome them, but when the rafts approached, they found that they were full of people! And they were all ragged, holding spears, bows and arrows, the most basic weapons and equipment!

And they all spoke English!

As soon as these foreigners came ashore, they started to kill the players on the shore!

Since there were some players who were building/collecting on the shore and they didn't have weapons in their hands, they were quickly killed by these foreigners and returned to their base to revive.

Soon, the supporting players came over. The technology of this island at this time had already produced fire guns. Although it was not a good thing, it was more than enough to fight spears and bows!

Then, this group of foreigners were sprayed to death by fire guns one by one, and returned to the raft to revive. When they resurrected, they were surrounded again...

After taking turns again and again, the foreigners did not continue to revive. It is estimated that they chose to return to the novice island to revive...

After this battle, the players have seen the disadvantages of long-distance sailing in the early stage.

It is estimated that this group of foreigners prepared to go to sea on the first day of the server opening, but they drifted here after so many days, but the end result was that they were surrounded and hammered by countless people...

Many players who had previously clamored to go out to sea to fight foreigners also kept silent.

This is a lesson learned from the past!

Then, the players honestly developed technology on their own islands.

Some players who liked fighting gradually moved to the"edge" area, because if someone invaded or fought back, this would be the front line of the battlefield, while some players who didn't like fighting went to the middle area, which was very safe.

As long as they satisfied their own survival problems, they could be a"virtual architect" with peace of mind.

The players who came to invade were players from Country M.

When they announced the news of the failed invasion on the forum, other players also settled down and honestly developed their own technology, preparing to build large ships later before launching a war.

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