With the launch of Borderlands, major gaming media have also released their reviews of the two games:

【Game Times】:《Ark: Survival Evolved: Small society in the game!

《"ARK: Survival Evolved" has been online for some time. Although there is no specific rating yet, we believe that it is qualified to be rated as a 3A survival sandbox masterpiece!

《Ark is not just a sandbox MMO, it can even be said that it is more like a microcosm of human society. Although the designer Fang Yun has created an ancient wild world for players, all the behaviors of players in the game revolve around"survival" and"evolution".

Needless to say, survival is the first thing that every new player needs to learn is how to find/hunt for food and collect supplies, and"evolution" is reflected in all aspects: houses evolve from thatched houses to castles, weapons evolve from simple stone spears to firearms, and ships going out to sea evolve from rafts to large sailing ships, etc.

The game is divided into two modes of play: GVG (Group vs Group, group combat) and PVE.

The core gameplay of PVE is mainly concentrated in scene exploration, resource collection, hunting and domestication, and BUILD.

GVG focuses on tribal confrontation and server warfare.

Although it seems that PVE and GVG do not have much intersection, since players can interact with any building such as destruction and use, any content in PVE may trigger a GVG battle.

This is one of the most significant differences between this game and any other sandbox game and traditional MMO in terms of interaction.

The only flaw is that Fang Yun, who always pursues perfection, did not arrange a perfect background plot for this work this time!

Rating: 8.8 points.

Reason for deduction: Fang Yun, you actually did not arrange a plot, so it is impossible not to deduct points!


《Borderlands Review:

This is another innovative PC game by Fang Yun, a work that successfully combines FPS games and RPGs!

Perfect graphics: In static images, the excellent depth of field and atomization processing and the full images make people feel very fulfilled, and the colors and shadows are as rich as the previous work; the explosions and light and shadow effects of dynamic images are not as dull as cartoons, but very dynamic.

The gun body will show various colors under different scenes and different lighting, and the color transition is smooth and harmonious.

The focal length conversion vision is clearer, and the blur and clarity are perfectly integrated.

The producer is more focused on perfecting the details, more realistic smoke, explosion flames, dust, various gun shapes and textures, and rich character color matching and external light styles.

Music: Fang Yun must have put a lot of effort in this. Once you enter the game, there is always good background music, and the music between different scenes is also different!

When the battle becomes intense or the player's health is too low, the music will suddenly speed up, and the whole person will be excited. With the sound of gunfire, explosions, and heart-wrenching screams, every battle will make people excited and nervous. After the battle, the music suddenly quiets down, making people linger on the tragic battlefield for a long time.

In terms of plot: Although the plot seems very simple on the surface, if you dig deeper, you can find many foreshadowings that Fang Yun has painstakingly buried. Although the overall plot is not as grand as Azeroth, it is still first-class!

Rating: 9.2 points.

Reason for deduction: The vehicle driving here is too abnormal! It is actually operated by perspective instead of WASD!


The above is the review of the two games given by Game Times. The content published by other game media is similar to them. The evaluation of the two works is excellent. Even [Daily Game] has praised"Ark" as the best game of the year!

If"Ark: Survival Evolved" is qualified to be selected as the best game of the year, then what about"Warcraft"?

After the"reminder" of the media, the players recalled this matter. Thinking carefully, Fang Yun's several games this year, except《FGO》Apart from the dominant mobile game, several other masterpieces seem to be eligible for the selection of the best game of the year?

Do they all need to be nominated?

Many players have already expected that the committee is overwhelmed!

This is only Fang Yun's second year. If this continues, won't Fang Yun's games be selected every year in the future?

Unlike the players' mentality of watching the fun, the design committee is indeed overwhelmed!


Let’s not talk about these things for now. Fang Yun had received a notice before he went abroad that his"The Elder Scrolls" had automatically entered the RPG Game Awards this year, and now it’s time for the selection!

If nothing unexpected happens, he will definitely win the first place this year. The current"The Elder Scrolls" can almost be renamed"Girls’ Scrolls". Fang Yun’s promotional video at that time gave players a lot of inspiration. Now all kinds of beauty mods are emerging in an endless stream. Even if you have a macho follower, you can turn him into a beauty through mods...

Players who played"Girls’ Scrolls" gradually found that their cheeks were getting thinner and thinner. On weekdays, they would masturbate for 20 minutes, but now it only takes less than ten minutes to enter the sage mode.……

"You old thief Fang Yun, you have to pay for my kidney!"

"Others steal hearts, Fang Yun steals kidneys!"

"You have kidney deficiency, but our livers are all going to be hardened! Borderlands made me change my hair from a full head to a head of tiny dots……"

"Ever since I played《FGO》My friends and family all advised me to smoke*……"

Similar words appeared endlessly on Weibo and forums.

Then, players discovered that, except for Warcraft, all the other games released by Fang Yun this year seemed to target one of the players' organs:《FGO》It's the liver and the wallet; The Elder Scrolls is the kidney; Ark and Borderlands are also the liver...

If a player plays several games...

Then, a character with thin cheeks, sparse hair, dull eyes, and an empty wallet appears in everyone's mind...

Then these players are determined to take good care of themselves, but they find that they always can't fall asleep at night, and the thought"My stamina seems to be full? Should I clear it?" pops up in their minds unconsciously, and they can't stop thinking once they turn on their phones...

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