The general content of the video is like this. The video also basically shows various operations between PVP. The overall feeling is like medieval pirates! It feels a bit like Pirates of the Caribbean, of course, it is the pirates without"skills"!

The lucky players present, after watching this video, almost everyone has a heart of Pirate King in their hearts!

"This is a man's game!"

That's what the players said.

At this time, Fang Yun spoke again:"After watching this video, you may think that this game is more suitable for boys, right?"

"Then let's take a look at this other video!"

Fang Yun said, and played another video: Several players gathered in front of a strange machine, holding several blueprints in their hands, and threw all the blueprints and materials into the machine. After a while, the machine produced a variety of"strange" parts. Then, these players began to divide the work and cooperate. The video began to fast forward, and the players in it kept repeating this behavior.

A somewhat familiar building gradually appeared in front of everyone!

"Dolby Theatre!" (The place where the Oscars are held every year in Hollywood)

Someone said this name!

As the video kept fast-forwarding, finally, a Dolby Theatre that was almost exactly the same as the real one appeared in front of everyone!

"This is what I said, people who don’t like fighting can quietly build. Theoretically, all the buildings in reality can be realized here, but the colors and other things may be a little off. I will update the relevant things later. For buildings that do not exist in reality, as long as you have relevant things in your mind and make them into drawings, you can realize them in the game!"

"The above are the two main ways to play"Ark: Survival Evolved": construction and war. Of course, there are many more ways to play, which requires players to develop themselves!"

Fang Yun made the final summary.

Then, Fang Yun began to introduce his second game:

"This is a combination of FPS and RPG games that I created. It is the first time that RPG game elements such as"skills" and"equipment" have been added to FPS games. As we all know, FPS games are actually a game that tests players' skills, while my game is a game that tests players' brains. Of course, certain operations are still required."

"Players need to consider the combination of skill trees, the choice of weapon types, shields, modules, etc., which all need to match their own professions, so a variety of gameplay will arise, which is also the biggest highlight of this game!"

"You need to brush up on the good equipment here by yourself. If you are lucky, you may find them when you are completing the mission."

Fang Yun's introduction was very simple, and the screen only played screenshots of several professions' skill trees, weapon lists, shield lists and the like.

After the brief introduction, Fang Yun played some"actual combat" videos: when fighting the same boss, different professions used different guns and different fighting methods. Some used violent attacks, some killed with one shot, some used skills, and some even used random shooting.

But the final outcome was the same: the boss died and exploded!

Then, after making a summary of today, Fang Yun's press conference was completed, and he needed to go to the back to accept media interviews. The content of the interview was actually similar to the previous one, so Fang Yun just casually dealt with it in two sentences and it ended.

A week passed quickly, and the annual International Game Exhibition ended just like that. Hall 2 successfully stole the limelight from Hall 1. Of course, the person who made the biggest contribution here was Fang Yun.

After the exhibition, Fang Yun began negotiations with Paramount.

It was called a negotiation, but in fact, Fang Yun put forward his own requirements, because the investment in this film was a joint venture between the two parties, that is, it was a joint venture between ZM... ahem!

With both sides paying, the negotiation process was actually much simpler.

In addition, Fang Yun's script IP was indeed world-class, so the film company did not have too many requirements, but met almost all of Fang Yun's requirements.

So the matter was settled.

After signing the contract, Fang Yun needed to provide the complete script to this side before the end of the year, and the selection of actors would also refer to Fang Yun's opinions.

The shooting and production cycle of the film is expected to be half a year to a year, which means that it will be broadcast in the second half of next year at the earliest, just in time for the good position of the summer season.


After the discussion, Fang Yun rejected the invitation to visit here, and directly booked a flight ticket with several of his men to return to China. The experience store in China has been closed for a long time, and it is time to resume business.

As soon as he returned to China, Fang Yun directly opened the test activities of the latest two games, and the VR area of the experience store was officially opened!

At the same time, his team is seizing the time to package the game and conduct the final server stress test, especially"Ark: Survival Evolved". When this game is officially launched, the pressure on the server will not be small, because players all over the world are on the same server!

Although the server of this world is much more powerful than the potato server of the previous life, Fang Yun is not sure whether the millions of players who suddenly poured in can withstand it. After such a delay, time came to September, and"Ark: Survival Evolved" was officially launched!

Price: 298 yuan!

This time it is a unified global price! Global simultaneous sale!

Players who have been looking forward to it for a long time bought this game as soon as possible, and the sales of the game reached 1.68 million copies in 24 hours after it was launched!

This is the publicity power of the [International Game Exhibition]!

Over the past half month, the video released by Fang Yun at the press conference has been widely circulated. Since there are not many"survival" problems in it, most of them are about the rapid development of players after the initial survival stage, plus Fang Yun mentioned"development game" at the press conference, so many players have forgotten the label of this game: survival sandbox RPG game!

One by one, they are addicted to building world-famous magnificent buildings or leading a fleet to rampage on the sea, burning, killing and looting.

Then, reality gave them a huge critical hit!

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