The next two days were still the same as the first day, except that there would be a long queue in front of Fang Yun's booth every day. When all the experience seats were full, the players who didn't get a chance would stand and watch for a while, and then disperse...

Fang Yun's"international peers" were all staring at Fang Yun's new game, but now no company was ignorant enough to come and"recruit" Fang Yun. After all, looking at Fang Yun's current posture, he would sooner or later become a world-class company, so the strategy adopted by major companies in the world was the same: make friends.

One by one, they came to hand Fang Yun a business card. Some companies in the United States also invited Fang Yun to visit their company after the game exhibition, and to cooperate with them if there was a chance in the future. Moreover

, Spielberg also contacted Fang Yun and said that the company to cooperate with had been found: Paramount. One of the well-known companies in Hollywood.

The time and place for the negotiation had also been set: the day after the exhibition ended, and the location was at the hotel where Fang Yun was staying.

The fourth day of the exhibition was the day for major companies to hold a"press conference" collectively. Although the major companies had introduced themselves at their respective booths before, today was the official collective press conference!

Every participating company can apply as long as they have new games, and then the official will arrange a schedule, and everyone can hold the press conference according to the schedule. The press conference will be held next to the three major exhibition halls, in a lecture hall. The press conference will start at eight in the morning and last until the afternoon.

Generally speaking, a whole day is enough for these companies to introduce their games, because these companies generally only bring one or two games, and it takes a long time to talk about them. The question-and-answer session will be after the press conference, and reporters will each choose a game company to interview.

Fang Yun would definitely not miss such an opportunity. He also submitted an application, and the schedule was arranged: the first session after lunch!

After a look, it seems that the official has put the strong companies in the afternoon, and the companies in the morning are generally weaker than those in the afternoon.

"So, wouldn't I be the boss of an international first-tier game company?"

Boss Fang thought very proudly.

In terms of scale, Fang Yun's company is not even a third-tier company, but in terms of works, in the PC game market in recent years, if Fang Yun admits to being the second, no company dares to be the boss...

This is probably the reason why the official struggled for a long time and finally put Fang Yun in the first place in the afternoon session.

In the morning, Fang Yun handed over the work of the booth to Guan Tao and others, and came to the lecture hall alone. At this time, people had already entered the venue. In addition to game companies and game media, there were also some lucky players who came to play at the exhibition: when players came to participate in the exhibition, they would draw a prize when entering the door, and lucky players could choose to participate in today's game conference.

People arrived soon, and Fang Yun sat down in the area where the game company staff were, and then watched one company after another come on stage to introduce their new games.

He had never held such a conference before, although he had seen some game conferences on the Internet in his previous life. videos, such as the famous E3 press conference, but this is the first time for me to attend one.

Although I have prepared some things to say in advance, I have not yet decided how to say them.

After watching for a whole morning, I found that all the major companies are similar, and no company has any new press conference format, so Fang Yun felt relieved.

After lunch, Fang Yun brought Guan Tao to the lecture hall. They were the first in the afternoon, and now it was time to prepare. After Guan Tao became familiar with the operation of the big screen, Fang Yun handed him the USB flash drive he brought. On it were some videos and pictures that would be needed later. Although Fang Yun would use a small remote control when he went on stage to introduce himself, he still left Guan Tao in the backstage to prevent accidents.

Soon, the time was up, and the afternoon press conference officially began!

Fang Yun went on stage with a small remote control in his hand. At this time, the logo of Yunmeng Entertainment was displayed on the big screen on the stage.

"Good afternoon everyone, I am designer Fang Yun"

"The game exhibition has been going on for the fourth day. Some of the players here should have played our company's new game. The media here should have interviewed me before, right? They should also know about the new game, so I don't think I have much to say about this press conference. What else can I say if you all know it?"

Fang Yun's opening remarks drew laughter.

"So I will briefly introduce the new game:"Ark: Survival Evolved" is actually a game where you catch dinosaurs and become a dinosaur trainer. It is suitable for men, women, young and old! And I have already said the basic evaluation in the promotional CG before, that's it!"

Fang Yun said, and released the five points of the previous CG that made fun of himself.

"Let’s not talk about the single-player mode for now. The multiplayer mode is not just about cooperation. Confrontation is also a very important part. However, since there are still very few players who have experienced it, and the players are still in the novice stage, no one will think of this. But you can watch this video:"

Fang Yun said, and played another video. The general content of the video is that on two"adjacent" islands, the development of each island is extremely prosperous. Even one island has built a huge castle. Countless players are busy on the island, and then the camera is given to the dock: a row of large ships are quietly docked here, and both sides of each ship are full of cannons!

Players began to board the ship one after another, some at the helm, some controlling the sails, some in charge of the cannons, and some on standby in the cabin!

The situation on the two islands is similar. After the personnel are assembled, After that, the big ship began to move!

The target was exactly the island where the other party was!

Since the two parties had the same purpose, even the departure time was almost the same, and the configuration of the big ships was similar, they met at the"midpoint" position, and then, a tense and exciting naval battle began!

At this time, the players on standby in the cabin also appeared one after another, holding wooden boards in their hands to repair the damaged parts of the big ship.

Finally, the shells brought by one party seemed to be used up, and they had to retreat, while the other party, of course, took advantage of the victory and chased people directly to the other party's island!

A large number of players got off the ship with weapons, and it was another landing battle!

But this time they did not have much advantage, and finally had to choose to use artillery fire to plow the opponent's dock like plowing the land. Some players hiding nearby rushed up and brought back a lot of materials, and then these"invaders" retreated.

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