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《What kind of game is"ARK: Survival Evolved"?

Fang Yunyu:

1. My love adventure with dinosaur babies (×)

Modern fertilizer production, silly player shit shoveling simulator ()

2. The dinosaurs are so big and powerful, they can carry me everywhere (×)

Such a big Tyrannosaurus Rex can't carry me? ? ? ()

3. Cool and awesome light and shadow effects (×)

The sound effect of shitting is really realistic ()

4. Run, the Swift Dragon is chasing you! (×)

Look at me punching this silly Tyrannosaurus Rex to death! ()

5. As long as you have a dream, everyone can become the Pirate King (×)

The hard days of being chased by a ghost ship as a pirate ()


"What is this? Is this Fang Yun's self-deprecation? Hahahaha……"

"However, this game looks like a very fun survival game, and it’s in VR?"

"Fang Yun started working on VR? It's getting better, brothers!"

"This is a promotional video, can I experience it?"

"It should be possible, didn't you see that Fang Yun has even prepared the VR theater?"

The players who watched the entire video were talking about it. At this time, the big screen went black, and then the second video was broadcast:

When the screen was black, there was already a person talking:

"Of course I can get those crazy bandits to the secret vault before me."

A scene appeared, and what came into view was a handsome man in a European and American comic style speaking in a ruin surrounded by war:

"It’s so cute to see you running and jumping in front of me, making you all feel like the heroes of this little adventure."

"But you are not!"

Then, the screen went black, and when it lit up again, the picture showed a scene of ice and snow. There was a railway between two cliffs. A high-speed train passed by quickly and loaded onto the train parked in front!

Explosions sounded, and some carriages broke directly and fell from the cliff, and finally a big explosion occurred!

At this time, the handsome voice that spoke before sounded again:

""Welcome to Pandora, little brats!"

At this time, a section of the carriage that fell to the ground was broken, and four people slowly crawled out from it: three men and one woman.

The man on the far left was of standard build, dressed like a soldier, to his right was a woman with blue-purple hair, to the left was a man wearing tight armor and holding a long sword, who looked like a ninja, and to the far right was a sturdy... short man!

After giving the four people a close-up, the camera turned to the nearby area: At this time, countless robots were chasing the humans who ran out of the carriage!

At this time, several robots found the four people who were observing the surroundings, and slowly surrounded them.

Seeing that the situation was not good, the blue-haired woman took the lead!


The blue-haired woman stretched out her left hand, and a blue light came out of her hand, which shot towards one of the robots. The robot was directly surrounded by the sphere formed by the blue light, and slowly rose into the air and froze.

At this time, a soldier wearing war equipment rushed towards the blue-haired woman quickly! The blue-haired woman was not panicked at all, she raised the gun in her right hand and fired!

Direct headshot!

Then, the man who looked like a ninja just now somersaulted to the top of the robot that was frozen by the blue-haired woman, pulled out the long knife on his back and stabbed it, and sparks flew!

"How could you still be alive? How could it be possible?"

The camera turned to the other side: the man who looked like an ordinary soldier was standing on a high place, shooting with a gun, and moving flexibly among the robot army!

At the same time, a real narration sounded:

"The secret treasure Jack was looking for was not a prison in the shape of a ghost, but a living thing. It was an ancient creature, powerful enough to destroy all creatures on Pandora!"

The scene changed: the dwarf was shooting with a pistol in each hand, leaning against a large red box. After the bullets in his pistols were used up, he turned around and opened the box behind him: it was full of weapons and equipment!

So, he changed from dual-wielding pistols to dual-wielding heavy weapons, and fired forward frantically!

Jack's voice sounded again:

"I don't understand what you are thinking. You heroes will never win. All you can do is die!"

As he finished speaking, the scene came to a snowy field: a red-haired woman and a man wearing a gray beret were walking together. At the same time, the man said:

"Jack is going to kill us all, unless we stop him before that happens!"

The two met the four people from before, and there were other people standing next to them. They were leaning against a ruin, facing a large group of robots rushing towards them!

Running in the front was a very short man with a white mask on his head!

Then, the picture froze and darkened. The masked man (madman) stood up from the bottom of the screen, pointing his hands at his chin in a shooting gesture!

Then, the name of the game appeared:"Borderlands》(《Borderlands!

The strong European and American comic-style CG immediately attracted these foreign players. Moreover, this game is obviously an FPS game, and it seems that the characters in it also have skills?

This is the first time they have seen it!

In the past, the FPS they played were nothing more than people holding various guns, either to pass the story level or to compete between players. Now that these humans have skills, the players can't help but feel bright!

"Is this also Fang Yun’s new game? So he made two?"

"What is this terminal? I want to play with this first!"

"No, but it should be for PC. Just now,"Ark: Survival Evolved" was mentioned at the end as a VR game, but this was not mentioned."


Seeing that there were already many players around, Fang Yun stood up and said with the microphone:"Welcome all players, I believe you have just watched these two videos. Yes, this is the promotional video of my new game, and the game test version has been produced, which means that everyone can experience these two games live today!"_

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