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His booth has been set up, and now he needs to install his own game in person. After looking at the layout, which is almost the same as what he asked, he took out the USB, uploaded the game to the main computer, and installed the game on each machine through the main computer.

After finishing, Fang Yun left. After today, the exhibition hall will be temporarily closed until the day of the exhibition, it will not be reopened!

Fang Yun did not run far in the past two days, and he ate regular food. He can't eat blindly at this time. If he gets an upset stomach, there will be no one at the exhibition.……


On August 14, the [International Game Exhibition] officially opened!

Fang Yun and his colleagues, who were working on the exhibition, arrived at the exhibition hall early in the morning. Before going from the main entrance to the back door, Fang Yun saw a long queue at the main entrance. You know, there was still a full hour and a half before the exhibition opened!

"These players are too enthusiastic, aren't they? When did the person at the front of the line come?"

Guan Tao said, looking at the endless line.

"Maybe it was more than two hours earlier than now? Or did they come to line up in the evening of the previous day?"


"Yes, the players are so passionate!"

"This is normal. You have to know that this is the world's largest game exhibition. Many of the award-winning works every year are announced in these venues. Not only players come here, but also game media from all over the world!"


Fang Yun and his team entered the venue from the back door, turned on all the equipment, and checked it one last time.

After finding no problems, Fang Yun began to upload the promotional videos he needed to play in the next few days to the main control computer: there were four videos in total: the first was a clip of the game CG and game content that had already been launched; the second was a clip of the game content of"Ark: Survival Evolved".

That's right, there was no CG, it was a complete clip of the real scene of the game!

The third was the game CG of"Borderlands", and the fourth was a CG animation of Azeroth that Fang Yun thought of before leaving!

Of course, in Fang Yun's view, the highlight of this exhibition was of course to promote his upcoming game, so although his video was played in a loop on the surface,"Borderlands" was played more times.

At nine o'clock in the morning, the exhibition hall opened on time!

A large number of players poured in. Of course, the hall had the most players. Fang Yun and Qu Xiaoyi sat in the small rest area next to the summit, and the others were responsible for a part of the area.

Soon, players came over. The entertainment company's 1ogo was already well-known. When they saw Fang Yun in Hall 2, the players who came to Hall 2 gathered around!

At this time, a video was playing on the big screen: three people in linen clothes were sitting on a bamboo raft drifting on the sea. There was a sail on the bamboo raft, so people didn't need to paddle.

There was a small fire in the middle of the raft, with two wooden boxes and a simple bed on one side and a blacksmith's table on the other side.

The raft drifted in the endless sea for a while. During this period, there would be light from time to time on the sea. After seeing the light, one person would jump into the sea. After a while, he seemed to come up with something and put it directly into one of the small boxes. Since there was no close-up shot, the players were not very clear about what it was.

Not long after, the outline of an island appeared in the distance!

The three people on the raft stood up and looked at the island in the distance excitedly. One person even took out a telescope from the box to observe.

After some discussion, the three of them hoisted the sails. The wind direction was just right at this time, and the raft's speed suddenly increased. Soon they arrived at the edge of the island!

When approaching the island, people found that there were a large number of...dinosaurs living on the island!

The three people in the picture walked around the island and finally found a place that looked safer to dock. Everyone took out their weapons from the box: there were spears, bows and arrows, and one person held an axe in his hand!

After getting off the boat, the three people moved forward carefully, avoiding all kinds of crises, and finally found a place with higher terrain and relatively flat!

Then, the person with the axe began to chop trees, one person returned along the original route, and the other person cleaned up the nearby animals!

After a while, the person who returned to the boat walked back slowly. His speed was much slower than when he first entered the island. The person who chopped trees also came back, and his speed was also much slower.

They took out some materials from their bodies, made a new fire, and lit a fire. At this time, the man with the bow and arrow also came back, holding a longbow in one hand and a few pieces of meat in the other! After simply processing the raw meat, they put it on the fire and started grilling. Not long after, the meat was cooked, and the three of them had a full barbecue!

After eating, one person came to a shady place, touched the ground under his feet with his hand, and found it was a little wet. Then, he knelt on his knees and dug the soil with his hands. After a while, water flowed out, and then he drank it beautifully.

Then, the camera began to speed up: knocking out dinosaurs, taming dinosaurs, collecting seeds, planting, building houses, etc. All the scenes flashed by. The final shot was still the place where they built a fire on the island at the beginning. At this time, the fire had disappeared, and it was replaced by three beautiful small houses! Surrounded by a high wall outside.

There are all kinds of vegetables planted in the yard, and there is a meat drying rack next to it with various kinds of meat hanging on it. At the same time, there are two large water tanks filled with clean water in the corners of the wall!

One of them opened the door, and as the camera followed, the players saw inside: an exquisite bed, a tall cabinet, a fireplace, chairs, a table, and so on!

Finally, the screen went black, showing Yunmeng Entertainment's 1ogo, and gave the name of the game: VR: Survival Evolved》(《Ark: Survival Evolved)! _To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Faloo Xiao

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