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"Among them,"Ark: Survival Evolved" is a VR game. Players who want to experience it, please queue up on my left side."Borderlands" is a PC game. Players who want to experience it, please queue up on my right side!"

"Are they really all done?"

The players thought, and lined up in two teams. The first players to come would experience it first. When the experience area was full, the following players dispersed, because the exhibition did not have the time limit that Fang Yun had set before.

The players who dispersed quickly spread the news that Fang Yun was making a new game, so more and more players gathered in front of Fang Yun's booth. Although they could not experience the game now, they could still watch the promotional videos.

Soon, the CG of Azeroth was played, and more and more players gathered at this time. Many players in Hall 1 came here after hearing the news: they went to Hall 1 before because they did not know that Fang Yun was in Hall 2!

The game media were also like Like sharks smelling blood, they all rushed over. Although they couldn't experience the game in person for the first time, they could interview for the first time!

Moreover, Fang Yun couldn't just refuse this kind of interview directly like before. He always had to say a few words. This was the rule here.

Soon, Fang Yun accepted an interview with [Game Times]. As the most authoritative media in the gaming industry, and the largest gaming media in Country M, the first interview position must belong to [Game Times]!

A cameraman and a female reporter followed Fang Yun to the rest area of the experience area, ready to start the interview.

Reporter:"Hello, Mr. Fang, I'm a reporter from [Game Times], Morris Ivinnie"


Reporter:"First of all, we want to ask, Mr. Fang, how did you make two games in such a short time? Especially one of them is a VR game. We all know that the production cycle of VR games is much longer than that of PC games."

Fang Yun:"In fact, the"Ark: Survival Evolved" project has been in operation long before the start of WCG.

The plan and other things have been determined very early, and many of the specific settings in it were made by my team of designers.

I just provided them with a big framework.

As for"Borderlands", this is indeed a game I made, but this style of game production is relatively simple.

After all, it is just a PC game, so it doesn't take a particularly long time, and it is only a test version at this point, and it has not reached the level of an online version.


Reporter:"I just watched two promotional videos and I am very interested in them. I would like to ask, Mr. Fang, as a Z countryman, why do you know so much about our Western culture?"

Fang Yun:"I not only understand Western culture, but also the local culture is more profound. You can experience my previous work"Romance of the Three Kingdoms". As for why, as a designer, I should have some understanding of all types and themes of games. This should be the basic knowledge of a designer. Only by truly understanding it can you make good use of it in the process of designing games."

Reporter:"Many players are curious about the CG and plot of the game. Why is that? You are not making a plot-oriented game."

Fang Yun:"I think that a game is just the content of the game. Starting from the game icon on the desktop, it is already considered the content of the game. CG and plot are all part of a game, and I like to keep improving, so I also worked hard on non-game content. Moreover, I don’t care about money. The money I earn will be invested in new games, so that I can make better and better games."


The pretty female reporter felt a strong sense of pretentiousness. She didn't know what shocking words Fang Yun would say if she continued to interview him about games. In order to better prepare for her submission, she decided to change the subject:

"A few days ago, some players saw you, Mr. Fang, in Hollywood, and you left with the famous director Spielberg. Can you tell me what it was about?"

Fang Yun hadn't paid attention to the Internet in the past few days, and he really didn't know that he was recognized at the time. Now the topic of [Fang Yun and Spielberg] is spreading hotly on the Internet, so he told the truth:

"I am a game designer and I have the game plot in my hands, and Director Si is a famous director. I guess I don’t need to say anything next, right?"

"Of course, I know what else you want to ask. We haven't confirmed anything yet, so you can't ask anything."

Fang Yun's words directly blocked the question that the reporter was about to blurt out. Then, the reporter casually asked Fang Yun about his daily life and ended the interview. After finishing the interview, Morris Ivini (reporter) hurriedly returned to the hotel where he was staying. He didn't even care about interviewing other booths. As soon as he got back, he started editing the manuscript about Fang Yun's interview:

Main title:"Fang Yun's two new games are revealed!"

Subtitle:"Fang Yun personally admitted that he was discussing with director Spielberg about adapting the game plot into a movie."

It's a very long subtitle, and it seems that the subtitle is what this report really wants to say.

The content is indeed like this. The whole report is divided into two parts. The first part is of course about Fang Yun's new game. In the interview, the reporter narrated Fang Yun’s words verbatim, but the second part had more content. Fang Yun only said that one sentence during the interview. Could the reporter just write that one sentence?

Of course not. Then the reporter used his imagination, looked up information, and even looked up information about Spielberg, listing all the types of films he had directed, and then listed the types of background stories of Fang Yun’s games.

However, he did not give his own guesses, but just let the players guess. The list was probably like this:

Spielberg: Good at shooting science fiction adventures, biographies, wars, action adventures, and thrillers.

Fang Yun: Science fiction adventures (Interstellar, Ark: Survival Evolved》)、Fantasy (World of Warcraft, The Elder Scrolls》)、Thriller Adventure (Don't Starve》)、War (Borderlands》)、History (Romance of the Three Kingdoms)

Although the reporter did not personally experience the two latest games, he still gave a fairly accurate judgment based on the promotional videos. After all, it is not wrong to describe FPS games as wars."Ark" is a game where players face dinosaurs directly, and it is also reasonable to describe it as a science fiction adventure (because"Jurassic World"》)

Then, she uploaded the manuscript to the editor-in-chief.

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