I'm a Farmer of the Pokémons

Chapter 32 Recruitment

The water quality here is really good. You can come here to swim here often in the future!

Qianye Feng said with emotion.

It has been a few days since the water was diverted from the artificial lake. When he built the artificial lake before, he did not dig the same depth in all places, but distributed it in a stepped manner.

The water depth near the shore is only 1.5 meters, and then towards the center of the artificial lake, the water becomes deeper, but the deepest place is only about 2 meters.

Now, he was playing in the lake with the elf who had been working hard for a long time like him.

Terada Yuri was also pulled over by her sister Iida Akiko. Looking at the tall girl in front of her, Chiba Kaede couldn't help but feel a tremor in her heart, but fortunately, he suppressed it in just a moment.

Akiko, don't swim too far, be careful of the danger!

Terada Yuri couldn't help but remind her when she saw Akiko Iida swimming towards the center of the lake wearing a swimming ring.

I'm not afraid. There is a tadpole here. If I encounter danger, it will protect me!

Tadpole, tadpole!

Now, Tadpole and Iida Akiko are very good friends. Basically, they can be said to be inseparable. With his company, there is really no need to worry about her safety.

After all, this artificial lake is not big, and it has just been dug. There are no dangerous elves in it, and they are all watching it.

Yuri, the development of Chiba Farm is getting better and better now, especially in the past few months, after you made the energy cubes, we finally don't need to spend a lot of alliance coins to buy energy cubes from the elf shop!

Chiba Kaede said to Yuri Terada with a grateful face.

This is indeed what he is saying. In the past few months, except for some daily expenses, he has nothing to spend money on. Now he has saved 300,000 alliance coins. In addition, he also has 5 high-grade evolution stones. It can also be cashed out for emergency use when necessary.

Boss, don't say that. In fact, you are the key to the development of Chiba Farm. I just did some trivial work!

Terada Yuri did not feel that she had done anything commendable for Chiba Farm.

She just did what she should do, but Qianye Feng, her boss, often helped her and sent a lot of fruits to the orphanage. She kept these in her heart.

Okay, let's not flatter each other. There is something I want to discuss with you.

The profits from our farm have been pretty good these past few months, so I plan to use the profits to buy large milk jar elf eggs.

It's Uncle Mu Shanyan whom I introduced to you before. The big milk tank they raise just happened to produce a batch of elf eggs recently, so he asked me if I need them. I plan to go to his farm to have a look in person before making a decision.

Chiba Kaede told Terada Yuri the whole story in one breath, and then waited for her reaction.

Boss, you can make your own decision about this kind of thing. I don't have any objections. I'm just afraid that I won't be able to take care of you when the time comes.

Terada Yuri was very happy when she saw Chiba Kaede asking for her opinion, but she just didn't know if she could take care of both.

You don't have to worry about this, your main job now is to make energy cubes, and just be a chef by the way.

As for the work of raising sheep and large milk tanks in the future, I plan to recruit another employee. After all, our farm has more and more work now, and it is really not enough for the two of us!

Chiba Kaede also knows that Terada Yuri is too busy now. She has to make energy cubes, feed the Meli sheep, and cook for them. She has a full schedule every day. He can admire her resilience for being able to persist for so long.

Moreover, if Chiba Kaede has something to do and needs to leave the farm for a long time, Yuri Terada will need to take care of the entire farm by herself. This is too hard and cannot last for long.

So boss, do you have a candidate now?

When Yuri Terada heard that Chiba Kaede was planning to recruit another employee, she thought of her younger siblings, but she was a little embarrassed to speak, so she seemed hesitant to speak.

What, do you have any good recommendations?

When Qianye Feng saw her like this, he could see her thoughts clearly. Moreover, Qianye Feng also had plans in this regard. He just wanted to tease this usually calm and dignified girl.

That's right, boss, can you consider my younger brothers and sisters? They are all very capable?

Seeing Qianye Kaede looking at him with a half-smile but not a smile, Terada Yuri could not understand that his plan was seen through by the boss in front of him.

However, for the sake of the future of her younger siblings, she still gritted her teeth and spoke out.

Okay, I won't tease you anymore. Bring them to Chiba Farm tomorrow. I need to meet with them before I can make a decision!

Although Chiba Kaede intends to recruit Terada Yuri's younger siblings, the only one he knows now is Iida Akiko, an optimistic child. No one else has seen them, and it is not clear whether they are suitable to work on his farm.

A meeting is a must. If you recruit someone who has high ambitions but low abilities, wouldn't it be a hindrance to yourself? It may even affect the tacit understanding between you and Terada Yuri during this period!

I understand, boss. I'll call the dean right now, tell her the news, and ask her to bring them over to the farm for an interview tomorrow!

Terada Yuri also knew that Chiba Kaede could not directly decide to recruit them just because of her words. If this was the case, it would be irresponsible for both of them.

Then this matter is settled. You should make some delicious food for lunch tomorrow and entertain the dean and the others!

Qianye Feng felt that when people came to visit her farm, they could not be disrespectful and disrespectful.

I understand, thank you boss!

Seeing Chiba Kaede being so kind to her relatives, Terada Yuri was very happy and felt that her boss was really a good person.

That night, Yuri Terada explained the matter to the dean, Rie Uchino, and asked her to communicate with her younger brothers and sisters to see if they wanted to work in Chiba Farm.

After Rie Uchino promised to take her children to Chiba Farm tomorrow, she hung up the phone and fell into deep thought.

She is also very happy that the children in her orphanage can have a good future.

But every time a child leaves the orphanage to start his own life, she always has an emotion that is hard to let go of.

Because she is devoted to every child who joins her orphanage, it feels like her own children have grown up, escaped the protection of their parents, and gone out to work hard.

Of course, although she is a little reluctant to give up, she will not block the children's development path. She will only silently bless them and hope that they can have a bright future.

This is the situation. You two should carefully consider whether you are suitable for this job, and don't let down your sister Yuri's wishes!

Rie Uchino explained the general situation to Mizuno Yuta and Takemoto Yui. Currently, only the two of them in the orphanage meet the age requirements.

Okay, Grandma Uchino, I will seriously consider it.

me too.

After understanding the whole story, the two of them felt a little uneasy. They needed some time to think before they knew clearly what they wanted and whether they were willing to go to Chiba Farm.

A night of silence,

The next morning, because someone was coming to visit from her farm, Qianye Feng got up early, then went to her own vegetable field to pick some fresh vegetables, and then went to the orchard to pick some fresh tree fruits. For entertaining guests.

Welcome, Grandma Uchino!

Near noon, Chiba Kaede finally arrived at Rie Uchino and his party. Unexpectedly, they did not take transportation, but came on foot.

Rie Uchino also considered that after the three of them left, only three children under the age of ten were left in the orphanage, and she was a little worried, so she simply regarded this trip to Chiba Farm as an excursion. She went there early Take the kids to Chiba Farm.

For the children, they are naturally very happy. They now yearn for everything at Chiba Farm, but they just have no chance to go. Now that they have this opportunity, they will not miss it.

You must be Xiaofeng, thank you for taking care of our Yuri and Akiko for such a long time!

Rie Uchino fell in love with the 12-year-old boy the first time she saw Chiba Kaede, because she saw perseverance, sunshine, and enthusiasm in this little boy.

She knew Qianye Feng's life experience. She was suddenly hit by the death of her parents, but she was able to cheer up immediately. She also ran the farm and made it lively. This was not easy for adults, but he was a child. done.

You are so polite. Yuri takes care of me most of the time, and Akiko's arrival also brings me joy. I should be the one thanking them!

Qianye Feng expressed his true thoughts. After all, he traveled to this world alone and was very happy to have someone to accompany him.

Thanks to book friend Gui Youbai for your monthly ticket support!

Your support is the motivation for my creation!

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