I'm a Farmer of the Pokémons

Chapter 31 Artificial Lake

Good morning, Yuri!

At this time, Chiba Kaede had already made breakfast and was eating breakfast with a group of elves. When he saw Yuri Terada walking down, he greeted her.

I'm sorry, boss, did I oversleep today?

Terada Yuri walked up to Chiba Kaede and bowed to him.

Don't you remember, you passed out yesterday?

Seeing that she seemed a little confused, Qianye Feng reminded her.

Yes, sister scared Akiko yesterday!

Iida Akiko also intervened at the right time.

This, it seems like this happened, and I would have forgotten it if you didn't tell me!

Terada Yuri thought about it for a while and finally remembered.

By the way, boss, I successfully made a primary energy cube yesterday!

Terada Yuri said excitedly immediately.

Well, I also gave the energy cubes you made yesterday to the mosquito-repellent tadpole. The feedback from the mosquito-repellent tadpole was very good. It thought it was more delicious than the primary energy cubes bought in the store!

Chiba Kaede reported yesterday's test results to Terada Yuri.

The main reason is that the fruits from our Chiba Farm are of good quality. My energy cube making technology needs to continue to improve.

Terada Yuri said objectively.

She also knew that although she had successfully produced a primary energy cube, the success rate was not stable and she needed to continue to work hard to improve it.

I solemnly inform you now that if you continue to make energy cubes day and night like before, I will consider suspending your permission to use the fruit mixer. Do you understand, Yuri!

Chiba Kaede was also frightened by what happened yesterday when Terada Yuri fainted.

Although he has healing abilities, there is really no need to squeeze the employee so much, even if she volunteers.

I understand, boss, I won't let you worry anymore!

Terada Yuri was also shocked when she saw Chiba Kaede looking so solemn.

However, she knew that her boss was also thinking about her health. Looking back on the previous period, she was indeed a little obsessed, as if she was holding her breath and wanted to make the energy cube so as not to disappoint Qianye Feng.

Well, just pay attention. Isn't everything developing for the better now?

Chiba Kaede said to Terada Yuri.

Time flies, time flies!

At this time, three months had passed since Yuri Terada made the primary energy cube, and Chiba Kaede finally changed from an 11-year-old boy to a 12-year-old boy.

During this time, Terada Yuri can easily make primary energy cubes, and occasionally intermediate energy cubes, so now the elf food in Chiba Farm no longer needs to be purchased from outside.

After all, based on the quality of the tree fruits produced on the farm, the energy cubes produced are better in terms of taste and energy content than those purchased in the store.

Moreover, some time ago, another batch of fruit trees began to bear fruit one after another, and now Chiba Farm has basically achieved fruit freedom.

Even the Proud Swallows now rely on the energy cubes made by Terada Yuri as their main food, and only occasionally eat some tree fruits when they are greedy.

Qianye Kaede gave many fruits to the orphanage where Miss Junsha, Miss Joy, and Yuri Terada lived.

For Miss Junsha and Miss Joy, he wanted to thank them for their help and care for him, while the orphanage wanted to thank Yuri Terada for her contribution to Chiba Farm.

However, as Qianye Maple gradually transplanted some fruit trees to the orchard, the previous method of relying on a well drilled on the original farm to irrigate the orchard became somewhat inappropriate, mainly because it was too inefficient and would consume a lot of money. A lot of their time.

So during this period, Qianye Feng and a group of elves wanted to dig out an artificial lake near the orchard, and then introduce the water from the big lake here, and then raise a group of water elves in the artificial lake, and then let them They helped irrigate the fruit trees.

The original plan of Qianye Maple was to let mosquito-repellent tadpoles learn the skill of praying for rain to irrigate these fruit trees, but it was later found to be unrealistic.

Not to mention that the mosquito-repellent tadpole has not yet learned to beg for rain. Even after it learns, it will not be able to release its rain-begging skills several times a day, and the rainfall range is relatively small, which cannot meet the needs of the ever-expanding orchards.

Therefore, Qianye Feng personally went into battle to inspect the terrain, selected a more reasonable road section, and then asked the mountain rat to use its burrowing skills to dig a sufficiently wide aqueduct from the ground.

This was not a problem for the mountain rat, after all, its digging skills had become instinctive, and it only took a few days to complete Qianye Feng's request.

The more difficult part is to dig out an artificial lake of sufficient size and depth in the orchard.

Of course, the main force of the excavation is the mountain rat. After all, it is naturally good at digging holes. However, this time it also requires the cooperation of other elves. Qianye Feng needs to direct them to transport the excavated soil to other places.

Qianye Feng directly regarded digging the artificial lake as the daily training of the elves. Wang Yan directed a group of younger brothers to help transport the soil in the basket to other places and dump it, and then brought the empty basket back, and so on.

Heracross needs to help move the heavier stones. If the stones are too big, he needs to use the tile-splitting skill to break them before moving them away.

Shuttlecock Flower is waiting beside the Shuttlecock Flower, which has learned how to play on the grass field, to restore the state of the elves who need to recover their physical strength. This can also deepen their use of the grass field.

Mosquito Tadpole needs it to use the water gun skill to help water the fruit trees during this period. Of course, this workload is a bit heavy, so Qianye Maple will also assist.

Since the heterochromatic sheep and ghost were unable to help, Chiba Kaede was sent to take care of Iida Akiko.

Since both he and Terada Yuri were busy during this period, they really couldn't care about her, and they didn't trust her to play alone, so they let the two elves accompany her.

This project lasted for about a month. During this period, it did not mean that all the time was devoted to digging the artificial lake. Other things on the farm also needed to be taken into consideration.

Among them, the most critical thing is that Terada Yuri needs to make enough energy cubes to replenish the physical strength and energy consumed by the elves, so that physical overdraft will not occur.

It can be said that Qianye Maple has invested more than 90% of the labor force of Qianye Farm in order to dig this artificial lake.

During this period, Qianye Feng could feel that all the elves had grown a lot. Among them, the main pangolin rat had evolved into the king of pangolins. This and its constant use of burrowing skills, and the fact that Qianye Feng provided Adequate nutrition has a lot to do with it.

Since the pangolin evolved into the pangolin king, there has been a qualitative leap in the excavation speed of artificial lakes, so they were able to dig this 100 meters long, 100 meters wide, and 100 meters deep in just one month. A 2-meter artificial lake was dug out.

King Chuanshan, use heavy stepping!

Heracross, use stomp!

Now, Qianye Feng is leading Chuanshan King and Heracross to use the heavy stepping skills to compact the bottom and shore of the artificial lake to prevent the lake water from bringing up too much sediment after it is poured in.

With the last piece of land compacted, the artificial lake is finally complete.

Qianye Feng and a group of elves looked at the artificial lake in front of them with great pride. They dug it out with their own strength. As the saying goes, people's hearts move like mountains.

The water diversion canal is not like Qianye Feng's original plan to divert water directly from the ground into the river through the tunnel dug by Chuanshan King. Instead, a small river two meters wide and 1.5 meters deep was dug out, which can benefit the small river more. The land on both sides will not be short of water when planting any crops in the future.

After all these tasks are completed, only the last step remains, which is to divert water and let the water flow through the canals into the artificial lake.

Early the next morning, Qianye Feng took all the people and elves in Qianye Farm to the source of the canal, the large lake where Qianye Feng had collected mosquito tadpoles.

Now, we only need to dig out the separated soil layer, and the lake water can flow along the channel to the artificial lake.

Then, under the watchful eyes of everyone and the elves, Qianye Feng took out a shovel and dug a few times into the already thin barrier layer. Then he saw that the barrier layer of soil burst directly under the pressure of the lake water, and then a steady stream of Continuously follow the water channel on the lake, heading towards the artificial lake.

Let's go there too!

Then, a group of people and elves walked along the direction of the canal towards the artificial lake. The mosquito-repellent tadpole jumped directly into the canal and was immediately carried forward by the current. It looked very... of excitement.

By the time they walked to the artificial lake, the artificial lake was already full of water. In addition to its mosquito tadpoles, there were also some carp and goldfish brought along the lake.

Judging from their appearance, they are obviously a little confused about the current artificial lake and can't understand why the environment has changed so much.

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