I'm a Farmer of the Pokémons

Chapter 33 Departure to Chenghua City

Akiko, could you please take your brothers and sisters to play outside?

Chiba Kaede said to Iida Akiko.

After receiving Rie Uchino and his party, Chiba Kaede welcomed them into the hall of his house. After chatting with Rie Uchino, Chiba Kaede asked Akiko Iida to take out the little guys who were just here for fun. play.

After all, the next interview session is boring for them, so they might as well let them play on the farm by themselves.

Since the formation of the Arrogant Swallow group, they have regarded the farm as their sphere of influence. The King Swallow will regularly have its Arrogant Swallows patrol the farm to drive away wild elves who want to break in.

Especially in the area where Qianye Feng lives, the patrols are extremely strict, and now there are mosquito-repellent tadpoles and heterochromatic sheep following these little guys. Now their strength cannot be underestimated. Generally, Wild elves are no match for them.

So, Yui and Yuta, how are you thinking about it? Do you want to work at Chiba Farm?

Rie Uchino directly asked the two of them about their wishes. Only if they agreed could Chiba Kaede be interviewed.

I, I'd better stay in the orphanage to help the director take care of my younger brothers and sisters. This opportunity will be given to Yuta first!

After Yui Takemoto hesitated for a while, she answered firmly.

No, my dream is to become an elf trainer. This opportunity should be given to Sister Yuyi!

Mizuno Yuta knew that Takemoto Yui wanted to give this opportunity to him, but he did not want to receive this gift, and he also wanted to give this opportunity to the other party.

Grandma Uchino, it seems that our Chiba Farm is not that attractive. They don't want to come to work on our farm!

Qianye Feng also found this scene very interesting and couldn't help but joked.

Since both of them disagree, let's forget about this recruitment. However, I am still very grateful to Xiaofeng for giving them the opportunity to interview.

Rie Uchino glanced at the two of them and said helplessly.

No, that's not the case. I actually long to join Chiba Farm. However, as a sister, how can I compete with my brother for this opportunity?

After Yui Takemoto saw that things were messed up by them, he quickly explained.

Sister Yuyi, you work hard every day to take care of our lives. As a man, I can't compete with you for this opportunity!

After Mizuno Yuta scratched his head, he also spoke out what was in his heart.

You guys are like this, what should I say to you!

Rie Uchino also knew the tangle between the two, but she couldn't blame them so harshly, but her savings could only maintain the operation of the orphanage, and could not support Yuta Mizuno to embark on the path of a trainer.

You must know that becoming a trainer is not simply about subduing an elf.

It is also necessary to increase the resources required for the elves to grow enough, otherwise the elves they raise can only be used as pets and do not have high combat effectiveness, and the prices of these resources are often very expensive.

After more elves have been conquered, a place is needed to foster the elves. According to the research of the Elf Alliance, the maximum number of elves that a traveling trainer can take care of is 6. After this number is exceeded, there is no guarantee that every elves will be taken care of. The elf has grown up.

If you forcefully carry a large number of elves, the trainer will need to consume a lot of food every day to supply these elves, which will make it impossible to stay in the wild for a long time.

This is also the reason why Qianye Feng, who traveled through time, chose to invest all his money in Qianye Farm.

Facts have proved that his choice was right. As the Chiba Farm grew, his income also increased. The current output of the farm alone can actually support his progress on the path of being a trainer.

In Qianye Feng's previous life, she saw many relatives who turned against each other for profit. She helped poor students in their studies, but failed many times.

At this time, I also admire the friendship between Mizuno Yuta and Takemoto Yui who are not related by blood but who sincerely consider each other.

I don't think I said I would only recruit 1 person. I will give you a 3-month trial period. If your work satisfies me, then I can hire you. But if you are not qualified for the job, I will also Choose to resign them all!”

Although Qianye Feng admires them, he still needs to have certain principles. As the saying goes, there is no rule without rules, so that he can be a qualified manager.

Really? Thank you very much, boss!

I will work hard and I will not be lazy.

Mizuno Yuta and Takemoto Yui hurriedly thanked them.

In this case, then I will leave these two to you, Xiaofeng!

Rie Uchino is also very happy with this result, and finally has a good result.

By the way, one of the employee benefits of our Chiba Farm is that we will provide initial elves!

Qianye Feng said to the two of them.

Really, when can I get the initial elf?

Mizuno Yuta stood up excitedly and asked excitedly.

When Yuri Terada went back before, he did say that Chiba Farm would provide initial elves to employees, but he didn't hear Chiba Kaede personally admit it, and he felt quite uneasy.

There is a group of proud swallows in our Chiba Farm. You can get in touch with them more often. If you can get the recognition of one of them, you can conquer it, or you can wait until the proud swallows give birth to elves. After the egg, you can obtain a Proud Swallow Elf Egg, you can consider the details yourself.

Qianye Feng knew that there would be more and more employees at Qianye Farm in the future, and every employee could not need him, the boss, to go to Chenghua Forest to help them conquer the initial elves, so he took the initial elves from the farm. Determined to be proud swallow!

The current population of proud swallows has expanded to more than 50. After the number of mature fruit trees in the orchard increased, Qianye Feng asked the king swallow to recruit from its birthplace. However, there should be no more wild proud swallows in the future. .

Because some of the proud swallows on the farm are already showing signs of laying eggs, in the future, only the proud swallow elf eggs produced will be able to satisfy the reproduction and expansion of their group.

Qianye Feng also hopes that the two of them can be recognized by the proud swallows, but it is more difficult because these proud swallows have greatly increased in strength after being trained by Qianye Feng, and some of them are not suitable as initial elves.

I understand, boss, I will work hard to get Aoguyan's approval.

Mizuno Yuta said seriously.

This would be his first step in becoming an elf trainer, how could he not be excited about this?

For Takemoto Yui, there is no such urgency. She has a more casual attitude towards raising elves, and she can have them or not.

Grandma Uchino, it's almost noon. Let's go find Akiko and the others, and then have lunch together!

Chiba Kaede looked at the time on her phone and found that it was almost 12 noon, so she said to Rie Uchino.

Then thank you for your hospitality, Xiaofeng!

Rie Uchino thanked Chiba Kaede.

Not long after, Qianye Feng found several children who were playing with the Meili Sheep, and with their reluctant eyes, he took them back to the hall.

After lunch, Qianye Feng took everyone around the Qianye Farm. In the evening, Qianye Feng saw off Rie Uchino and others. This time, Qianye Feng had booked a special car for them through his mobile phone in advance to take them back.

Yui Takemoto and Yuta Mizuno still needed to pack their luggage, so they also went back. Tomorrow Chiba Kaede would ask Wang Yan to pick them up, and then they would be probationary employees of Chiba Farm.

Boss, thank you!

After watching Uchino Rie and his party go away, Terada Yuri said to Chiba Kaede.

In order to avoid suspicion, she rarely spoke today. When she saw her younger brother and sister giving up their own interests for each other's future, Terada Yuri was also very pleased, but it was also a pity that the other party lost this opportunity. Chiba Kaede is such a good boss. Hard to find anywhere else.

However, later Chiba Kaede recruited both of them, and Terada Yuri suddenly felt a turn of events. She was also very grateful to Chiba Kaede, thinking that the other party might have done this because of her own reasons.

You're welcome, our Chiba Farm is continuing to develop, and there will be more and more employees in the future.

Chiba Kaede's salary to Terada Yuri has now increased to 10,000 alliance coins per month. Of course, this is indeed a bit low compared to the value she generates, but this is already a very favorable condition. After all, the raw materials for making energy cubes and He provided all the machines.

As for Yui Takemoto and Yuta Mizuno, the salary he gave was 3,000 alliance coins per month during the probation period, and 5,000 alliance coins per month after they became full employees.

In the following days, Qianye Feng handed over all the farm affairs to Yuri Terada and the others. After a few people became familiar with the specific affairs, Qianye Feng planned to go to Chenghua City.

This time when going to Chenghua City, Qianye Feng plans to walk there in the same way as an elf trainer, so it will take a long time.

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