I'm a Farmer of the Pokémons

Chapter 18 Getting on the Right Track

The most gratifying thing for Qianye Feng was that yesterday afternoon, Shuttlecock finally learned how to play on the grass field, and finally did not waste the life energy Qianye Feng invested during this period.

The shuttlecock flower now is completely different from when it was first conquered. It has grown in size. It used to be only about 0.6m tall, but now it has grown to 1m, and its whole body exudes the breath of life.

Now there is an elf doctor on the farm. If the elf is injured in the future, Shuttlecock Flower can use the grass field to treat it.

Proud Yan and Heracross are also very happy, because today they finally enjoyed Qianye Feng's life energy treatment, which healed the injuries accumulated during this week's training.

As for the other elves, they can only enjoy Shuttlecock's grass field treatment. However, they are just a little tired from training, and using the grass field treatment is enough.

The fatigue caused by this week's training seemed to have been dispelled during today's treatment.

Of course, Qianye Feng did not devote all his time to training this week. During this period, he went to Chunhua Town. In addition to purchasing enough grain and fruits and vegetable seeds, he also purchased some already grown 1 2016 fruit trees have been transplanted to the farm.

These one-year fruit trees were planted one by one by Chiba Feng and the pangolins that could dig holes. However, they looked a little sluggish because they had just been transplanted.

Qianye Feng has planned to use his ability on each fruit tree once in the next period of time, so he believes that their growth will be even more gratifying than before.

Not only that, Qianye Maple also opened a fruit and vegetable garden, and then planted all the purchased seeds. When these vegetables mature in a few months, I believe Qianye Farm will be able to achieve a certain degree of self-sufficiency.

Of course, the energy cubes consumed by the elves still need to be purchased separately, unless the fruit trees on the farm are mature.

As Qianye Feng spent a lot of money, the alliance coins he earned from selling the Fire Stone were almost gone.

Fortunately, the 15 Meri sheep raised in the Chiba Farm have all passed their infancy, and they are all very healthy under the care of Terada Yuri.

The climate in the Fengyuan area is warm, which can be said to be like spring all year round. Except for a few extreme cold days in winter, the temperature is relatively warm at other times.

Therefore, wool can be purchased at any time except when the weather is cold in winter, when the temperature is relatively low and wool is needed to keep the wool warm.

According to Qianye Feng's estimation, the first wool harvest of these Meili sheep will be possible in a few days.

After that, if there are no accidents, you can harvest the wool of the Meli sheep every week.

But there is no need to worry about what will happen to the Meili sheep. Their wool grows very fast, and it takes less than 2 days to grow a whole body of wool of the same length.

The reason why they are harvested once a week is because the remaining time is to allow the newly grown wool to absorb enough static electricity, so as to improve the quality of the wool.

This sale of Meili sheep wool can be regarded as the first money Qianye Feng has received after investing so many alliance coins.

However, he still doesn’t know exactly how many alliance coins he can get from selling the wool of the Meli sheep, because the selling prices of different qualities of Meli wool are different.

Uncle Sengu, goodbye!

Two days later, Chiba Kaede said goodbye to Takayuki Moritani, who drove a truck from the town to buy the wool of the Maili sheep.

In this wool transaction, Qianye Feng received a total of 9,000 alliance coins. On average, the wool shorn from each Meli sheep brought him 600 alliance coins. This was because of the quality of the Meli wool produced at Chiba Farm. It's because it's medium.

However, Qianye Feng is already very satisfied with the quality of the wool of the Meili sheep, because under normal circumstances, the quality of the first wool produced by Meili sheep that have just passed the infancy period is generally low-grade.

It requires subsequent careful cultivation by farmers to gradually improve the quality of wool.

Qianye Feng believes that when those evolved pastures mature, the wool quality of the Meili sheep that eats these pastures will definitely improve a lot.

If calculated according to the current income situation, Qianye Feng can earn 36,000 alliance coins every month by selling the wool of Meili sheep. There is no problem that these expenses can be used to support the operation of the farm.

It is not enough to cultivate elves, but Qianye Maple's elves are still low in strength, so they can buy elementary energy cubes to eat. After their strength increases, they need to be replaced with intermediate or even advanced energy cubes.

Like Arrogant Swallow and Heracross, they are now eating more and more primary energy cubes in each meal, which means that the primary energy cubes are no longer able to supply enough energy to them.

But everything is developing for the better, and that's the most important thing.

During this period, the farm was not peaceful. After all, it was in the wild. At the most dangerous time, an Arbor monster broke into the wooden house where the Meili sheep lived in the dark.

Fortunately, heterochromatic sheep like to sleep huddled together with their companions at night. Maybe this is the habit of their race!

During this time, the heterochromatic bleak sheep has been trained very harshly under the leadership of Qianye Feng, and its strength has far surpassed other bleary sheep, so it was discovered as soon as the Abo monster broke in.

In order to protect the safety of its companions, the heterochromatic melody sheep overcame its fear of the Arbor monster and worked hard to deal with the Arbor monster. Although it was seriously injured in the end, the other melissa sheep were indeed protected by it.

Of course, the Abo monster was finally defeated by Qianye Feng and Ao Guyan, who heard the news, but it is undeniable that without the delay of the strange melody sheep, the Abo monster might have succeeded.

After that time, the heterochromatic mel sheep gained the support of other mel sheep and became the leader of this group of mel sheep.

Moreover, since then, Heisemeiliyang has trained even harder.

It is estimated that it also wants to work hard to improve its strength to ensure that when danger occurs again, it can rely on its own strength to protect its own group.

As for the Arbo monster, Qianye Feng, in accordance with the Regulations on the Management of Wild Elves that Intrude into the Farm promulgated by Chunhua Town, handed it over to Miss Junsha the next day after taming it, and also received 20,000 alliance coins. reward.

This regulation is mainly to protect the wild elves that break into the farm. After all, many wild elves that break into the farm will cause damage to the farm. Without this reward mechanism, it is estimated that many farm owners will directly kill these elves.

As for what it will be used for after it is handed over to Miss Junsha, that is not something Qianye Feng considers.

However, from that day on, Qianye Feng will arrange elves to watch the night, usually with Proud Yan and Heracross taking turns. On this farm, only their strength can reassure him.

The days passed in such a dull and fulfilling way, and in the blink of an eye, Terada Yuri's first month on the farm had expired.

Yuri, I have transferred your salary for this month to you, please check it!

Chiba Kaede was very satisfied with Terada Yuri's work this month, so he gave Terada Yuri a salary of 5,000 alliance coins.

Ah, boss, did you miscalculate? You gave me too much!

After Yuri Terada turned on her phone to check, she found that Chiba Kaede had given her a salary of 5,000 Alliance coins, which was a full 2,000 more than the originally agreed 3,000 Alliance coins. She felt that Chiba Kaede must have made a miscalculation.

That's right. You've worked hard this month, and you've also worked part-time as the farm's chef. It's not a lot of money.

Chiba Kaede really felt that Terada Yuri's salary was actually less, and her presence allowed him to have more free time to train elves.

Then I'll accept it, thank you boss!

Seeing what Chiba Kaede said, Terada Yuri happily accepted it, because she was really short of money. With these alliance coins, she could buy more gifts to take to the orphanage.

That's right, in fact, Terada Yuri has already made plans to use it all to buy gifts for the orphanage after the first month's salary is paid.

By the way, boss, I want to take a day off tomorrow and go back to the orphanage. Is that okay?

After saying that, Terada Yuri also felt a little embarrassed. Chiba Kaede had just given her a salary increase, and she asked for leave. It was really too much!

Of course. I really didn't think about this well. In this way, you will have one day of vacation every week at your disposal!

Chiba Kaede thought for a moment and felt that she had gone too far. She didn't even give Terada Yuri a holiday for a month. This was already comparable to 007's black-hearted boss in her previous life.

When our farm expands, I will recruit more employees. By then, you can take two days off a week.

Qianye Feng continued.

It's really not necessary. I'm already very satisfied with my current job. There's no need to have so many vacations every month.

Yuri Terada really feels happy working at the Chiba Farm. The farm not only provides food and accommodation, but also helps her capture the initial elves, and the daily work is actually not very busy.

Everything is going very well, and she still has time to continue learning about breeders.

Okay, this matter ends here, it's decided.

Chiba Kaede didn't give Terada Yuri a chance to refuse, and decided directly.

Although he will be busy for a few days every month because of this, this is actually a holiday that should be given. After all, he is not a shady boss.

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