early morning,

Terada Yuri got up early, first prepared the grass for the Meili sheep to eat in the morning, and then went to the kitchen to prepare breakfast for Chiba Kaede and the elves.

At this time, Chiba Kaede had also gotten up. After all, Terada Yuri needed to go to Chunhua Town today, and he needed to take care of everything on the farm.

Although you already have the shuttlecock, the shuttlecock is still too weak now. Please bring Heracross with you!

After breakfast, Chiba Kaede sent Terada Yuri to the farm gate, and then handed Heracross's elf ball to her.

Chiba Kaede had already told Heracross in advance to follow Yuri Terada today to protect her safety.

Thank you, boss. Boss, please go back!

Terada Yuri was very moved to see Chiba Kaede thinking about herself so much, and did not refuse his kindness.

After that, Qianye Feng led a group of elves to water the grass and fruit trees. Unfortunately, the tadpoles have not yet learned the skill of praying for rain. Otherwise, using rain to water can really save time and effort.

You should work hard and learn to pray for rain as soon as possible, you know?

After watering all the plants, Qianye Feng and all the elves were so tired that they sat on the ground to rest. Qianye Feng touched the tadpole's head and said.

Tadpole, tadpole!

The mosquito-repellent tadpole looked confident, as if he was saying that it would be fine if it was wrapped around me!

The words are divided into two parts,

After Yuri Terada set off from the farm in the morning, he encountered a group of snake bears blocking the way. Fortunately, Heracross was there to disperse them. At about noon, he finally arrived at Chunhua Town.

After that, she went to the store in town to buy a large number of snacks and gifts, basically spending all her salary this month.

Fortunately, she borrowed a space backpack from Qianye Feng, otherwise, one person might not be able to take these things with her.

Grandma Uchino, I'm back!

It was exactly 1 o'clock in the afternoon when Yuri Terada came to the orphanage. At this time, her younger brothers and sisters were taking a lunch break, so she first came to the director's office to look for her.

Uchino Rie has been running this orphanage for a long time. Since the death of her husband, she has regarded this orphanage as her sustenance for the rest of her life.

Therefore, she treats every child as her own, and only in this way can she feel that her life still has meaning.

If you want to come back, Yuri, tell me in advance and I can pick you up. It will be dangerous for you to walk back from Chiba Farm alone!

Rie Uchino looked at Yuri Terada with some reproach.

She was actually a little worried about Yuri Terada going to work on the Chiba farm.

Otherwise, I wouldn’t have bought a mobile phone for Terada Yuri when she decided to go, just hoping to be able to contact her at all times.

However, after a period of contact, Uchino Rie found that Yuri Terada was very happy at Chiba Farm, so she gradually felt relieved. She only called her once in a while when she remembered it. Unexpectedly, Yuri Terada suddenly appeared today. in front of her.

Grandma Uchino, don't worry, I'm an elf trainer now, and the boss heard that I was coming back and lent me his Heracross for self-defense, so don't worry!

Terada Yuri also knew that it was a bit inappropriate not to say hello to the dean in advance, but she wanted to give everyone a surprise.

I remember your boss's name is Qianye Feng. He is indeed a good boy!

The reason why Rie Uchino agreed to Yuri Terada going to Chiba Farm alone in the wild was only after she and Miss Junsha learned about Chiba Kaede's situation. Now it seems that Miss Junsha did not misjudge the person.

Yes, the boss is indeed a good person. She asked me to say hello to you this time!

Terada Yuri seemed to suddenly recall Chiba Kaede's instructions, and then said.

I feel relieved to see you so happy. By the way, how long will you stay when you come back this time?

Uchino Rie suddenly asked.

I may have to go back in the evening. I only asked for one day off this time, but my boss promised to give me one day off every week in the future. I can come back often in the future!

When Terada Yuri thought about the holidays, she smiled very happily and said, after all, no one hates holidays.

By the way, I got my first month's salary yesterday, so I bought gifts for everyone!

Terada Yuri said happily to Uchino Rie.

You, if you have money, keep it for yourself. There is no shortage of anything in the orphanage.

Rie Uchino persuaded Terada Yuri.

Grandma Uchino, this is the first time in my life that I have earned money through my own efforts, so I want to share it with everyone!

Terada Yuri said to Uchino Rie very seriously.

In fact, after seeing Yuri Terada caring about her and other children so much after leaving the orphanage, Rie Uchino was very happy and felt that her efforts were not in vain.

Sister Yuri!

elder sister!

After the children finished their lunch break, Terada Yuri came with gifts and was immediately surrounded by a group of children.

There are currently 6 children in the orphanage, 3 boys and 3 girls. The eldest among them is Yui Takemoto, who is 13 years old this year. After Yuri Terada left, she became the oldest among this group of children.

Therefore, she consciously took over Terada Yuri's job and helped Uchino Rie manage the orphanage. Only now can she realize the previous hard work of Terada Yuri.

Previously, Terada Yuri was the eldest among them, so she helped take care of them from a very young age and fulfilled the obligation of a sister.

Akiko, have you eaten well during this time?

After Yuri Terada gave the gifts to her younger siblings, she hugged the youngest Akiko Iijima. She was only 6 years old this year. Due to an accident, her parents died and she was sent to an orphanage by her relatives.

Yuri Terada loves this sister the most, so he always leaves whatever delicious food he has for her.

Sister, I've been very good these days. I'm not picky about food. I just miss you so much, sister!

After finishing speaking, Iida Akiko's eyes became red.

Awesome, Akiko is a good child. My sister will come back to see you often in the future!

Terada Yuri hurriedly comforted her sister in her arms.

Sister Yuri, I heard from the dean's grandmother that you have subdued the elf. Can you release it for us to see?

The speaker is Mizuno Yuta, who is 12 years old this year, one year older than Chiba Kaede. His dream is to become an elf trainer. Unfortunately, as an orphan, he is currently unable to purchase the initial elf.

Yes, I have conquered the shuttlecock grass!

After finishing speaking, Terada Yuri released the shuttlecock from the Poké Ball.

The current shuttlecock grass has also grown a lot compared to before. When Chiba Kaede was training before, Terada Yuri also entrusted her shuttlecock grass to him for training together.

Wow, it's so cute, Sister Yuri, can I touch it?

The speaker is Yoshino Mirei. She is 9 years old. She likes grass elves very much. Her dream is to become a grass elf breeder. She also often reads books about raising grass elves.

Yes, but you must first obtain Shuttlecock Grass's consent!

Terada Yuri knew that she liked grass elves very much, so she did not refuse.

I want to touch it too, I want to touch it too!

me too!

The speakers were Ohira Joichi and Sugimura Shuki. One was 7 years old and the other was 9 years old. Since they were close in age, they often played together.

Moreover, the two are very lively and active, and often run to the nearby mountains to play.

Terada Yuri used to go up the mountain often to look for them, and when he found them, he would lecture them for a while.

However, they promised well on the surface, but soon they sprouted again, and Yuri Terada sometimes had nothing to do with them.

After that, a group of children gathered around Shuttlecock Grass, and Shuttlecock Grass also started playing with them happily.

Unfortunately, the happy time finally passed quickly. By around 4:30 in the afternoon, Terada Yuri knew that it was time to leave. It would take more than 2 hours to return to Chiba Farm from here. She needed to wait until the weather was completely dark. Get back before it gets dark.

Otherwise, it would be really dangerous to drive in the dark.

In the end, under the reluctant eyes of her younger brothers and sisters, Terada Yuri took a firm step and left the orphanage, but she had already made up her mind to come back to see everyone often in the future.

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