I'm a Farmer of the Pokémons

Chapter 17 Initial Elf

Qianye Feng released all the elves he had conquered today, and in an instant, the hall became crowded.

After Chiba Kaede and all the elves had finished dinner, he said to Yuri Terada:

Yuli, you can choose an elf from shuttlecock grass, mountain rat, and mosquito tadpole as your initial elf.

Of course, this also requires them to be able to identify with you. Now you guys should get familiar with it first!

If there is no elf suitable for you among them, I will take you to capture it later, so don’t force it!

The elves that Chiba Kaede recommended to Terada Yuri were all in their initial form, which were more suitable for newcomers to cultivate.

I know, boss, I will work hard.

Terada Yuri also knows this. Since these elves are not conquered by her strength, if she wants to make the elves obedient, she must be able to gain their approval through actions.

After that, Chiba Kaede took Heracross and the other elves back to the elf ball, leaving Yuri Terada and the four initial elves behind, and then went to the room on the second floor to take a bath.

How's it going? Is there any result?

About an hour later, Qianye Feng went down from his room to the lobby on the first floor.

Boss, I have already made my choice. I choose Shuttlecock Grass, and Shuttlecock Grass has agreed to become my initial elf!

Yuri Terada held the shuttlecock and said excitedly to Qianye Feng.

Oh, congratulations then. I hope you and Shuttlecock can make progress together in the future!

After knowing that Terada Yuri had chosen the initial elf, Chiba Kaede was relieved, otherwise he would have to take her to the Orange Flower Forest for a trip later.

Then, Qianye Feng said to the remaining three elves:

Then I'll give you more advice from now on!

The remaining shuttlecock and pangolin behaved quite normally, and nodded towards Qianye Feng.

Only the mosquito-repellent tadpole pouted its lips at Qianye Feng arrogantly, as if to say:

You idiot, you sneak up on me when I'm not prepared and you want to go to heaven!

Seeing the appearance of the mosquito-repellent tadpole, Qianye Feng also found it funny, so he walked forward and picked it up.

Although the mosquito-repellent tadpole still looked arrogant, he did not resist Qianye Feng and allowed him to hold him.

After Qianye Feng picked up the mosquito tadpole, she found that its skin was slippery and wet, with a cold feeling, just like holding a cold water bag.

Then, Qianye Feng touched the heads of Shuttlecock Grass and Mountain Rat to let them feel that he had not ignored them.

The next day, early morning

While Qianye Feng was sleeping, he suddenly felt something cold on his face.

When he opened his eyes, he saw that it was a mosquito-repellent tadpole that was rubbing its tail on his face, and then was enjoying itself there.

You are such a naughty little bitch!

Qianye Feng took the mosquito-repellent tadpole in his hand and rubbed its soft body.

Tadpole, tadpole!

The mosquito-repellent tadpole complained dissatisfiedly about Qianye Feng's evil deeds.

Boss, there are so many more elves now, and we don't have much food anymore. We need to purchase another batch as soon as possible!

While eating breakfast, Terada Yuri said to Chiba Kaede.

Well, I will go to town to buy some some time, but we can also grow some fruits and vegetables ourselves. Anyway, there is a lot of free land now.

Chiba Kaede, who was eating a sandwich, said vaguely.

This is also what Qianye Feng thinks. The pastures and fruit trees he evolved using his abilities are growing very well.

According to this growth trend, the pasture will be ready for the Meli sheep to eat in about a month.

However, since fruit trees are grown from seeds, it will take at least a year to bloom and bear fruit.

So Chiba Maple plans to buy some grown plants directly from the store so that they can bloom and bear fruit quickly.

But these things are not urgent. Today, Qianye Feng plans to arrange the training plan for the elves, and then they can train according to the plan.

The first is the Arrogant Swallow, which is very self-disciplined and trains whenever it has time. In the morning, it still practices weight-bearing flying according to the previous plan. In the afternoon, there are slight changes. It can train its skill proficiency while competing with Heracross. practice.

Then there is Heracross, which already has good strength, but is somewhat lacking in flexibility. Qianye Maple plans to create a venue with complex terrain so that it can run with heavy loads in the morning and also in the afternoon. While training your skill proficiency, you can compete with Proud Swallow for training.

As for the shuttlecock, Qianye Maple hopes that it can learn the green grass field. This skill can continuously restore the injuries of the elves on the field, and can also promote the growth of grass and trees. It can be said to be a magical skill.

After all, Qianye Maple's ability is only available three times a day. Now that the number of elves has increased, it will not be able to take care of every elf. Therefore, it is necessary for Shuttlecock to learn the grass field skill, and after it learns it, it can be given to Shuttlecock. Grass, so that he has three support elves that can use the grass field.

Of course, Qianye Feng doesn't let Shuttlecock Flower realize it on her own. In that case, it's really uncertain whether she can realize it and how long it will take to realize it.

Qianye Feng plans to use his abilities on Shuttlecock first as many times as possible every day, except for special circumstances.

Because the skill of Green Grass Field is a skill generated by combining life energy with grass attribute energy. The ability of Qianye Maple happens to be life energy. Combined with Shuttlecock Flower’s own grass attribute energy, I believe it will be very helpful for understanding the skill of Green Grass Field. help.

Of course, whether his idea can be realized depends on subsequent development, but he must always try.

As for the other elves, such as the heterochromatic sheep, the shuttlecock grass, the mountain rat, and the mosquito tadpole, Qianye Feng plans to take them for basic training. After all, these initial elves are young and no one is watching, so they probably won't train well.

At this time, they had already finished breakfast and were playing games with the Meili sheep and running around in the yard. They didn't know that they would be tortured by a big devil in the coming days.


A certain mosquito-repellent tadpole suddenly felt cold all over, but after turning around and looking around, he found nothing, so he jumped around without paying attention.

A week later, early morning

One two one, one two one, keep up and don't fall behind, work hard, work hard!

Facing the early morning sunshine, a young man and a group of elves were jogging against the rising sun.

But this was no ordinary run. Everyone was dragging a stone behind them, even the boy.

This is Qianye Feng who is training the elves. After this week of training, he can already feel the progress of the different colored sheep.

Compared with the beginning, the size of the rocks dragged behind them by the Meli Sheep has changed significantly, which represents the progress of their strength.

Qianye Feng firmly believes that the body is the capital of everything. As long as the physical fitness improves, the upper limit of the future will also increase accordingly.

At the beginning of the training, the Meili Sheep were tired from training and would roll around on the ground and not want to leave. At this time, Qianye Feng did not scold them, but continued his own training.

While he was training the elves, he was also training himself.

Originally, when the mosquito tadpoles saw that Qianye Feng didn't come over to urge them to train, they just stayed on the ground and didn't want to move.

But looking at Qianye Feng dragging a stone and running in circles, and looking at Qianye Feng's clothes soaked with sweat, they felt an inexplicable sense of guilt in their hearts.

Then, the first elf began to run after Qianye Feng, and the second elf until all the partners were running behind Qianye Feng. After the training, they never stopped because they were afraid of being tired, and they all gritted their teeth and persisted.

After seeing this scene, Qianye Feng also breathed a sigh of relief.

In order to persist until the Meli Sheep and the others had the consciousness to train, he ran for a full hour. During this period, he had to use his ability to heal himself once, otherwise he would not be able to persist.

Fortunately, everything is worth it. As the saying goes, don't do to others what you don't want others to do to you. If Qianye Feng himself didn't take the lead, then these little guys would definitely not have the perseverance.

That's right, Qianye Feng's training ideas are actually based on the recruit training in his previous life.

Although he did not have the opportunity to serve as a soldier in his previous life, he knew that during the training of new recruits, the veteran squad leaders took the initiative to train the new recruits. Through sharing the joys and sorrows again and again, they could be exchanged for brave warriors who could protect their homes and the country.

The principles are all the same. Maybe when the elves become stronger, Qianye Feng's method will no longer be effective.

However, when the elf is weak, this method is still very effective, because the elf is a very simple creature. If you are good to it, it will give back to you twice as much.

Your support is the motivation for my creation!

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