I'm a Corpse King in a Post-Apocalyptic World

Chapter 6 Jade Talisman’s Guidance

The zombies kept approaching, and the three-eyed zombie roared a few more times. After finding that it had no effect, he finally fell silent, seeming to understand that his pressure as a high-level zombie had failed.

Without the threat of the three-eyed zombie's roar, Xia Feng's boys immediately accelerated their pace, shrinking the encirclement smaller and smaller. When the first few boys approached the three-eyed zombie, the three-eyed zombie finally appeared again. action.

I saw him leaping up and directly onto the head of the zombie closest to him. Then without any pause, he jumped onto the head of another zombie and jumped towards the outside of the encirclement. Xia Feng's younger brothers used it as a springboard like a shelf.

Damn it, how can this thing be so smart!

Xia Feng marveled in his heart, but did not panic at all. Although the three-eyed zombie's trick was beautiful, it was very easy for him, a zombie who retained his wisdom, to crack it.

With the thought in his mind, he issued an order to the group of zombies. The next moment, hundreds of zombies raised their arms in unison and kept swinging them. They looked neat and tidy, just like the audience waving light sticks at a concert. , but unfortunately, their withered arms are more like dead branches than fluorescent sticks.

With hundreds of arms waving, the three-eyed zombie could no longer use Xia Feng's body as a springboard. Instead, it was thrown to the ground by a zombie that already showed signs of evolution while jumping. www.zbcxw.cn Star Novels Network

Although the three-eyed zombie stood up immediately with its strong back as soon as it landed, it was already too late. Several zombies around him had already rushed over and hugged him tightly.

In particular, a zombie that hugged the leg of a three-eyed zombie actually bit his thigh with a fang. Xia Feng was very moved when he saw it. What a brave little brother!

The three-eyed zombie was not good at strength and could not break free from the zombies that were stuck to his body like dog skin plaster. After several fruitless struggles, he became even more angry.

He opened his mouth and let out an angry roar. The third vertical eye on his forehead once again lit up with a dark red luster. It was obvious that he was planning to use the incredibly destructive laser attack again.

Xia Feng stood nearby with no intention of dodge. With a height of 1.6 meters among the three-eyed zombies, when surrounded by hundreds of zombies, as long as his laser didn't turn like the bullets in some dramas, , then it is impossible to hit yourself.

It seemed that the three-eyed zombie did not have the intelligence to capture the thief first. With two muffled sounds of Bang! Bang!, two red lasers hit the two zombies holding his arms respectively. Two ugly and The ferocious head exploded instantly.

But there were too many zombies around him. When two of them fell, more zombies immediately pounced on him, making all his attacks in vain.

After firing two lasers in succession, the third vertical eye of the three-eyed zombie slowly closed, leaving only a faint red line on its forehead. Obviously, this incredibly destructive attack cannot be used indefinitely. The failure of the last resort also made it impossible for the three-eyed zombie to make a comeback.

Waving his hand to let the surrounding zombies make way, Xia Feng strode up to the three-eyed zombie. He didn't mean to talk nonsense to the three-eyed zombie who only had instincts. Instead, he directly raised his palm and pressed it on the three-eyed zombie. On his head, the corpse-controlling divine light was activated.

The cyan light entered the body, and the three-eyed zombie immediately began to struggle violently. Xia Feng knew that a corpse-controlling divine light could not do anything to him, so he released seven or eight corpse-controlling divine lights one after another, intending to use a certain amount to achieve a qualitative change. If it still didn't work, then We can only devour him and turn him into nourishment for our own evolution.

Waves of corpse-controlling divine light poured into the body of the three-eyed zombie, causing his scarlet eyes to begin to overflow with cyan light, and the trembling of his body became more and more intense.

When the trembling reached its limit, the three-eyed zombie suddenly calmed down as if the pause button had been pressed, and the green light in its eyes quietly dissipated, leaving only pure scarlet.

I'll call you Demon Eye from now on!

Xia Feng whispered in his heart, waved his hand casually, and strode out of the supermarket, and the corpses dispersed one after another as he waved his hand.

The three-eyed zombie that regained its freedom swayed, and in the blink of an eye, it crossed the scattered group of corpses and came behind Xia Feng. Its thin body was just covered by Xia Feng's broad shadow, like a figure hidden in the darkness. Desperate Assassin.

After subduing Mo Tong, a powerful subordinate, Xia Feng was in a good mood. Calculating the time, Lin Xiaxia should wake up, just in time to go take a look and send supplies by the way.

Although the battle just now destroyed a lot of things, most of the dozen shopping carts were preserved, which was enough for the two girls to use for a while.

At this moment, Xia Feng's palm suddenly felt hot, and he raised his arm uncontrollably. One finger pointed far to the west, and there were golden runes looming on the dense black scales.

Seeing this familiar rune, Xia Feng knew that it was the blue jade rune that was playing tricks again, but in the past it was a sound prompt, but this time it was changed to a physical movement.

With this action, is there something to the west?

Xia Feng touched his chin with his other hand, and then tried to turn sideways, only to find that his arm was still pointing firmly to the west, with no intention of changing at all.

It seems that's the case, so let's go and have a look!

Xia Feng still trusted the cyan jade talisman that helped him keep his wisdom and gave him two powerful abilities. Without thinking too much, he decided to follow its guidance and go to the west to have a look.

After arranging a few zombies and placing the shopping cart in the Dolphin Internet Cafe, Xia Feng took the remaining zombies and walked toward the west. Of course, he did not let go of any zombies he encountered along the way. All income is under his command.

To the west of the Dolphin Internet Cafe is the University Town, where more than a dozen undergraduate and junior college schools are located. Therefore, the further west you go, the more zombies you encounter. After all, when it comes to population density, there are not many places that can. Comparable to school.

When Xia Feng walked to the front of his school, there was already a sea of ​​corpses composed of thousands of zombies behind him. But here, the arm that had been unable to put down returned to normal. Obviously, the guidance of the blue jade talisman had ended here.

Is it possible that you want me to come and catch up with old classmates? It won't be so boring!

Xia Feng muttered in his heart, raised his legs and walked into the school gate. The moment he entered the gate, he suddenly stopped and looked at his body with some surprise.

The moment he entered the school, he actually felt a faint warmth flowing through his body. This kind of warmth was all too familiar to him. It was the feeling of spiritual energy entering the body.

Although this spiritual energy is very weak, far inferior to the huge influx of energy when swallowing the wild boar man, it is better than the endless source, which is equivalent to strengthening the body every moment.

It seems like there is something really good about my school. No wonder the blue jade talisman guided me here.

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